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Vocabulary Test: Conceptos del tiempo
cicloide, medir, tiempo, paso, convención, férrea, longitud, rigió, firmamento, monjes, canica, cuenco, péndulo, arco
Test Also Includes: synonyms, antonyms, parts of speech, sentences

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Vocabulary Test: Emploment Discrimination
protected class , employment discrimination , Title VII ( title seven) of the Civil Rights Act , When does Title VII apply? , What is the EEOC?, Before an employer files a lawsuit for discrimination, they have, disparate-treatment discrimination , The courts have a specific procedure for filing a claim for disp, prima facie , prima facie case , disparate-impact discrimination , do you need to prove evidence for disparate- impact discriminati, What are some examples of disparate-impact discrimination? , the Equal Pay Act , The two things that don't affect the Equal Pay Act , gender discrimination lawsuit , constructive discharge , sexual harassment , what two forms does sexual harassment come in? , what is quid pro quo , tangible employment action , for an employer to be held liable for a supervisor's sexual hara, retaliation, What does ADEA stand for? , What is ADEA?, Who does ADEA benefit?, Which employers are covered under ADEA?, Procedures for ADEA, What does ADA stand for? , what is a disability?, Procedures for the ADA , Before filing for the violation of the ADA, , reasonable accommodation for disabilities , undue hardship , business necessity

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Vocabulary Test: Roman Structures and Emperors
The Forum, Basilica of Maxentius, Trajan’s Column, Trajan’s Market , Circus Maximus, Aqueducts, Roman bath houses (Baths of Caracalla), (Public) Gardens (Horti) (Roman Gardens), Pantheon, Palatine Hill, Domus Aurea, Apartment House (Insulae):, Hadrian's Villa, Military Forts and Camps, Colosseum, Roman Roads, Augustus Caesar, Claudius, Nero, Trajan, Hadrian, Vespasian, Marcus Aurelius

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Vocabulary Test: Roman Emperor Dates
Hadrian, Marcus Aurelius, Trajan, Caesar, Vespasian, Nero, Claudius

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Vocabulary Test: The Egyptian Empire
What led to the decline and fall of the Egyptian empire?, During the Middle kingdom, they moved their capital from Memphis, How many years did the Middle Kingdom last?, When Egyptians took control of new lands, what did the conquered, What improvements did the pharaohs make?, What is the valley of the kings?, what were the differences between the Hyksos and the Eqyptian wa, What is the Egyptian prince's name who drove the Hyskos out of E, What is the first woman pharaoh's name who concentrated on build, What name did Amenhoptep change his name to?, What is the name of the new religion that worshipped this god?, How old was King Tutankhamen when he inherited the throne?, Who is the greatest of the New Kingdom pharaohs?, How did Ramses II's armies help to rebuild the great empire?, What purpose did the temples serve in Egypt?

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Vocabulary Test: 1. Employability and Professionalism
Background check, Career fair, Communication, Competency, Conflict, Constructive criticism, Co-operative (co-op), Cover letter, Criticism, Ethics, Harassment, Internship, Job description, Mock interview, Prioritization, Professionalism, Punctuality, Qualifications, Recruiting, References, Resume, Screening interview, Targeted resume, Time management, Word of mouth

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Vocabulary Test: The Tempest Act 1
Abhorred , Allay , Chide , Fen , Fortitude , Homage , Perfidious , Precursors , Prerogative

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Vocabulary Test: The Tempest Act 2
Abominable, Celestial , Enmity, Nimble, Prate, Spendthrift, Trifle, Upbraid

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Vocabulary Test: Departments and Employment
Executive secretary, accountant, Finance director, Imaginative, Focused, patient, energetic, practical, ambitious, honest, loyal, punctual, motivated, reliable

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Vocabulary Test: Early American Culture and Rise of Empires
Four Corners, Inuit, mesa, Mesa Verde, drought, Nampeyo, Mound Builders, ceremony, Anasazi, Inuit, Valley of Mexico, tribute, empire, slavery, Aztecs, pyramid, Maya/Mayans, specialize, surplus, civilization

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Vocabulary Test: unemployment
increase, positiverelationship, discountrate, sticky, flexible, federalfundsrate, SRPC, rightward, perfectcompetition, ceterisparibus, taxcut, crowdingout, unemploymentrate, unemployed, Demand, redundant, Labormarket, wage, Firm, Jobseeker, Investment, Joblessness, Workforce, real, nominal, mpc

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Vocabulary Test: L'emploi
un emploi jeune, la semaine des 35 heures, l'ANPE (agence nationale pour l'emploi), le SMIC, intérimaire, de courte durée, la réinsertion, toucher le chômage, le chômage, le chômeur, le licenciement, embaucher, licencier, augumenter, l'augmentation, diminuer, être en hausse, être en baisse, la baisse, les chiffres du chômage, le demandeur d'emploi, faire un stage, à mi-temps/à temps partiel, le métier, la profession libérale, chômer, renvoyer, virer, le job, la diminution, supprimer, l'emploi, au chômage, la création d'emplois, les personnel, les effectifs, à plein temps, de moyenne durée, de longue durée, baisser

