Emploment Discrimination Crossword
2) intentional discrimination 5) latin for, at first sight 6) the Americans with Disabilities Act 7) accommodations are too expensive or significantly difficult for the employer 9) a physical or mental impairment that limits an individual's major life activities , a record of impairment, or being regarded as having an impairment 12) ADEA only works for people 40 years and older13) the Employment Exchange Opportunity Commission |
1) When you have 15 or more employees 3) to file a claim,
1) you must show you have a disability
2) you were qualified for the employment in question
3) excluded from employment because of the disability 4) significant change in employment status or benefit 8) It's a response from a complaint about sexual harassment. It comes in many forms, such as firing, constructive discharge, and changing the terms 10) No, no evidence is needed. 11) making the employee's working conditions so intolerable or unreasonable that the employee feels compelled to leave 14) a plaintiff must demonstrate that gender was a determining factor in the hiring decision or employment actions 15) the seniority and the merit system 16) ramps for wheelchairs, flexible work hours, creating and modifying job assignments 17) Age Discrimination in Employment Act 18) the federal act that prohibits discrimination based on age 19) sexual demands in return for benefits 20) To establish a case,
1) employer must show he or she is 40 years and above
2) qualified for the position they were discharged for
3) discharged because of age discrimination 21) a class of persons with identifiable characteristics such as age, color, gender, national origin, race and religion; who has been discriminated against 22) unintentional discriminatory effect 23) a case in which the plaintiff has produced sufficient evidence to prove his or her conclusion if the defendant produces no evidence to rebut it 24) established in 1964, it prohibits job discrimination against employees25) treating employees or job applicants unequally on the basis of race, color, gender, national origin, religion, age, or disability 26) 1) employee must be a member of a protected class
2) employee was qualified for the job in question
3) employee was rejected by the employer
4) the employer 27) the supervisor normally must have taken a tangible employment action against the employee, that is, the employer takes away an employee's status or benefit |