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"Drama 2"

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actor that banned people from sitting on the stage
birth and death of shakespeare
characteristics of the comedy of humor
characteristics of christopher marlowe's play
characteristics of comedy of humour
characteristics of commedia style
characteristics of john webster's plays
characteristics of private theatre
characteristics of public theatre
charateristics of plays in elizabethan
chariot and pole system
commedia dell' arte
court masques showed influence of which country
court masques under which king
critic that misinterpreted poetics
derivative of thomas kyd's work
discovery space
edward alleyn associated with
edward kynaston
first actress
focus of italian renaissance theatre
four personality types in comedy of humours
functions of elizabethan tiring house
genre associated with beaumont and fletcher
humor's associated with personality types
inigo jones
innovation in teatro farnase
introduction of pit, box and gallery seating
inventor of chariot and pole system
james burbage
leading actor in shakespeare company
maintainment of purity of genre
major concern of stuart masques
major contributions of renaissance theatre
majority of performers in italian renaissance
monarch that banned presentation of religious drama
play by christopher marlowe
playwright associated with coh
playwright that launched an attack on shakespeare as "an up
point of attck in elizabethan dramatists
resemblement of teatro olmpico
restoration begins with
result of banning religious drama
richard burbage
sabbattini contribution
seating arrangement in private theatre
seating arrangement in public theatre
seating during the english restoration
source of lighting in private theatre
state official that enforced the abnning
successor to elizabeth i
the heavens
the theatre built by
thomas kyd's work
three critics from italian renaissance
three directions the theatre took
three university wits
time female producers appear
two comedies by shakespeare
two elizabethan private theatre
two elizabethan public theatre
two leading writers of english restoration
two theories of location/ design of discovery space
two tragedies by shakespeare