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Vocabulary Test: La Mujer Contemporanea
a tiempo parcial, anticuado, el aprendiz, arriesgar, el asalariado, el avance, la baja maternal, la carrera, la clase obrera, compaginar, la compania, comprensivo, condescendiente, contrar con, contratar, criticar, cuidar de, dar a luz a , dar rabia, el derecho, desconsolado, embarazada, el embarazado, el emprendedor, la empresa, enamorarse de, enfadarse, enhorabuena, entender, equiparar, equitativo, el estado, el exito, facilitar, felicitar, el feminismo, futurista, el feminismo, futurista, la huelga, la igualdad, inadmisible, inaguantable, inapropiado, el jefe, la jubilacion, la lactancia, llorar , el machismo, matinal, moralizar, el parado, el paro, partidiario, el personal, el poder, el progreso, el puesto, quejarse, el salario, el sirviente, subestimar, el sueldo, sumiso, el taller, el techo de cristal, el tercio, el titulo, tolerante, tomar en serio, unirse, la ventaja

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Vocabulary Test: Greek Temples Quiz
Triglyph, Frieze, Entablature, 3 column styles:, Peristyle, Before the Parthenon, what materials were temples made of?, What was the main materials used to make the Parthenon?, Opisthodomos, Pronaos, Naos, Metope, Pediment, The Parthenon's head sculptor., Panathenaic Procession, Stylobate, Crepidoma

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Vocabulary Test: Employability Skills Key Terms
Communication, Interpersonal Relationships, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Employability Skills, Diversity, Professional Image

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Vocabulary Test: The Temptation of Jesus
Temptation, Hungry, Devil, Stone, Worship, Angel

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Vocabulary Test: Unemployment
Un enjeu, La croissance, Stagner, Etre d'actualité, Une légère baisse, Maîtriser le chômage , Les tendances, Miser sur , La préoccupation majeure, La reprise économique, La courbe de chômage, Les taux de croissance, Le PIB, Grimper, Les inscrits , La hausse de, Les chiffres du chômage

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Vocabulary Test: Business Cycles, fiscil, and unemployment definitions
GDP helpfull? , illigal activities excluded because, Non-market transactions, quality of life issue gdp, compisition of the output- , reporting delays gdp, production within national borders, Second-hand sales , intermediate goods, GDP realistically , GDP Theoretically , GDP, National Income Accounting , regressive tax, progressive tax, proportional tax , Efficiency of tax, loopholes , simplicity of tax, tax for risch, middle class, poor, equity , fiscal policy, sin tax, external shocks, Easy money , tight money , Monetary Factors, inventory adjustments, Innovation/ immitaion , Capital Expendatures , American Staff Rate, Economy Conditions in other countries, Credit, Unequel Distribution of income, depression, Black Tuesday, Peak, trough , Recession, Business Cycles

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Vocabulary Test: SS Muslim Empires
What is the capital city?, Where did the empire take place?, What was the caliph's duty?, How many years was Suleiman sultan for?, How many bodyguards did Suleiman have at his side?, How did the Ottoman Empire collapse?, What sultan fought on the losing end of WWI?, What are the five pillars of Islam?, Caliph, How did Islamic ideas spread?, Theocracy

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Vocabulary Test: SS Muslim Empires 2
1924, Ottoman Empire's capital?, 1520, 1826, 632, 732

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Vocabulary Test: Employ Test
Situational, Parliamentary , Net income, Tax, Resume, Motion, Organization, Initiative, Debate, Budget, Agenda, Adjourn, Supporting, Laissez-faire, Directing, Democratic, Delegating, Coaching, By Example , Autocratic

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Vocabulary Test: Employment Vocabulary
Fired, Interview, Employee, Employer, sal. , Minimum Wage, pd., 20K, ins., min., p/t, ed., f/t, eve., bene., No exp. nec., aft., exp., 3 yrs. exp., W/ refs., Commute, Reference, Resume, Experience, Education

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Vocabulary Test: The Tempest Act 2
Abominable, Celestial , Enmity, Nimble, Prate, Spendthrift, Trifle, Upbraid

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Vocabulary Test: Conceptos del tiempo
cicloide, medir, tiempo, paso, convención, férrea, longitud, rigió, firmamento, monjes, canica, cuenco, péndulo, arco
Test Also Includes: synonyms, antonyms, parts of speech, sentences

