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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy test 2 eWords:what is contraction and relaxtion of longitudinal muscles?, What are the three brush border enzymes?, what is Malatose?, What is sucrose?, What is lactose?, What is peptidases?, What is Trypsin and chymotrypsin?, Oligopeptides further digest what three things?, What does the Large intertine do for the GI tract?, What three things are not part of the Colon?, What are the four parts of the large intestine?, What is the significance of hastration?, What is the final stage of digestion? , What is the Defecation Reflex?, What causes diarrhea?, What causes Constipation?, What two parts are in the pancreas?, What is Endocrine function?, What is Exocrine function?, What does sodium bicarbonate do?, What is the Duct of Wirsung, and what is so special about it?, What is the Duct of Santorini, and what is so special about it?, what is the saponification?, What are hepatocytes?, what does that live do?, What does the gall bladder do?, Where does the bile drain into? , what are the ducts in the liver?
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 2 BWords:What are the two types of organs in the digestive system, What is the Gastrointestinal tract?, What is the Accessory digestive tract?, What are the functions of the digestive system?, What is Secretion in the digestive system?, What is Ingestion in the digestive system?, What is Propulsion in the digestive system?, What is Mechanical digestion?, What is chemical digestion?, What is absorption in the digestive system?, What is defection in the digestive system?
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 5, Lymbic systemWords:What does the limbic system run parrell too?, what are the three functions of the lymphatic system?, what is the lymphatic system?, what is special about the veins in this system, what kind of fluid does it drain?, what are the ducts?, What is the right lymphatic duct?, what is the left lympatic duct?, What do the right and left duct do?, skeletal muscle pump, what doesnt the lymphatic system have?, what are the 5 regions of the lymph nodes?, what is not a region where one is commonly found?, how are lymph nodes created?, what is Innate immunity?, what are the first lines of defense?, What are the second lines of defense?, why do people get allergies?
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Vocabulary Test: mybplaWords:wary, ephemeral, revitalize, laconic, demoralize, elicit, visceral, obsolete, eccentric, succint, infringe, compulsory, zeal, absolve, epitome, sabotage, animosity, acclaim, deterrent, pretentious, malign, infirmity, tangible, amoral, inclination, caprice, tenet, tacit, pervasive, visceral
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy quiz 1DWords:Mutagens, DNA Repair (Dark Repair), DNA Repair (light Repair), Frameshift Mutation, Insertion and Deletion, Nonsense Mutation, Missense Mutation, Base Pair Substitution, Mutations, Termination, 3 Step Cycle of Elongation, Elongation, Initiation, Ribosomal Binding sites, Ribosome, tRNA, Translation, Exons, Introns, RNA splicing , Poly-A tail, 5' Cap, RNA processing , RNA Polymerase, Steps of transcription, mRNA, Transcription
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Vocabulary Test: my testWords:abate, acquisce , adverse, aloof, amalgam , ameliorate , apocryohal, apprise, arbitrary, articulate, assiduous, atrophy, augment, banal, bastion
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Quiz 1 Words:Nuclear Pore, Nuclear Envelope, Nucleus , Cristae, Mitochondria, Proteasome, Peroxisome, Lysosome, Golgi Complex, Ribosomes, Smooth ER, Rough ER, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Cilia and flagella, Pericntriolar, Centrioles, Centrosome, Microtubules, Intermediate Filaments, Microfilaments, Cytoskeleton, Organelles, Nucleus, Cytoplasm, Plasma Membrane, Principle Parts of the cell, Homeostatic Imbalances , Positice Feedback System, Negative Feedback System, Effector, Control Center, Receptor , Feedback system, Homeostasis, ATP, tRNA, rRNA, mRNA, structure of RNA, Structure of DNA, Nucleotides , DNA, Nucleic Acids, Protein Degradation, Quaternary Structure, Tertiary Structure, Secondary Structure, Primary Structure, Polypeptides, Amino acids20 essential amino acids
