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"anatomy test 4"

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how does the immune system protect it?
what are some examples of viscosity of blood?
what are some regulating components of blood?
what are the formed elements?
what are the hemopoietic tissues?
what are the red blood cells called?
what are the three plasma proteins?
what are the white blood cells called?
what does circulation do?
what does fibrinogen do?
what does high osmolarity mean?
what does low osmolarity mean?
what does the albumin do?
what does the globulin do?
what happens when tissues swell?
what happens with high blood pressure?
what helps protect the blood?
what is blood made of?
what is dependent on osmolarity?
what is hemopoiesis?
what is osmolarity?
what is plasma considered?
what is plasma made of?
what is plasma not made of?
what is the formation of formed elements?
what is the function of the blood?
what is the importance of viscosity?
what is viscosity?
what kind of substances does blood transport?
what three types of globulins are there?
what two things are very viscous?