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Quiz-tempor and chron
tempest, temporary, anachronistic, synchronize, contemporary, tempo, extemporaneous, chronometer, chronology, chronic

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Vocabulary Test: Christianity in the Roman Empire
Christianity, Four Gospels, New Testament, Twelve Apostles, parables, Sermon on the Mount, Jesus, The Messiah, Pontius Pilate, the resurrection, The Last Supper, Gentiles, Paul, missionary, Judiaism, epistles, Old Testament, catacombs, Constantine, Peter, St. Peter's Basilica, Pope

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Vocabulary Test: Employment Law
Fringe Benefits, Union, Social Security, Collective Bargaining, Strikes, Picketing, Unfair Labor Practices, Economic Strike, Unfair Labor Practice Strikes, NLRB, OSHA, Employment-at-will, Severance Pay

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Vocabulary Test: Neuroscience and Empathy
Quest, Delusions, Empirical, Cunning, Outright, Malicious, Betrayal, Deception, Spot, In a Vacuum, Impact, Revelation, Display, Transmit, Skeptical, Validated, Affective, Simulations, Conduct, Orchestrate, Hailed, Empathy, Foolproof, Promptly, Pretending, Conscience, Astounding

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Vocabulary Test: Employment Vocabulary
Fired, Interview, Employee, Employer, sal. , Minimum Wage, pd., 20K, ins., min., p/t, ed., f/t, eve., bene., No exp. nec., aft., exp., 3 yrs. exp., W/ refs., Commute, Reference, Resume, Experience, Education

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Vocabulary Test: Greek Temples Quiz
Triglyph, Frieze, Entablature, 3 column styles:, Peristyle, Before the Parthenon, what materials were temples made of?, What was the main materials used to make the Parthenon?, Opisthodomos, Pronaos, Naos, Metope, Pediment, The Parthenon's head sculptor., Panathenaic Procession, Stylobate, Crepidoma

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Vocabulary Test: Ch 34 Vocab: From Republic to Empire
Approximately, Vision, Collapse, Plot, Caesar Augustus, Pax Romana, Julius Caesar, Punic Wars, Dictator, Civil War

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Hipérbole, Símbolo, Personificación, Símil, Imágenes, Onomatopeya, Aliteración, Paralelismo, Verso Libre, Ritmo, Rima asonante o parcial, Rima consonante o total

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Vocabulary Test: CNA MT #1 arthro to thrombo
arthro, carcino, cardia or cardio, cephalo, cerebro, colo, cysto, derma, encephalo, gastro, hemo or hemato, hepa or hepata, nephro, osteo, path, ped, plegia, pnea, recto, rhino, sepsis, thrombo, neuro

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Vocabulary Test: college
Academic Advisor, Academic Probation, Alumni, ACT/SAT, Associate Degree, Audit, Bachelor's Degree, CLEP, Commuter, Credit Hours, Curriculum, Drop and Add, FAFSA, Financial Aid, Fraternities/Sororities, GPA, Non-Credt Courses, Transript, Transfer of Credits, Withdrawl

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Vocabulary Test: The Middle Ages
Middle Ages, Franks, Monasteries, secular, Carolingian Dynasty, Charlemagne, lord, fief, vassal, knights, serfs, manor, tithe, chivalry, tournaments, Troubadours, clergy, sacraments, canon law, lay investiture, simony, Gothic, Urban II, Crusade, Saladin, Richard the Lion-Hearted, Reconquista, Inquisition, three-field system, guild, Commericial Revolution, burghers, vernacular, Thomas Aquinas, scholastics, William the Conqueror, Henry II, common law, Magna Carta, parliament, Hugh Capet, Phillip II, Estates-General, Avignon, Great Schism, John Hus, bubonic plague, Hundred Years War, Joan of Arc, Holy Roman Empire, John Wycliffe

