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"The Egyptian Empire"

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during the middle kingdom, they moved their capital from memphis
how did ramses ii's armies help to rebuild the great empire?
how many years did the middle kingdom last?
how old was king tutankhamen when he inherited the throne?
what improvements did the pharaohs make?
what is the egyptian prince's name who drove the hyskos out of e
what is the first woman pharaoh's name who concentrated on build
what is the name of the new religion that worshipped this god?
what is the valley of the kings?
what led to the decline and fall of the egyptian empire?
what name did amenhoptep change his name to?
what purpose did the temples serve in egypt?
what were the differences between the hyksos and the eqyptian wa
when egyptians took control of new lands, what did the conquered
who is the greatest of the new kingdom pharaohs?