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy quiz 1BWords:Proteins, Steriods, Phospholipids, Triglycerides, Unsaturated fatty acids, Saturated fatty acids , Fatty acids, Lipids, Polysaccharides, Simple sugars, Carbonhydrates, Macromolecules, organic compounds, Buffer systems, pH, Salts, Bases, Acid, Hydrophobic, Hydrophilic , Water, organic compounds, Inorganic compounds, Enzymes, Activation Energy, Energy, Potential Energy, Kinetic energy, chemical energy
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy quiz 1CWords:Chemical reactions, Hydrogen bonds, Polar covalent bond, nonpolar covalent bond, Covalent Bonds, Ionic Bonds, Chemical bonds, Free radicals, Compounds, Molecules, Anion, cation, ions, isotopes, Electron shells, electrons, Neutrons, Protons, subatomis particles, atoms, What makes up 96% of bodies mass, element
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Vocabulary Test: amy unit 1-5Words:characterize, croak, convey, persuade, annoy, amplify
Test Also Includes: synonyms, parts of speech, sentences
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 3 bWords:What is the puctus arteriosus?, What does the fetal heart do?, Where does it connect?, What does the Right atrioventricular valve regulate?, What is another name for the Right atrioventricular valve?, What does the pulmonary semilunar valve regulate?, What is another name for the left atrioventricular valve?, what does the left atrioventricular valve do?, What does the Aortic semilunar valve regulate?, What is pulmonary circulation?, What happens when blood enters the lungs via pulmonary arteries?, What happens when the blood returns to the heart via pulmonary v, What is systemic circulation?, How does the blood leave the left side of the heart?, What kind of blood leaves te left side of the heart?, What is coronary circulation?, Where do the right and left coronary arteries run?, Where does most of the oxygenated blood from the heart drain int, Where does the blood then empty into once its in the coronary si, What is cardiac muscle similar too?, What is the branching process?, What kind of stimulation does the cardiac muscle tissue not rely, What does the cardiac muscle tissue generate its own of?, What are cardiac muscle fibers?, What can the cardiac muscle fibers generate?, What are the functions of autorhythmic fibers?
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 3Words:What is another name for the Epicardium?, What is the Myocardium responsable of?, What is the Epicardium?, What is the function of the Endocandium?, What are the 4 chambers of the heart?, What veins give the right atrium blood?, When the blood leaves the left atrium where does it go? , What happens in the Right atrium?, What does the left Atrium do?, What is the Endocandium?, What is the serous pericardium?, What is the fibrous pericardium?, What is the internal septum?, What is the interventricular septum?, What makes up the pericardium?, What does the posterior interventricular sulcus do? , What are the chambers on the inside of the heart? , What does the blood that leaves the left ventricle go?, What is the visceral pericardium? , What is the function of the left ventricle? , What are the layers of the heart?, What does the visceral pericardium epicardium do?, What is the function of the right ventricle?, What does the anterior interventricular sulcus do?, What does the Coronary atrioventricular sulcus do?, What are the outside of the chambers called?
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Test Words:SYNOVIAL JOINT ACCESORY LIGMENT TYPES:2 (EI) Intracapsular Ligam, SYNOVIAL JOINT ACCESORY LIGMENT TYPES:2 (EI) Extracapsular ligam, Classification of Joints:Structural:Synovial:Articular C.:(FS):S, Classification of Joints:Structural:Synovial:Articular C.:(FS):F, Classification of Joints:Structural:Synovial, Classification of Joints:Structural:Cartilaginous:2-Types(SS):Sy, Classification of Joints:Structural:Fibrous:3-Types(SSG):Gomphos, Classification of Joints:Structural:Cartilaginous:2-Types(SS):Sy, Classification of Joints:Structural:Fibrous:3-Types(SSG):SYNDESM, Classification of Joints:Structural:Synovial , Classification of Joints:Structural:Fibrous:3-Types(SSG):SUTURES, Classification of Joints:Structural:Cartilaginous, Classification of Joints:Functional:Diarthrosis (sounds like) ;), Classification of Joints:Structural:(FCS), Classification of Joints:Structural:Fibrous, Classification of Joints:Functional:Amphiarthrosis, Classification of Joints:Functional:Synarthrosis, 2-Joint Classification Types., Classification of Joints: Functional(SAD), Articulation, 3-Bone Rule, Bursae, Bursitis, Gout, Cochine , Hyperuricemic, Major Joints of the body (HCT), Major Joints of the body:(HCT):Humeroscapular, Major Joints of the body:(HCT):Coxal, Major Joints of the body:(HCT):Tibiofemoral, ROTATOR CUFF, Supraspinatus Muscle, Abduct, Endorphins, ENKEPHALIN, BETA Endorphin, Rheumatoid Arthritis , Dynorphin, Pronation, Supination, Hamstring (3) (SSB), Apiration, Luxation, Subluxation, Sprain, Strain
