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a foolish consistency is te hobogoblin of little minds, adored b
a man is rich in proportion to the number of things...from?
civil disobediance is......
edgar allen poe
henry david thoreau
henry wadsworth
herman melville
how does poe portray human nature?
how does society constrain us?
how does thoreau see the role of the indivdual?
how does thoreau see the role of government...from?
i become a transparent eyeball: i am nothing: i see all: the cur
i wantedd to live deep....from?
i went to the woods.....from?
in the woods, we return to reason and faith
internal rhyme
intulitive truth=
it is remarkable how easily and insenibly....from?
james russell lowell
john greenleaf whitier
merging two philosohies
nathaniel hawthore
notfor nothing, one face, one character, one fact makes much imp
oliver wendell holmes
our life is frittered away by detail...from?
ralph waldo emerson
society is a joint-stock company in which the members....from?
there is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the
trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string....from?
washington irving
we do not ride on the railroad, it rides apon us...from?
what are the effects of transcentalism
what did thoreau do for civil disobedience
what is gothic style?
what is romanticism and transcendentalism?
what is the raven about?
what is the rolle/responsibility of the individual
what is the value of consistency?
where does thoreau explain success...from?
who knows what beautiful and winged...from?
who published tamerlane
who published the raven
who was taken into the allan family and lived from 1809-1849....
who wrote nature
who wrote rip van wickle
who wrote the american scholar
who wrote the scarlet letter
william cullen bryant