absolute zero has _ been reached
absolute zero temperature
air density _ with _ altitude
average inernal body temperature is
building, asphalt, etc. is example of
celsius has around _ divisions (degrees)
celsius scale ranges from
celsius uses _ system
celsius was created by
cloudy days has
cloudy skies means
daily mean temperature =
daily temperature range _ with _ altitude
evaporation is _ over water surface.
fahenheit was created by
fahrenheit has around_subdivisions
fahrenheit scales ranges from
heat index
high latitude
human impacts on earth's energy
in altitude temp _ with _ altitude.
kelvin scale uses _ units
kelvin scale was created by
kelvin scales ranges from
lapse rate
low latitude
maritime effect
monthly mean temperature =
movement _ mixing and _ temperature difference in water
removal of vegation
satellites can measure __ through temp at all layers of atm
satellites measure temp. as
stronger wind, _ wind chill index
temperature anomaly =
temperature is measured in
temperature of today can be on
temperature range =
the oppose of the maritime effect
thermometer contains
thin air has
transparency affects
warmest temperatures since ___ years ago
water has a ___ than soil or rock, so water heats or cools more
wind chill
_ humidty, higher heat index
_ warmer than 1880s
______ are warmer than surrounding environments