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Vocabulary Test: Eastern Hemp.
Infer, Evaluate, Formulate, Describe, Support, Summarize, Compare, Predict, Convey, Effective, Perceive, Portray, Explicity, Embedded, Contrast , Trace, Analyze

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Vocabulary Test: unemployment2
cyclicalunemployment, fulltimeemployment, frictionalunemployment, structuralunemployment, deriveddemand, Labormarket, institutionalized, eightpercent, three, ninetytwopercent, twentyfive, labor

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Vocabulary Test: Disciplines - Empires
Martin Lynn, 'between Britain and the wider world', No, 'where possible, formal imperialism where necessary', Financiers, Stephen Howe, large, composite, multi-ethnic/national, conquest , 'overlapped or ignored', cultural domain and ecozone, universal ideology, kings, difference, different people differently, Descriptive, associated claim to political sovereignty or "ownership"', Gallagher and Robinson

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Vocabulary Test: Emperors
Julius Cesar , Augustus , Trajan , Diocletian , Constantine , The emperors

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Vocabulary Test: GEN18 - Portuguese Empire
Arguim, Elmina, Rewarding nobles, piracy, trade, new dynasty of Aviz, reconquist, NO, Carreira da India, Malabar Coast, Carreira, Estado, Cartazes, Ormuz, Vijayanagar, calicoes, spices , Christians, spices, Zamorin of Calicut, Donatory-captaincy, Goa, Malacca, Merchant network, multiracial harmony, Camara , Italian navigation, Arab astrolabe, Chinese compass, Caravel, 5,000, 10,000, 1545-1563, missionary action, 1580-1640, Renovatio imperii, No, Guns, Pepper, spices, Goa, Bahia, Goa, 1620s-1640s, 1591, 1536, 1550s, 1560s , Padroado regio, Confraternities, 'the will to integrate colonised peoples into the Catholic Churc, servico de Deus , 'Nothing more than beasts who are led by their sentiments alone', Million, 1494, 'Enclave Empire', 1560, 1564, 1612-1615, Eighteenth century, 1650s, 'We should give up in Asia as much we need to', Year and a half, 1565, 1660s, Dos Guimaraes Sa, Padroado Regio, Military orders, Inquisition, Confraternities, 60 percent, Seventeenth, Francisco Bethencourt, Silver mines of Potosi, bandeirantes in Brazil, 1807, 1/5, 1/20, 75,000, 20,000, 1654, 3100, 2800, 3000, 3800, Brazilwood, Sugar, Gold and diamonds, 1622, 1595, 1641, 1658, 1511, 1520s , 1617, 1510, 3000, 'Had there been more of the world, they would have discovered it, 1 million, 1543, 1488, 1498, 1500, 1415, 1434

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Vocabulary Test: temporary test
Absolution, Creditable, Ensconce, Hasten, Laceration, Obdurate, Plausible, Reprieve, Tawdry, Blatant, Blasphemy, replete, engender, hamper

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Vocabulary Test: Templeton Vocabulary
Killjoy, Pillage, Wary , Signatory, Erroneous, Subtle, Sagacity, Swanky, Ad Nauseam, Reverence, Pretentious, Conundrum, Tactful, Abstain, Evanescent, Ambient, Patronize, Aesthetic, Haughty

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Vocabulary Test: MS Templeton Vocabulary
Spontaneous, Scrutinize , Reconciliation, Protagonist, Precipice, Falter, Onomatopoeia, Conformist, Benevolent, Antagonist, Accoutrement, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious , Vacillate, Wary, Conspicuous

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Vocabulary Test: Indian Empire test 1
Asoka, missionaries, infrastructure , silk road, Golden Age of Gupta, Huns, Zhou Dynasty , dynastic cycle, feudalism, coined money, dynasty , Shi Huangdi, unify China, Legalism , arbitrary, Confucian scholars, Great Wall, Terra Cotta army, centralized government, Han dynasty

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Vocabulary Test: ad templum
dēnique, silentium, ehem!, rīdēns, coepit, susurrāns, loquācior: loquāx, psittacus, obstinātior: obstinātus, cellam: cella, in capite, canistrum, enim, opportūnē, facere solent, ārā: āra, quārta, hōra, garriēns, Serāpidis: Serāpis , quid...agis?, garrīre, mī dulcissime, doctissimus: doctus, monumentīs: monumentum, gemitum: gemitus, vir quīdam, Syrōs: Syrī, Iūdaeōs: Iūdaeī, mīrāculum
Test Also Includes: synonyms, antonyms, parts of speech, sentences

