before an employer files a lawsuit for discrimination, they have
before filing for the violation of the ada,
business necessity
constructive discharge
disparate-impact discrimination
disparate-treatment discrimination
do you need to prove evidence for disparate- impact discriminati
employment discrimination
for an employer to be held liable for a supervisor's sexual hara
gender discrimination lawsuit
prima facie
prima facie case
procedures for adea
procedures for the ada
protected class
reasonable accommodation for disabilities
sexual harassment
tangible employment action
the courts have a specific procedure for filing a claim for disp
the equal pay act
the two things that don't affect the equal pay act
title vii ( title seven) of the civil rights act
undue hardship
what are some examples of disparate-impact discrimination?
what does ada stand for?
what does adea stand for?
what is a disability?
what is adea?
what is quid pro quo
what is the eeoc?
what two forms does sexual harassment come in?
when does title vii apply?
which employers are covered under adea?
who does adea benefit?