what are anticoagulants?
what are hemorrhagic fevers?
what are some abnormal clotting tendencies?
what are some other blood disorders?
what are the 4 types?
what are the three steps of hemostasis?
what causes anemia?
what initates coagulation?
what is anemia?
what is clotting prevention?
what is coagulation?
what is hemophilia?
what is hemostasis?
what is platelet plug formation?
what is polycythemia?
what is sickle cell?
what is thalassemia?
what is the completion of coagulation?
what is the extrinsic mechanism?
what is the intrinsic mechanism?
what is vascular spasm?
what triggers longer-lasting casoconstriction effects?
what triggers short term effects?
what two coagulation pathways are there?