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Vocabulary Test: L6 Temperature Concepts
Maritime Effect, Evaporation is _ over water surface., Transparency affects, Water has a ___ than soil or rock, so water heats or cools more , Movement _ mixing and _ temperature difference in water, cloudy skies means , Cloudy days has, Thin air has, Daily temperature range _ with _ altitude, Lapse rate, Air density _ with _ altitude, High latitude, in altitude Temp _ with _ altitude. , Low latitude, Temperature range = , Temperature anomaly =, Daily mean temperature =, monthly mean temperature =, Satellites measure temp. as, satellites can measure __ through temp at all layers of ATM, Temperature of today can be on , Thermometer, Thermometer contains, Absolute Zero has _ been reached, Kelvin Scale was created by, Kelvin scale uses _ units, Absolute Zero Temperature, Celsius uses _ system, celsius was created by , Kelvin scales ranges from, celsius has around _ divisions (degrees) , Celsius scale ranges from, Fahenheit was created by , Fahrenheit has around_subdivisions, Fahrenheit scales ranges from, Temperature is measured in, Temperature, The oppose of the Maritime Effect, Human impacts on earth's energy, _ warmer than 1880s, Warmest temperatures since ___ years ago, ______ are warmer than surrounding environments, building, asphalt, etc. is example of , Removal of vegation, Particulates, Average inernal body temperature is , Humidty, Wind chill, Stronger wind, _ wind chill index, heat Index, _ humidty, higher heat index

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Vocabulary Test: types of unemployment
Cyclical, MRP, unemployment , structural , seasonal, Frictional

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Vocabulary Test: ITS Seeking Employment
test wise, r'esume, networking, employment portfolio, transferable skills, work ethic, deductive reasoning, Cover letter

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Vocabulary Test: Conceptos del tiempo
cicloide, medir, tiempo, paso, convención, férrea, longitud, rigió, firmamento, monjes, canica, cuenco, péndulo, arco
Test Also Includes: synonyms, antonyms, parts of speech, sentences

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Vocabulary Test: Emploment Discrimination
protected class , employment discrimination , Title VII ( title seven) of the Civil Rights Act , When does Title VII apply? , What is the EEOC?, Before an employer files a lawsuit for discrimination, they have, disparate-treatment discrimination , The courts have a specific procedure for filing a claim for disp, prima facie , prima facie case , disparate-impact discrimination , do you need to prove evidence for disparate- impact discriminati, What are some examples of disparate-impact discrimination? , the Equal Pay Act , The two things that don't affect the Equal Pay Act , gender discrimination lawsuit , constructive discharge , sexual harassment , what two forms does sexual harassment come in? , what is quid pro quo , tangible employment action , for an employer to be held liable for a supervisor's sexual hara, retaliation, What does ADEA stand for? , What is ADEA?, Who does ADEA benefit?, Which employers are covered under ADEA?, Procedures for ADEA, What does ADA stand for? , what is a disability?, Procedures for the ADA , Before filing for the violation of the ADA, , reasonable accommodation for disabilities , undue hardship , business necessity

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Vocabulary Test: Roman Structures and Emperors
The Forum, Basilica of Maxentius, Trajan’s Column, Trajan’s Market , Circus Maximus, Aqueducts, Roman bath houses (Baths of Caracalla), (Public) Gardens (Horti) (Roman Gardens), Pantheon, Palatine Hill, Domus Aurea, Apartment House (Insulae):, Hadrian's Villa, Military Forts and Camps, Colosseum, Roman Roads, Augustus Caesar, Claudius, Nero, Trajan, Hadrian, Vespasian, Marcus Aurelius

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Vocabulary Test: Roman Emperor Dates
Hadrian, Marcus Aurelius, Trajan, Caesar, Vespasian, Nero, Claudius

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Vocabulary Test: The Egyptian Empire
What led to the decline and fall of the Egyptian empire?, During the Middle kingdom, they moved their capital from Memphis, How many years did the Middle Kingdom last?, When Egyptians took control of new lands, what did the conquered, What improvements did the pharaohs make?, What is the valley of the kings?, what were the differences between the Hyksos and the Eqyptian wa, What is the Egyptian prince's name who drove the Hyskos out of E, What is the first woman pharaoh's name who concentrated on build, What name did Amenhoptep change his name to?, What is the name of the new religion that worshipped this god?, How old was King Tutankhamen when he inherited the throne?, Who is the greatest of the New Kingdom pharaohs?, How did Ramses II's armies help to rebuild the great empire?, What purpose did the temples serve in Egypt?

