Anatomy test 4 d Crossword
1) injury to vessel itself, clotting factors come from sources other than blood2) suppresses thrombin formation, produced by liver3) a hereditary bleeding disorder, most common in males6) subnormal hemoglobin production 8) blood loss, no RBC production9) affects RBC production. is most common in people of african or mediterranean descent, a ressecive disorder.12) cessation of blood13) aplastic, iron-deficiency, pernicious, and hemolytic |
1) when the pletelets grow pseudopods when come into contact with collagen fibers or rough surfaces, mass of platelets, may reduce or stop bleeding, the postive feedback system is activated2) blood clots form without external clotting factors.3) its the rapid constriction of broken vessel4) you bleed to death uncontrolably... Ebola- will kill you in 24 hours, marbug virus- found in germany. 5) platelet repulsion, which is when platelets are unable to adhere to endothelium of healthy blood vessels, then dialation, which is spontaneous formation of small amounts of thrombin.7) polycythemia, thalassemia, hemorrhagic fevers, hemochromatosis10) factor X combines with factor III and V, thrombin breaks up fibrinogen into fibrin11) subnormal levels of RBC's14) most effective defense against bleeding, the blood cells and platelets adhere to fibrin, which seals the broken blood vessel15) extrinsic, and intrinsic16) damaged blood vessel release tissue thromboplastin17) when thrombin is blocked by means of fibrinogen.18) vascular spasm, platelet plug formation, blood clotting (coagulation)19) stress on the heart20) injury stimulating pain receptors |