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 2 cWords:What are the layers of the GI tract, What is the Mucosa?, What is the Submucosa?, What is the Muscularis?, What is the Serosa?, What are the two systems that innervate the GI tract?, What is the ENS, What is the Myenteric plexus in ENS?, What is submucosal plexus in ENS?, What is Chemoreceptors in ENS?, What is Stretch receptors in ENS?, What is Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)?, What is Parasympathetic stimulation (work at same time) in ANS, What is Sympathetic stimulation in ANS?, What are the different kinds of teeth?, What are Incisors?, What are Canine teeth?, What are the Grinding teeth?, What are the 4 taste buds on the tongue?, What begins Digestion?, What is the Oral cavity?, What is Chemical digestion?, What is mechanical digestion?, What is the GI flex Pathways?, What two kind of receptors are in the GI flex Pathways?, What is the Chemereceptors?, What is starch receptors?
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 2Words:metabolism , catabolism, anabolism, What is gluconeogenesis, What reverses the process, what is glycongenesis , what is glycogen , glycogenolysis, How can glucose be stored in the body, Why is it important to store glucose, What is the equation for cellular respiration , What is glycolysis , What is produced during the step of glycolysis, What is the Kreb cycle, What is produced during the kreb cycle , What is electron transport, What is oxidative phosphorylation , what is the importance of oxidative phosphorylation, What will happen if there is not oxygen present at the final sta, What is oxidation , What is Reduction , What is the most important thing about oxidation and reduction, what is redox reactions, What problems can come about in oxidative phosphorylation , What can cause the problems in oxidative phosphorylation, What is the energy production summary, Energy Extraction Efficiency
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Vocabulary Test: Topographical AnatomyWords:Coronal plane, Transverse (axial) plane, Sagittal (lateral) plane, Anterior (ventral), Posterior (Dorsal), Superior, Inferior, Proximal, Distal, Abduction, Adduction
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 3 cWords:Where is the sinoutrial node located?, What is the sinoutrial node?, What does the sinoutrial node do?, Where is the atrioventricular node located?, What does the atrioventriular node act as?, what is the Bundle of his?, what branches off into right and left segments?, where does the right and left branches enter?, Where does the right and left branches decend to?, how many BPM does the bundle of his have?, Where do the durkinje fibers arise from?, Where does the durkinje fibers penetrate?, how many BPM does the durkinje fibers have?, What is the electrocarinogram (EKG) or (ENG), what does the EKG do?, what is the electrogardio graph?, what is the P wave?, what is the QRS complex?, What is the T wave?, What is too small to be seen?, what is the systole?, what is the diastole?, What can the EKG predict?, What is the sinuns rhythm?, What is Fibrillation, What is Arrhythmia?, What is bradycardia?, what is tachycardia?, What is defibrillation?, where is atrial repolarization located?, What is the act of listening to sounds in the body?, What do you use to listen to the sounds in the body?, what the Korotokoff sounds?, What is the first sound? , What causes Lubb?, What is the second sound?, What causes dupp?, What is blood pressure?, what is the average blood pressure?, what is a sphygmomanometer?, what does a stethoscope used for to hear?, what two pressure volumes are there?, what is systollic pressure?, What is diastollic pressure?
