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"anatomy test 4 b"

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how long do rbc's live?
how long does it usually take for the production of rbc's?
what are some major developments of rbc's?
what are the functions of erythrocytes?
what are the three common measurements?
what destroys rbc's
what does erythroblast do?
what does globin bind co2 to?
what does the cell become now that it is expelled?
what does the hemo group bind o2 to?
what does the hemoglobin concentration do?
what does the reticulocyte do?
what does the spleen have?
what happens to the cell in erythropiesis?
what is hemoglobin?
what is in erythrocyte structure?
what is so special about erythrocytes?
what is the heatocrit?
what makes up the structure of erythrocyte?
what stimulates rbc production?
why do the average blood count values tend to be lower in women?