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"Astronomy Test #3 IMPORTANT THINGS "

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a scientific paradigm:
an asteroid orbits the sun at an average distance a = 4 au. how
copernicus (1473–1543)
eratosthenes (+ extra information)
galileo also saw
galileo’s observations
graphical version of kepler’s third law
hallmarks of science: #1
hallmarks of science: #2
hallmarks of science: #3
how did galileo solidify the copernican revolution?
johannes kepler (1571–1630)
kepler’s first law
kepler’s third law
overcoming the first objection (nature of motion):
overcoming the second objection (heavenly perfection)
overcoming the third objection (parallax)
special topic: how long is a day?
the idealized scientific method
the seven days of the week
tycho brahe (1546–1601)
what is a scientific theory?
what is an ellipse?
kepler’s second law