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary quiz 1Words:ventriloquism, loquacious, monologue, terminology, elocution, interlocutor, tautology, eulogy, apologist, prologue, philolgy, Decalogue, lexicologist, analogy, logophile, dialogue, circumlocution, sinologist, cosmology, epilogue
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Vocabulary Test: act quicklyWords:abrupt, apace, headlong, impetuous, precipitate, hastely, pell-mell, impetuously, helter-skelter, haphazardly
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Vocabulary Test: vocabWords:assurance, asylum, console, dilate, dross, dwindle, flippant, immunity, institute, liability, preposterous, pugnacious, rabid, realm, rejuvenate, remunerate, sparse, sterling, venture, warp
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Vocabulary Test: IVB-4Words:automaton, avatar, averse, aversion, avid, axiomatic, axis, backlog, ballistics, bandy, banter, barbiturate, barrage, basilica, bedeck, behest, bellow, bench mark, benison, bequeath, berate, bereft, bestow, beveled, bewail
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Vocabulary Test: Twelve Angry Men Act I QuizWords:Double jeopardy, The Fifth Amendment, premeditated, prosecution, defense counsel, unanimous, verdict, defendant, subservient, bigot, antagonizes, sadism, gladhanded, sadism, dogged, reasonable doubt, hung jury, acquittal, direct examination, cross-examination, Juror 8, Juror 10
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Vocabulary Test: REALpetermonahanWords:affluence, radical, degrading, desolate, cosmic, ravening, tangible, defray, manifold, dissolute, morose, convulsed, virtuous, retribution, anguish, meager, incorrigible, derision, renounced, simultaneously, incredulously, swaggering, insolently, haggard, discreet, credibility, revelation
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Vocabulary Test: unit test 2Words:cater, dissuade, firebrand, hazard, indifference, indignat, mutal, homicide, plauge, transparent
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Vocabulary Test: 1/10/12Words:weather, climate, climatologist, meteorologist, air pressure, temperature, humidity, wind, cloud, fog, precipitation, climate zones, dense(ity), barometer, thermometer, low pressure, high pressure
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Vocabulary Test: Austin7610Words:Refute, Reiterate, Repartee, Repertoire, Repose, Reticent, Ostensible, Ostentatious, Improvise, Visionary
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Vocabulary Test: Unit 3 Lesson 2Words:abdicate, conservative, discordant, exempt, impartial, naive, negate, porous, prolong, proxy, reciprocal, verify
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Vocabulary Test: SpanishWords:El dibujo, La educación física, El español, El francés, El inglés, El teatro, La historia, La informática, La música, La religión, La geografía, La tecnología, Las ciencias, Las Matemáticas, Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sábado, Domingo, Treinta, Cuarenta, Cincuenta, Sesenta, Setenta, Ochenta, Noventa, Cien, Canto, Escucho, Hablo, Pinto, Como, Leo, Escribo, Vivo, Aburrido, Antipática, Divertido, Severo, Simpático, Bueno, Difícil, Fácil, Importante, Interesante, útil, Un bocadillo, Un plátano, Una hamburguesa, Una Manzana, Una pizza, Unas patatas fritas, Agua mineral, Un zumo de naranja, Una Coca-Cola, un poco, bastante, muy, a, a, a, a, a, a, aa, a, a, a, a, a, a, a
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Quiz-QuadWords:Quadrangle, Quadrant, Quadrennial, Quadriceps, Quadrilateral, Quadrilingual, Quadrisect, Quadruped, Quadruple, Quadruplet
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Vocabulary Test: latinWords:is, ita, itaque, iterum, iubeo, iuvenis, libenter, liber, liberi, lux, magnopere, malo, maneo, modus, mons, morior, mox, nescio, nisi, nolo, nonnulli, nos, noster, nullus, nunc, nuntio, opprimo, oro, paene, paro
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab ExamWords:Augment, Insidious, Opulent, Verbatim, Tentative, Averse, Belligerent, Feasible, Impetus, Nostalgia, Alienate, Coerce, Demise, Inclement, Precedent, Affiliated, Bequeath, Expunge, Finite, Uncanny
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Vocabulary Test: World History Chapter 29Words:Appeasement, Pacifism, Neutrality Acts, Axis Powers, Francisco Franco, Anshluss, Sudetenland, Nazi-Soviet Pact, Blitzkrieg, Luftwaffe, Dunkirk, Vichy, General Erwin Rommel, Concentration Camps, Holocaust, Lend-lease Act, Rosie the Riveter, Aircraft Carrier, Dwight Eisenhower, Stalingrad, D-Day, Yalta Conference, V-E Day, Bataan Death March, Douglas MacArthur, Island-Hopping, Kamikaze, Manhattan Project, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Nuremberg, United Nations (UN), Cold War, Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Warsaw Pact
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