how many bpm does the bundle of his have?
how many bpm does the durkinje fibers have?
what branches off into right and left segments?
what can the ekg predict?
what causes dupp?
what causes lubb?
what do you use to listen to the sounds in the body?
what does a stethoscope used for to hear?
what does the atrioventriular node act as?
what does the ekg do?
what does the sinoutrial node do?
what is a sphygmomanometer?
what is arrhythmia?
what is blood pressure?
what is bradycardia?
what is defibrillation?
what is diastollic pressure?
what is fibrillation
what is systollic pressure?
what is tachycardia?
what is the act of listening to sounds in the body?
what is the average blood pressure?
what is the bundle of his?
what is the diastole?
what is the electrocarinogram (ekg) or (eng)
what is the electrogardio graph?
what is the first sound?
what is the p wave?
what is the qrs complex?
what is the second sound?
what is the sinoutrial node?
what is the sinuns rhythm?
what is the systole?
what is the t wave?
what is too small to be seen?
what the korotokoff sounds?
what two pressure volumes are there?
where do the durkinje fibers arise from?
where does the durkinje fibers penetrate?
where does the right and left branches decend to?
where does the right and left branches enter?
where is atrial repolarization located?
where is the atrioventricular node located?
where is the sinoutrial node located?