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"Anatomy test 2 e"

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oligopeptides further digest what three things?
what are hepatocytes?
what are the ducts in the liver?
what are the four parts of the large intestine?
what are the three brush border enzymes?
what causes constipation?
what causes diarrhea?
what does sodium bicarbonate do?
what does that live do?
what does the gall bladder do?
what does the large intertine do for the gi tract?
what is contraction and relaxtion of longitudinal muscles?
what is endocrine function?
what is exocrine function?
what is lactose?
what is malatose?
what is peptidases?
what is sucrose?
what is the defecation reflex?
what is the duct of santorini, and what is so special about it?
what is the duct of wirsung, and what is so special about it?
what is the final stage of digestion?
what is the saponification?
what is the significance of hastration?
what is trypsin and chymotrypsin?
what three things are not part of the colon?
what two parts are in the pancreas?
where does the bile drain into?