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Vocabulary Test: Indian Empire test 1Words:Asoka, missionaries, infrastructure , silk road, Golden Age of Gupta, Huns, Zhou Dynasty , dynastic cycle, feudalism, coined money, dynasty , Shi Huangdi, unify China, Legalism , arbitrary, Confucian scholars, Great Wall, Terra Cotta army, centralized government, Han dynasty
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Vocabulary Test: ad templumWords:dēnique, silentium, ehem!, rīdēns, coepit, susurrāns, loquācior: loquāx, psittacus, obstinātior: obstinātus, cellam: cella, in capite, canistrum, enim, opportūnē, facere solent, ārā: āra, quārta, hōra, garriēns, Serāpidis: Serāpis , quid...agis?, garrīre, mī dulcissime, doctissimus: doctus, monumentīs: monumentum, gemitum: gemitus, vir quīdam, Syrōs: Syrī, Iūdaeōs: Iūdaeī, mīrāculum
Test Also Includes: synonyms, antonyms, parts of speech, sentences
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Vocabulary Test: L6 Temperature ConceptsWords:Maritime Effect, Evaporation is _ over water surface., Transparency affects, Water has a ___ than soil or rock, so water heats or cools more , Movement _ mixing and _ temperature difference in water, cloudy skies means , Cloudy days has, Thin air has, Daily temperature range _ with _ altitude, Lapse rate, Air density _ with _ altitude, High latitude, in altitude Temp _ with _ altitude. , Low latitude, Temperature range = , Temperature anomaly =, Daily mean temperature =, monthly mean temperature =, Satellites measure temp. as, satellites can measure __ through temp at all layers of ATM, Temperature of today can be on , Thermometer, Thermometer contains, Absolute Zero has _ been reached, Kelvin Scale was created by, Kelvin scale uses _ units, Absolute Zero Temperature, Celsius uses _ system, celsius was created by , Kelvin scales ranges from, celsius has around _ divisions (degrees) , Celsius scale ranges from, Fahenheit was created by , Fahrenheit has around_subdivisions, Fahrenheit scales ranges from, Temperature is measured in, Temperature, The oppose of the Maritime Effect, Human impacts on earth's energy, _ warmer than 1880s, Warmest temperatures since ___ years ago, ______ are warmer than surrounding environments, building, asphalt, etc. is example of , Removal of vegation, Particulates, Average inernal body temperature is , Humidty, Wind chill, Stronger wind, _ wind chill index, heat Index, _ humidty, higher heat index
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Vocabulary Test: TEMPORARY MIDTERM WORK 4Words:drop by, narrow, out of one's mind, recreational, spacious, bungalow, move out, move in , put sb up, suburb, rural, get down to business, get over, get to know, miss out on, phase, get the hang of, beachfront, against all odds, catastrophic, branch, cover, crawl , one by one, igloo, passerby, shelter, bystander, overturn, skid, blow, chilly, dull, icy, mild, overcast, pour, shiny, contestant, incident, quad, sand dune , tough, bandage, edge, hold on, in the middle of nowhere, scared stiff, shake with, swollen, thick, excursion, cruise, globetrotter, hitchhiking, broaden the mind, remarkable, set sail, wear something out, campground, on board, stress-free, accommodate, access, come up, count on, essential , handy, hassle, leisure, tram, timetable, once in a lifetime, drop a line
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Vocabulary Test: MS Templeton VocabularyWords:Spontaneous, Scrutinize , Reconciliation, Protagonist, Precipice, Falter, Onomatopoeia, Conformist, Benevolent, Antagonist, Accoutrement, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious , Vacillate, Wary, Conspicuous
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Vocabulary Test: Templeton VocabularyWords:Killjoy, Pillage, Wary , Signatory, Erroneous, Subtle, Sagacity, Swanky, Ad Nauseam, Reverence, Pretentious, Conundrum, Tactful, Abstain, Evanescent, Ambient, Patronize, Aesthetic, Haughty
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Vocabulary Test: Early American Culture and Rise of EmpiresWords:Four Corners, Inuit, mesa, Mesa Verde, drought, Nampeyo, Mound Builders, ceremony, Anasazi, Inuit, Valley of Mexico, tribute, empire, slavery, Aztecs, pyramid, Maya/Mayans, specialize, surplus, civilization
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Vocabulary Test: unemploymentWords:increase, positiverelationship, discountrate, sticky, flexible, federalfundsrate, SRPC, rightward, perfectcompetition, ceterisparibus, taxcut, crowdingout, unemploymentrate, unemployed, Demand, redundant, Labormarket, wage, Firm, Jobseeker, Investment, Joblessness, Workforce, real, nominal, mpc
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Vocabulary Test: L'emploiWords:un emploi jeune, la semaine des 35 heures, l'ANPE (agence nationale pour l'emploi), le SMIC, intérimaire, de courte durée, la réinsertion, toucher le chômage, le chômage, le chômeur, le licenciement, embaucher, licencier, augumenter, l'augmentation, diminuer, être en hausse, être en baisse, la baisse, les chiffres du chômage, le demandeur d'emploi, faire un stage, à mi-temps/à temps partiel, le métier, la profession libérale, chômer, renvoyer, virer, le job, la diminution, supprimer, l'emploi, au chômage, la création d'emplois, les personnel, les effectifs, à plein temps, de moyenne durée, de longue durée, baisser
