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"anatomy test 2 d"

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at what part of the digestive intersect with the repiratory?
what are the three regions of the pharynx?
what are the two sphincters?
what begins at the end of the laryngopharynx and ends at the sto
what does the gastric lipase do?
what goes on with mechanical digestion in the small intestine?
what is extrinsic salivary glands?
what is pepsin?
what is saliva?
what is the buccal phase?
what is the esophageal phase?
what is the intrinsic salivary gland?
what is the most inportant part of the duodenum?
what is the pharyngeal phase?
what is the pharynx?
what is the small intestine?
what is the stomach?
what kind of muscle is in the lower es
what kind of muscle is in the upper es
what two types of salivary glands are there?