Drama 2 Crossword
1) white friar, black friar2) professional theatre of renaissance3) taming of the shrew, much ado about nothing4) April 23rd 1564-16166) place where characters could hide7) seneca16) roof over the stage, also called shadows |
5) 16608) roman theatre9) dark side of human nature10) thomas kyd, christopher marlowe, john lyly, robert greene11) carpenter, interest in theatre, built 1st theatre12) stock characters, complex characterization, early poa, sub plots, mixed genres, heightened language13) tragic comedy. dramatic genre14) last man to play a woman, "most beautiful woman on stage"15) traveled to italy, brought back court masques; conventions17) high energy and acrobatic18) proscenium arch19) seculiar drama20) between reins of kings, 1649-1660 no king21) early22) influenced by seneca, concern and senationalism23) son of James, played leading actors in shakespeare's plays24) manually constructing theatrical scenes and machines25) Margaret Hughes26) james I |