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"anatomy test 2 c"

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what is parasympathetic stimulation (work at same time) in ans
what are canine teeth?
what are incisors?
what are the 4 taste buds on the tongue?
what are the different kinds of teeth?
what are the grinding teeth?
what are the layers of the gi tract
what are the two systems that innervate the gi tract?
what begins digestion?
what is autonomic nervous system (ans)?
what is chemical digestion?
what is chemoreceptors in ens?
what is mechanical digestion?
what is starch receptors?
what is stretch receptors in ens?
what is submucosal plexus in ens?
what is sympathetic stimulation in ans?
what is the chemereceptors?
what is the ens
what is the gi flex pathways?
what is the mucosa?
what is the muscularis?
what is the myenteric plexus in ens?
what is the oral cavity?
what is the serosa?
what is the submucosa?
what two kind of receptors are in the gi flex pathways?