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Vocabulary Test: Emploment Discrimination
protected class , employment discrimination , Title VII ( title seven) of the Civil Rights Act , When does Title VII apply? , What is the EEOC?, Before an employer files a lawsuit for discrimination, they have, disparate-treatment discrimination , The courts have a specific procedure for filing a claim for disp, prima facie , prima facie case , disparate-impact discrimination , do you need to prove evidence for disparate- impact discriminati, What are some examples of disparate-impact discrimination? , the Equal Pay Act , The two things that don't affect the Equal Pay Act , gender discrimination lawsuit , constructive discharge , sexual harassment , what two forms does sexual harassment come in? , what is quid pro quo , tangible employment action , for an employer to be held liable for a supervisor's sexual hara, retaliation, What does ADEA stand for? , What is ADEA?, Who does ADEA benefit?, Which employers are covered under ADEA?, Procedures for ADEA, What does ADA stand for? , what is a disability?, Procedures for the ADA , Before filing for the violation of the ADA, , reasonable accommodation for disabilities , undue hardship , business necessity

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Vocabulary Test: Roman Structures and Emperors
The Forum, Basilica of Maxentius, Trajan’s Column, Trajan’s Market , Circus Maximus, Aqueducts, Roman bath houses (Baths of Caracalla), (Public) Gardens (Horti) (Roman Gardens), Pantheon, Palatine Hill, Domus Aurea, Apartment House (Insulae):, Hadrian's Villa, Military Forts and Camps, Colosseum, Roman Roads, Augustus Caesar, Claudius, Nero, Trajan, Hadrian, Vespasian, Marcus Aurelius

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Vocabulary Test: Roman Emperor Dates
Hadrian, Marcus Aurelius, Trajan, Caesar, Vespasian, Nero, Claudius

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Vocabulary Test: The Egyptian Empire
What led to the decline and fall of the Egyptian empire?, During the Middle kingdom, they moved their capital from Memphis, How many years did the Middle Kingdom last?, When Egyptians took control of new lands, what did the conquered, What improvements did the pharaohs make?, What is the valley of the kings?, what were the differences between the Hyksos and the Eqyptian wa, What is the Egyptian prince's name who drove the Hyskos out of E, What is the first woman pharaoh's name who concentrated on build, What name did Amenhoptep change his name to?, What is the name of the new religion that worshipped this god?, How old was King Tutankhamen when he inherited the throne?, Who is the greatest of the New Kingdom pharaohs?, How did Ramses II's armies help to rebuild the great empire?, What purpose did the temples serve in Egypt?

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Vocabulary Test: 1. Employability and Professionalism
Background check, Career fair, Communication, Competency, Conflict, Constructive criticism, Co-operative (co-op), Cover letter, Criticism, Ethics, Harassment, Internship, Job description, Mock interview, Prioritization, Professionalism, Punctuality, Qualifications, Recruiting, References, Resume, Screening interview, Targeted resume, Time management, Word of mouth

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Vocabulary Test: The Tempest Act 1
Abhorred , Allay , Chide , Fen , Fortitude , Homage , Perfidious , Precursors , Prerogative

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Vocabulary Test: Departments and Employment
Executive secretary, accountant, Finance director, Imaginative, Focused, patient, energetic, practical, ambitious, honest, loyal, punctual, motivated, reliable

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Vocabulary Test: GR.6 S.Studies 9-3 Byzantine Empire 4-9-14
Black&Aegean Sea, Tribonian, Belisarius, Theodora, Justinian, Regent, Mosaic, Saint

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Vocabulary Test: World History
Knossos, Shrines, Frescoes, Trojan War, Straits, Homer, Polis, Acropolis, Citizens, Monarchy, Aristocracy, Oligarchy, Phalanx, Sparta, Athens, Democracy, Tyrants, Legislature, Alliance, Pericles, Direct Democracy, Stipend, Jury, Ostracism, Philosopher, Logic, Rhetoric, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Parthenon, Tragedies, Comedies, Herodotus, Alexander the Great, Philip II, Assassination, Assimilated, Alexandria, Pythagoras, Heliocentric, Archimedes, Hippocrates

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab #1
Sophomore, Tenacity, Haughty, Frivolous, Clamor, Ominous, Chastise, Agile

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Vocabulary Test: g2
core, mantle, magma, crust, continent, plate techtonics, earthquake, fault, weathering, erosion, continental shelf, trench, groundwater, aquifer, water cycle, evaporation, condensation, precipitation, collection

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Vocabulary Test: Level D Unit 1
admonish, breach, brigand, circumspect, commandeer, cumbersome, deadlock, debris, diffuse, dilemma, efface, muddle, opinionated, perennial, predispose, relinquish, salvage, spasmodic, spurious, unbridled