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Vocabulary Test: 1. Employability and Professionalism
Background check, Career fair, Communication, Competency, Conflict, Constructive criticism, Co-operative (co-op), Cover letter, Criticism, Ethics, Harassment, Internship, Job description, Mock interview, Prioritization, Professionalism, Punctuality, Qualifications, Recruiting, References, Resume, Screening interview, Targeted resume, Time management, Word of mouth

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Vocabulary Test: The Tempest Act 1
Abhorred , Allay , Chide , Fen , Fortitude , Homage , Perfidious , Precursors , Prerogative

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Vocabulary Test: Sociology Test 1A
Sociology, Sociological Imagination, Social Institution, Verstehen, Anomie, Positivist Sociology, Double Consciousness, Functionalism, Conflict Theory, Symbolic Interaction, Post Modernism, Social Construction, Midrange Theory, Microsociology, Macrosociology, Research Methods, Quantitative Methods, Qualitative Methods, Deductive Approach, Inductive Approach, Correlation/Association, Causality, Reverse Causality, Dependent Variable, Independent Variable

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Quiz: The Ransom of Red Chief
collaborate, commend, comply, diatribe, impudent, proposition, provisions, ransom, combine, communicable, concur, confirm, multipurpose, multitude

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Vocabulary Test: test #3
debonair, invective, absolve, prosaic, preeminent, disseminate, politic, provocative, imperious, bedlam, portuitous, gist, enhance, caricature, gauche, cupidity, sanctimonious, corroborate, implicit, motley

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Vocabulary Test: Tom Sawyer Vocab
perplexed, sagacity, derision, ambuscade, adamantine, melancholy, tranquilly, alacrity, furtive, morosely, effusion, adherent, abash, ostentation, shorn, fetters, mortified, frivolity, accoutrements, facetious

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Vocabulary Test: Euro
Wittenburg, Ignatis of Layola, Catherine of argon, edict of worms, suleiman the magnificant, christian civic league, catholic reformation, fancis I, Ulrich Zwingli, Mary Tudor, John Calvin, Bible, anabaptsits, erasmus, Anne Boleyn, canton, Sacco Di Roma, Jesuits, Paul II, Swiss Confederation, Theologian, Martin Luther, Sola Fide, Schmalkaldic league, Martin Luther, Peace of Augsburg, Predestination, Charled V, Thomas More, Scandinavia, Act Of Supremacy, Gustavas Vasa, Council of Trent, Diet of Augsburg, annul, theocracy

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Vocabulary Test: Landforms
common theory, continental drift, convergent plates, crust, divergent plates, earthquake, fault, inner core, mantle, outer core, plate tectonics, seismograph, transform plates, weathering

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Vocabulary Test: Fertile Crescent
artisan, city-states, civilization, Code of Hammurabi, cuneiform, fertile, irrigation, Judaism, scribe, ziggurats

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Vocabulary Test: phobia test
acrophobia, agoraphobia, audiophile, balletomania, bibliomania, bibliophobe, claustrophobia, dipsomaniac, hemophiliac, kleptomaniac, mania, megalomania, monomania, phobia, photophilic, photophobia, photophobic, pyromaniac, xenophobia, bibliophile

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Vocabulary Test: Sept 23
accuse, clever, coast, delicate, explore, imitate, pierce, rare, symbol, triumph

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary 2
spotless, tattered, lanky, exquisite, emaciated, elaborate, fragile, homely

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Vocabulary Test: Radio Rescue Vocabulary
Ferocious, Acknowledge, Relaying, Raise, Transmitting, Distress, Hurricane

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Vocabulary Test: Matilda Vocabulary
Horrid, Summon, Hesitated, Marvelously, Disappearing, Consent, Tension, Embarrassing

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Vocabulary Test: Dragon Gets By Vocabulary
balanced, dairy, diet, hungry, shopper, shopping, vegetables

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Vocabulary Test: 5th Grade Unit 2 Final
abandon, assault, convert, dispute, impressive, justify, misleading, numerous, productive, shrewd, strategy, villian

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Test #4
abrogate, blasphemy, credible, enigma, beguile, eclectic, nuzzle, plaudit, reprehensible, tardy

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Vocabulary Test: medlist # 2
vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B6, vitamin B9, vitamin B12, Vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, k-dur, Os-Cal, Feosol, Slow-meg, Galzin, feogon, Normal Salinex, Neutra phos, feostat

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Vocabulary Test: medlis #3
bactroban, silvadene, abreva, nix, solodyn, desenex, tinactin, nizoral, lamisil, mycostatin, cortizone, decadron, elocon, aldara, compond W, zovirax, neosporn, oracea, calamine lotion, RID

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Test #5
absolution, blatant, creditable, ensconce, hasten, laceration, obdurate, plausible, reprieve, tawdry

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Vocabulary Test: test1
phoneme, allophone, plosive, fricative, affricate, approximant, nasal, diphthong, vowel, consonant, monophthong, voiced sound, voiceless sound, alveolar consonant, bilabial consonant, palatal consonant, velar consonant, glottal consonant, free vowel, checked vowel

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Vocabulary Test: 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens Quiz
effective, success, goal, balance, active listening, communication, conflict, habit
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