heat drives geological activity
what is necessary for differentiation to occur in a planet?
1. surface liquid water
2. atmospheric oxygen
3. plate tectonics
4. climatestability
a greenhouse gas
atmosphere of venus
atmosphere of venus
carbon dioxide cycle 1
carbon dioxide cycle 2
climate change on mars
continental motion
cooling of interior will be on test
cratering of mercury
cratering of mercury
cratering on venus
differentiation important will be on test
does venus have plate tectonics?
earth’s interior part 1 core
earth’s interior part 2 mantle
earth’s interior part 3 crust
earth’s magnetosphere
erosion geological processes
erosion on venus
greenhouse effect on venus
greenhouse effect:
greenhouse effect: bad?
heating of interior over time
impact cratering
impact cratering geological processes
lithosphere=storm (important will be on test)
mars versus earth
planetary destiny
plate tectonics on earth
radiation protection
role of size (-->geological destiny) will be on test
runaway greenhouse effect
seafloor recycling
seasons on mars
sources of internal heat
storms on mars
strength of rock
strong magnetic fields
tectonics geological processes
tectonics on mercury (no landing yet!)
tectonics on venus
terrestrial planet interiors
volcanism geological processes
volcanoes on venus
what makes a planet habitable?
what makes a planet habitable?
why do water and oil separate?
why is venus so hot?
why the sky is blue