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"anatomy test 3"

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what are the 4 chambers of the heart?
what are the chambers on the inside of the heart?
what are the layers of the heart?
what are the outside of the chambers called?
what does the anterior interventricular sulcus do?
what does the blood that leaves the left ventricle go?
what does the coronary atrioventricular sulcus do?
what does the left atrium do?
what does the posterior interventricular sulcus do?
what does the visceral pericardium epicardium do?
what happens in the right atrium?
what is another name for the epicardium?
what is the endocandium?
what is the epicardium?
what is the fibrous pericardium?
what is the function of the endocandium?
what is the function of the left ventricle?
what is the function of the right ventricle?
what is the internal septum?
what is the interventricular septum?
what is the myocardium responsable of?
what is the serous pericardium?
what is the visceral pericardium?
what makes up the pericardium?
what veins give the right atrium blood?
when the blood leaves the left atrium where does it go?