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Vocabulary Test: C-B Vocab Chap. 4 Les. 13: TOMY (TOM)
tomy (tom), anatomy, appendectomy, atom, atomizer, dichotomy, gastractomy, lobotomy, mastectomy, phlebotomy, tome, tonsillectomy, tracheotomy

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Vocabulary Test: bio and tomy
atom, appendectomy, anatomy, symbiosis, microbe, biota, biopsy, biometrics , biometery, biography, biodegradable, biogenesis, biocidal , biochemistry, autobiography, antibiotic, amphibious, abiogenesis, atomizer, dichotomy, gastrectomy , labotamy, masectomy, phlebotomy, tome, tonsillectomy, tracheotomy

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Ch 2
organic, inorganic, lipid, isotope, ion, protein, hydrogen bond, ionic bond, carbohyrdrate, covalent bond, compound, enzyme, nucleic acid, nuceotide, catalyst, Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Phosphorous , Sulfur

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Chapter 1 (Directional terms)
Superior, Inferior, Anterior (Ventral), Posterior (Dorsal), Medial, Lateral, Intermediate, Proximal, Distal, Superficial (external), Deep (internal), Anatomical Position
Test Also Includes: parts of speech, sentences

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Chapter 1 (def , system & organs)
Lymphatic (Immune) System Organs, Cardiovascular System Organs, Endocrine System Organs, Nervous System Organs, Muscular System Organs, Skeletal System Organs, Integumentary System Organs, Male Reproductive , Female Reproductive , Digestive, Urinary, Respirtory, Lymphathic (Immune), Cardiovascular, Endocrine, Nervous, Muscular, Skeletal, Integumentary , Physiology, Anatomy, Respiratory System Organs, Digestive System Organs, Urinary System Organs, Male Rep. System Organs, Female Rep. System Organs

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Vocabulary Test: Myth Vocabulary

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Chapter 1 (Body Anatomical terms)
Head, Skull, Face, Neck, Armpit, Arm, Front of Elbow, Forearm , Wrist, Palm, Fingers, Thigh, Anterior Surface of Knee, Leg, Foot, Ankle, Toes, Top of Foot, Pubis, Hand , Groin, Hip, Navel, Breast, Chest , Breastbone, Chin, Nose, Cheek, Ear, Eye , Forehead, Base of Skull, Shoulder, Shoulder Blade, Spinal Column, Back, Back of Elbow, Between Hips, Loin, Buttocks, Hollow Behind Knee, Calf, Sole, Heel, Back of Hand, Mouth

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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy Test #3 IMPORTANT THINGS
The Idealized Scientific Method , The Seven Days of the Week , Eratosthenes (+ extra information), Ptolemy , Epicycle, Copernicus (1473–1543), Tycho Brahe (1546–1601), Johannes Kepler (1571–1630), What is an ellipse?, Kepler’s First Law, Kepler’s Second Law, Kepler’s Third Law, Graphical version of Kepler’s third law, An asteroid orbits the Sun at an average distance a = 4 AU. How , How did Galileo solidify the Copernican revolution?, Overcoming the first objection (nature of motion):, Overcoming the second objection (heavenly perfection), Overcoming the third objection (parallax), Galileo also saw, Galileo’s observations , Special Topic: How Long Is a Day?, Hallmarks of Science: #1, Hallmarks of Science: #2, Hallmarks of Science: #3, What is a scientific theory?, A scientific paradigm:

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Vocabulary Test: Who Moved My Cheese
fldh, foo, door, dfll, instincts, dodn

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy
Mitotic Spindle, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, Centromere, Chromatid, Cleavage Flow, Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, Guanine, Interphase, Prophase, Cytokinesis, Chromosome, Mitosis, Cell Life Cycle, Cell Division, Nucleotides, Daughter Cell

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Vocabulary Test: My brother Martin
indignity, segregation, prank, nourishing, preferred , rap, recall, injustice, shielding, encounter, confront, numerous, capture