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Vocabulary Test: Christianity in the Roman EmpireWords:Christianity, Four Gospels, New Testament, Twelve Apostles, parables, Sermon on the Mount, Jesus, The Messiah, Pontius Pilate, the resurrection, The Last Supper, Gentiles, Paul, missionary, Judiaism, epistles, Old Testament, catacombs, Constantine, Peter, St. Peter's Basilica, Pope
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Vocabulary Test: Employment LawWords:Fringe Benefits, Union, Social Security, Collective Bargaining, Strikes, Picketing, Unfair Labor Practices, Economic Strike, Unfair Labor Practice Strikes, NLRB, OSHA, Employment-at-will, Severance Pay
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Unit 4Words:acute, durable, eavesdrop, ethical, fjord, gaudy, nominal, nurture, pommel, quibble, rampart, respite, rite, seismic, terrestrial
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Vocabulary Test: Map Vocabulary QuizWords:Topographic Map, Contour Line, Geologic Map, Geologic Formation, Contact, Geology, Longitude, Latitude, Map View, Profile View
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Vocabulary Test: g3Words:weather, climate, prevailing wind, current, El Nino, La Nina, local wind, rain shadow, climate zone, biome, urban climate, smog, acid rain, greenhouse effect, crop rotation, deforestation, conservation, irrigation, pesticide, ecosystem, biodiversity
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Vocabulary Test: Poetry TermsWords:personification, simile, rhyme, imagery, rhythm, onomatopoeia, mood, poetry, lines, repetition, figurative language, metaphor, literal, hyperbole, alliteration, refrain, form, free verse, sound, stanzas, rhyme scheme
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Vocabulary Test: vocab 2Words:abdicate, abjure, acumen, amenable, anodyne, apogee, arcane, asseverate, atavistic, auxillary, aver, bloviate, bombastic, cadge, cadre, castigate, chauvinist, contrite, cosset, coruscate, demur, denouement, dessicate, desueticle, dilatory, dilettante, dirge, dour, effrontery, egregious, ephemeral, equanimity, facetious, filigree, flocculent, fulminate, garrulous, gauche, germane, gregarious, hedonism, heterodox, iconoclast, imbroglio, impassive, imperturbable, impetuous, impugn, inert, ingenious, intransigent, intrepid, inunction, jejune, lumber, magnanimity, maverick, mendacity, mephitic, meretricious, minatory, obstentatious, obturate, obviate, paean, parietal, pavonine, peroration, phlegmatic, predilection, prevaricate, pristine, proclivity, prodigious, profligate, prolix, promulgate, prosaic, protuberate, puerile, puissance, recondite, recreant, redolent, renascent, retrench, sedulous, specious, spurious, strut, sycophant, tacit, teleological, tepid, transude, trenchant, veracity, versimilitude, vitiate, vituperate, voluable
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Vocabulary Test: Quack 3Words:Bucolic, Pretentious, Gullable, Convivial, Discrete, Discreet, Fabricate, Gesticulate, Laud, Belabor, Reiterate, Conflagration, Induce, Soporific, Anarchy, Strident, Nonchalant, Malleable, Ludicrous, Abridge
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Vocabulary Test: rock cycleWords:core, crust, deposition, erosion, igneous rock, lava, magma, mantle, metamorphic rock, mineral, rock cycle, rock, sedimentary rock, sediment, weathering
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Vocabulary Test: TEAS StudyWords:Kinetic, Neurotic, Posterity, Countenance, Façade, Jettison, Bric-a-brac, Subtleties, Gross, Dissuade, Unsubstantiated, Comply, Cessation, Mingle, Elusive
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Vocabulary Test: mathWords:identity property, zero property, associative property, communtative property, identity property, zero property
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Vocabulary Test: Biomed Quiz Unit 1Words:Autopsy, Bibliography, Biomedical Science, Cardiovascular system, Cell, Citation, Coroner, Digestive System, Documentation, Endocrine System, Forensic Science, Medical Examiner, Nervous System, Organ, Plagiarize, Primary Source, Respiratory System, Secondary Source, System, Tissue, Outline
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Vocabulary Test: Lesson 5Words:privation, solace, introspection, provisional, bereft, ephiphany, fortuitous, melancholy, avocation, renaissance
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Vocabulary Test: Unit 1 Lesson 1Words:alienate, deface, defile, deplore, disdain, erode, exasperate, instigate, invalidate, jostle, perturb, ravage, undermine, vie
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Vocabulary Test: TechWords:Quail, Faction, Defamation, Licentious, Blanch, Partisans, Calumny, Pretense, Covenant, Prodigious
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Vocabulary Test: Cake Decorating BasicsWords:Attach, Torting, Border, Tip Brushes, Buttercream Icing, Star Tips, Cake Boards, Star Fill-In Method, Cake Crown, Round Tips, Couplers, Practice Board, Dimensional Decorating, Piping Gel, Disposable Bags, Piping, Decorating Tips, Petal Tips, Drop Flower Tips, Pattern, Decorator Brushes, Meringue Powder, Dry Measure, Liquid Measure, Featherweight Bags, Leveling, Filling, Leaf Tips, Frosting, Icing Colors, Icing, Icing Build-Up
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Vocabulary Test: mWords:sepulcher, edifice, ignonomy, iniquity, vivify, penitence, exhortation, caprice, anathema, imperious, eldritch, expatiating, vindicate, sagicity, askance, somniferous, etherealized, contumacious, malevolence, eritrude
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