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Vocabulary Test: Latein Vocab Lection 1-6
Iudicare, Amare, Tenere, Dicere, Audire, Videre, Absolvere, Liberare, Accusare, Finire, Damnare, Dare, Facere, Agere, Delinquere, Legere, Respondere, Iubere, Vincire, Esse, Venire, Punire, Sensire, Debere, Habere, Nocere, Monere, Valere, Vir, Dolus, Servus, Causa, Poeta, Agricola, Homicida, Delictum, Legatum, Culpa, Magister, Annus, Dominus, Argumentum, Poena, Locus, Filius, Adversarius, Per Piam Causam, Animus Domini, Dolus Malus, Dolus Bonus, Dolus Repentinus, Causa Prima, Causa Publica, Delictum continuum, Legatum Debiti, Legatum per piam causam, Pulcher, Liber, Miser, Parvus, Iustus, Pugnare, Oppidus, Amicus, Apportare, Murus, Domus, Putare, Lex, Ius, Homo, Fraus, Vox, Urbs, Orbis, Tempus, Pax, Actor, Actio, Corpus, Corpus Delicti, Corpora Delicti, Silere, Arma, Inter, Scire, Obligare, Plebs, Honor, Tribuere, Origo, Ignorare, Saepe, Antiquus, Civis, Vexare, Iniura, Gerere, Bellum, Multum, non multa, Ab Initio, Initium, ii, Ad Acta, Actum, Ad latus, Ad manus, Ad notam, Coram iudice, Coram publico, Cum laude, Summa cum laude, Summus (3), Cum Tempore, Ex Contractu, In Vitro, As usum proprium, Proprius, Petere, Spirare, Sperare, Fugere, Res, Res publica, Dies(m), Dies(f), Fides, Bona Fida, Casus, Casus Belli, Usus, Ususfructus, Vis, Vis Maior, Confessio, Accipere, Veritas, Nemo, aut....aut, Propositum, Impetus, Mutare, Pactum, a/ab, e/ex, in, de, cum, sine, pro, pre, coram, apud, inter, sub, ante, post, contra, ad, in, per, Cum, Si, Postquam, Dum, Ubi, Quamquam, Antequam, Quod, Negue, Posse, X

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Vocabulary Test: Unit 1 vocabulary
active, bargain, gasp, loyal, resource, sensitive, struggle, value, vary, wander

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Quiz 2
Defiance, Preliminary, Deftness, Mutable, Replenished, Supercilious, Buffer, Equilibrium, Dogged, Livid, Imperceptibly, Maligned, Defunct, Prolonged, Bloated, Apathetically, Venturing, Constricting, Obscured, Encroaching

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Vocabulary Test: unit2
antics, avowed, banter, bountiful, congested, detriment, durable, enterprising, frugal, gingerly, glut, incognito, invalidate, legendary, maim, minimize, oblique, veer, venerate, wanton

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Vocabulary Test: 9/11 An Eyewitness Account
spewed, encased, unfurl, zeppelin, shards, disembark, cloaked, ghastly, debris

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Vocabulary Test: The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
blouse, bolt, teletype machine, freight, charred, workers union, inspection

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Vocabulary Test: navy seal vocab
compound, elite, grueling, inevitable, lethal, manhunt, meticulous, muffle, surveillance, tailor-made

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Vocabulary Test: Roberto Clemente, Pride of the Pittsburgh Pirates
stands, score, fans, league, slammed, pronounced, style, polish, quava, mocked, respected, homeland

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Vocabulary Test: The World on the Turtle's Back
Void, Ritual, Devious, Contend, Succumb, Creation Myth

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Vocabulary Test: The White Umbrella
rintently, diverted, maneuver, revelation, resumed, radiant, mechanism, gust, noggin, constellation, rendition, scepter, stupendous, credibility, eke, littered, discreet, audible, allegiance, lilt

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Vocabulary Test: The Highwayman
bonny, casement, claret, cobbles, dumb, galleon, harry, love knot, moor, musket, muzzle, ostler, peaked, plaiting, priming, rapier hilt, Redcoat, refrain, sniggering jest, spurred, stirrups, strove, tawny, torrent, trigger, wicket

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Vocabulary Test: top 25 sat words
anomaly, bellicose, censure, contentious, dearth, deleterious, enervating, ephemeral, florid, hackneyed, inherent, intrepid, laconic, mollify, mundane, nadir, nascent, perfidious, scrutinize, spurious, superfluous, sycophant, urbane, verisimilitude, wary

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Vocabulary Test: vocab 10th 1&2
irrefutable, incorrigible, immutable, ponderous, peripheral, prolific, latent, hedonist, heretic, opulent, indefatigable, irrelevant, laudable, mitigate, overt, peruse, pragmatic, propensity, meticulous, impartial

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Vocabulary Test: studt skills vocabally yest
guarantee, contrast, parallel, industry, logical, implement, motivate, undrertake, incentive, enables, amending, equity, constitutes, resolve, legislate

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab List 2
palpable, pall, futile, medley, maverick, succor, foray, melancholy, flustered, regime, conflagration, serendipity

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab. Test Unit #2
abandon, assault, convert, dispute, impressive, justify, misleading, numerous, productive, shrewd, strategy, villain

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Vocabulary Test: mnemonics 59
lugubrious, propinquity, delectable, urbane, crass, circuitous, supine, perturbing, capitulate, flippant, voluble, surreptitious, sycophant, proffer, verbose, truncate, mitigate, laggard, erudite, ameliorate, gesticulate, adulterate, assiduous, asinine, bigamist, praxis, unkempt, aggrandize, tribulation, dilatory, covert, overt, facade, furtive, enmity, clamor, feckless, vacillate, serpentine, malinger, capacious, envenom, malinger, maniacal, obfuscate, abrogate, insolent, feign, efface, misconstrue
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