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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy Test #4
How do we describe motion? (Speed), How do we describe motion? (Velocity) , How do we describe motion? (Acceleration), Acceleration caused by Gravity, Acceleration of Gravity (g), Momentum and Force, How is mass different from weight? (Mass), How is mass different from weight? (Weight) , Why are astronauts weightless in space?, How do we describe motion?, How is mass different from weight?, How did Newton change our view of the universe?, Newton’s first law of motion: , Newton’s second law of motion, Newton’s third law of motion:, Is the force that Earth exerts on you larger, smaller, or the sa, Conservation of Momentum, Conservation of Angular Momentum, Angular momentum conservation , Where do objects get their energy?, Basic Types of Energy, Thermal Energy:, Thermal energy, Gravitational Potential Energy Part 1, Gravitational Potential Energy Part 2, Mass-Energy, Conservation of Energy, The Universal Law of Gravitation:, How does Newton’s law of gravity extend Kepler’s laws?, Newton generalized Kepler’s third law Part 1, Newton generalized Kepler’s third law Part 2, How do gravity and energy together allow us to understand orbits, Changing an Orbit, Escape Velocity, Escape Velocity, How does gravity cause tides?, Tides and Phases, Tidal Friction

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Vocabulary Test: what person of my family are you like
gianna, jenna , angie, bella, joey , nico, none

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Vocabulary Test: Amy
Atom, Atomic number, Atomic theory, Electromagnetic spectrum, Electron, Electron cloud, Emission spectrum, Energy level, Hypothesis, Isotope, Law of definite proportions, Lewis dot diagram, Mass number, Neutron, Nucleus, Proton, Valance electron

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy
positive feedback mechanism, metabolism, catabolism, anatomy, ausculation, palpation, anabolism, physiology , negative feedback mechanism, principal of complmentarity, homostasis

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Vocabulary Test: Pacworks Anatomy Ch. 1, Lesson 1
Anatomy, Dissection, Vivisection, Cadaver, Tissue, Organ, Organ system

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Vocabulary Test: My Checking
Withdrawals, Record, Register, Transaction, Cleared, Signature, Balance, Routing, Account

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Vocabulary Test: mystery of the alamo ghost 5/9/14
harbor, famished, exasperate , illegal, interrogation, synchronize, duel, vandalize, dingy, amphibious
Test Also Includes: parts of speech

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Vocabulary Test: My words 26
Editorial , Nonchalantly , Unfathomable , Premonition , Erudite, Aloofness , Dauntless , Candor , Amity , Abnegation

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Vocabulary Test: Economy Vocabulary Quiz
Barter, Trade, Income, Borrow, Product, Demand, Supply, Resource, Scarcity, Service, Goods, Producer, Consumer, Revenue, Economy, Market, Need, Want

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Vocabulary Test: Strider
haunches, mariner, dehydrator, rubbish, posture, orney, anxious, basille, heel, maturity, coaxed

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Vocabulary Test: port
deport, export, import, portable, portage, porter, portfolio, report, support, transport

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Vocabulary Test: Term 2 -- Vocab Test #3
acuity, braggart, debunking, epitomized, hidebound, languish, obsequious, polemical, restorative, thwart

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Vocabulary Test: Scientific Method
Asking a question, Making a hypothesis, Planning an investigation, Collection and recording data, Organizing results, Thinking of new questions, Sharing results, Explaining results

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Vocabulary Test: The Wounded Wolf
blinding, clan, flesh, gulps, lunges, presence, squints, whimpers

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Vocabulary Test: satvocab1
circumspect, prominent, alleviate, unprecedented, corroborate, apathetic, improvise, revival, parochial, vicarious

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Vocabulary Test: Wolf Rider Vocabulary
scrutinized, winced, evasive, groped, admonition, cadence, billowed, absurd, persisted, restraints, indifferent, retrieved, pun, bague, persistent, reluctant, pursed, obscene, exasperated, perished

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Vocabulary Test: Book 8 Lesson 5
audacious, confiscate, conscientious, depict, embark, inkling, lackadaisical, mutiny, pilfer, profusion, prudent, rankle, rebuke, serene, slovenly

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Vocabulary Test: Sunrise over Fallujah (1)
Assessment, Pivoted, Democracy, Dynamics, Infantry, Civilian, Regime, Sauntered, Crucial, Noncombatant

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Vocabulary Test: Pa Lia's First Day vocabulary
Dawdle, Minnow, Steep, Slid, Ache, Enemy, Dimple, Peeked, Sighed, Chubby, Freckles, Rustle, Howl, Squeak, Cuddly, Tugged, Breath, Squeezed, Sweaty, Pigtails