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Vocabulary Test: Zlateh the Goat
exuded, trace, penetrate, bound, conclusion, rapidly

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Vocabulary Test: A Wrinkle in Time
Avid, Dilapidated, Dubiously, Inadvertently, Serenity, Subdued, Tesseract, Axis, Elliptic, Ineffable, Virtue, Aberration, Precipitously, Resilience, Annihilate, Emanate, Grimace, Implored, Loftily, Omnipotent, Translucent, Acute, Appallingly, Permeating, Prodigious

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Vocabulary Test: Geography Matching
continent, latitude, grid map, ocean, southern hemisphere, globe, northern hemisphere, longitude, landform map, locator, volcano, equator, valley, plateau, political map, western hemisphere, desert, prime meridian, scale, eastern hemisphere

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Vocabulary Test: Widemon Unit 3
adversary, alienate, artifice, coerce, craven, culinary, delete, demise, exhilerate, fallow, harass, inclement, muse, negligible, perpetuate, precedent, punitive, redress, sojourn, urbane

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Vocabulary Test: Literary Terms
Allusion, Flashback, Irony, Narrator, Personification, Setting, Symbol, Climax, Genre, Metaphor, Refrain, Sonnet, Theme, Foreshadowing, Imagery, Mood, Parody, Satire, Subplot, Tone, Onomatopoeia

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Vocabulary Test: Beowulf Vocabulary Quiz
Epic Hero, Epic, Resolute, Vehemently, Infallible, Furled, Lavish, Assail, Extolled

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Vocabulary Test: intuition
approbation, simulate, meritorious, assuage, epitome, lurid, coalition, intercede, decadence, elicit, innuendo, hiatus, petulant, meritorious, jaded

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Vocabulary Test: Harry Potter Quiz (Easy)
Harry, potter, ron, hermione, wizard, hogwarts

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Vocabulary Test: Gujarati Words- Colors
red, yellow, orange, green, blue, purple, pink, brown, black, white

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Vocabulary Test: Vaocabulary Test
rashly, accident, rare, exists, peak, regretted, tourists, base, dusk, nervous, mass, blaze, tales, edge, scientist, basement, worry, excitedly, flooding, extreme, midnight, horizon, carried

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Vocabulary Test: HBSEIII
Dopamine, Serotonin, . Pathway, Neurotransmitters, Basal Ganglia, Neurons, Hypothalamus, Hippocampus, Amygdala, Limbic System, Frontal Cortex, Disorientation, Thought Insertion, Thought Broadcasting, Persecutory, of Reference, of being controlled, Grandiose, Eromanic, Delusion, Visual, Tactile, Olfactory, Gustatory, Auditory, Hallucination, Compulsions, Obsessions, Magical Thinking, Incoherence, Illusions, Irritable, Expansive, Euthymic, Elevated, Dysphoric, Mood, Restricted, Labile, Flat, Blunted, Affect, Mutism, Flight of Ideas, Perseveration, Circumstantiality, Blocking, Pressured Speech, Tic, Agitation, Axis V, Axis IV, Axis III, Axis II, Axis I, Syndrome, In Full Remission, In Partial Remission, Mild, Moderate, Severe, ICD, NOS, Provisional, Principal Diagnosis, Mental Disorder (as defined by DSM

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Vocabulary Test: Chapter 4b
aerobic, anaerobic, glycolysis, cellular fermentation, alcoholic fermentation, lactic acid fermentation, metabolism, codon, messenger RNA, transfer RNA, anticodon, exon, intron, anabolism

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Vocabulary Test: sat4
spawn, beauteous, sardonic, extroverted, proliferation, remedy, gregarious, ostentatious, eccentric, pernicious, vapid, flippant, scintillating, maxim, contrivance, inane, abetment, pendantry, sycophantic, amend, adulation, extirpation, commiseration, enervate, espousal

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Vocabulary Test: sat5
lampoon, obfuscate, vituperate, staunch, laud, fidelity, eloquence, deride, versatile, edify, evocative, cathartic, eclectic, deliberate, erroneous, invasive, munificence, caustic, protracted, austerity, consternation, fiscal, insinuate, sacrosanct, psedonym

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Vocabulary Test: ashton
Government, democracy, constitution, republic, representitive, philosophy, legislature, revolution

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Vocabulary Test: Phineas Gage Vocab Test II
puss, cells, tissue, swelling, dressing, granite, tamping iron, blasting, accident, eyewitness, frontal lobe, dendrites
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