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Vocabulary Test: Drita My Homegirl!
Kosovo, Drita, Immigrant, Maxie, different, discriminate, bully, friendship

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Words Test #7
logist, logy, lysis, rrhexis, malacia, megaly, meter, metry, ness, oid, ole, oma, opia, ory, ous, ose, osis, iasis, ostomy, otomy, oxia, paresis, pathy

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Vocabulary Test: Coffin Quilt Chp.1-3
halfwit, homespun, scarce, moonshine, whittled, recollect, scaffold, scolded, superstitutions, frail, vension, guilty, jimjams, uppity, ciphering, disgusted

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Vocabulary Test: Mesopotamia Vocabulary Quiz
plateau, Alluvial plain, tributaries, silt, drought, irrigation, ziggurat, City-state, monarchy, surplus, merchants, social clases, scribe, innovation, empire

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Vocabulary Test: english4
ramantics, Washington Irving, who wrote rip van wickle, william cullen bryant, edgar allen poe, nathaniel hawthore, who wrote the scarlet letter, herman melville, henry wadsworth, john greenleaf whitier, james russell lowell, oliver wendell holmes, who wrote the American Scholar, transcendentalism, ralph waldo emerson, who wrote nature, Over-soul, henry david thoreau, what did thoreau do for civil disobedience, what are the effects of transcentalism, intulitive truth=, in the woods, we return to reason and faith, I become a transparent eyeball: I am nothing: I see all: the cur, merging two philosohies, what is the rolle/responsibility of the individual, how does society constrain us?, what is the value of consistency?, society is a joint-stock company in which the members....from?, there is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the , trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string....from?, a foolish consistency is te hobogoblin of little minds, adored b, what is romanticism and transcendentalism?, notfor nothing, one face, one character, one fact makes much imp, our life is frittered away by detail...from?, we do not ride on the railroad, it rides apon us...from?, a man is rich in proportion to the number of things...from?, i went to the woods.....from?, I wantedd to live deep....from?, it is remarkable how easily and insenibly....from?, who knows what beautiful and winged...from?, civil disobediance is......, how does thoreau see the role of government...from?, how does thoreau see the role of the indivdual?, where does thoreau explain success...from?, who was taken into the allan family and lived from 1809-1849...., who published THE RAVEN, who published TAMERLANE, what is gothic style?, what is the raven about?, alliteration, consonance, assonance, internal rhyme, how does poe portray human nature?

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Vocabulary Test: Forrest Gump
leg braces, Ku Klux Klan, Let those rooms out, to recollect, just fine and dandy, stupid is as stupid does, like peas and carrots, dangle, miracle, dummy, the local idiot, coons/niggers, desegregation, co-ed college, I gotta pee, Marilyn Monroe

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Vocabulary Test: Number the Stars Vocabulary Quiz
lanky, Halte, Nazi, occupation, sabotage, rationed, kroner, swastika, disdainfully, synagague, rabbi, submerged, Star of David, tentatively, shoreline, relocate, specter, pose, exasperation, hazy, military arrest, imprinted

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Vocabulary Test: 201-225 mnemonics
indefatigable means, when I want to remonstrate, to recuse, beget, In the South, it was inveterate, dogmatic, to redress is to, transient, dimunitive, a dilapidated car, expound is like, auspicious is, practicing nepotism, why people wastes money in an arcade is, insular means, compendious, when you are droll, dissuade is the opposite of, a query is a, when you say "bro" al of the time you are, it takes a lot of time to read a, when you disabuse, Ho Ho Hum ! ! ! this class is so, stoic, your volition is

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Vocabulary Test: Spanish 2 5B
doler, el dolo, el enfermero, examinar, la inyeccion, poner una inyeccion, la medicina, las muletas, las pastillas, las puntadas, dar puntadas, la radiografia, la receta, recetar, roto, la sangre, la venda, el yeso, el accidente, la ambulancia, caerse, me caigo, te caes, se cayo, se cayeron, chocar con, cortarse, lastimarse, romperse, torcerse, tropezar, el codo, el cuello, la espalda, el hombre, el hueso, la muneca, el musculo, la rodilla, el tobillo, moverse, pobrecito, sentirse, la silla de ruedas, la sala de emergencia

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Vocabulary Test: Adjectives
tall, long, short, big, short, little, low, skinny, high, heavy
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