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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 1 of 11Words:PTH, oxytosin, ADH , hyposecretio of ADH, colloid holds, parafalicular , thryoid makes, PTH targets, medulla, cortex, aldosterone, renin, cortisol does what, how many liters of blood, temp of blood, blood is what , Ph of blood, hematocrit women , hematocrit men, plasma is what percent water
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 1 of 12Words:albumin, fibrinogen, globulin, true cell, hematopoiesis, why do you make red blood cells, what happens when you make RBC, too few RBC, too much RBC, what you need to make RBC, hemoglobin, hemoglobin composed of , hemoglobin can carry how much O2, when destroyed heme is , when destroyed globin is , when destroyed iron is , lifespan of RBC, oxyhemoglobin, deoxygemoglobin, macrophages are broken down and stored
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 1 of 10Words:cushings , symptoms of cushings, addisons, symptoms of addisons, pancrease is , islets of pancrease produce , liver stores, glycogenesis, glycogenolysis, glucagon, myxedema, goiter, graves, creatinism, growth hormone, ACTH, TSH, FSH, LH , prolactin
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Test 2Words:# of platelets/cubic mm, # of wbc/cubic mm, #of RBCs/ cubic mm, Adhesion, Attacks viruses and cancer cells, Blood Type, Blood Volume, Bufy Coat, Erythropoietin, Fragments of megakaryocytes, Heme, Hemoglobin function, Hemostasis, Iron transporter, Macrophage, Maintenance of osmotic pressure, Neutrophils, MHC antigens, Most abundant plasma protein, Median cubital vein , Myeloid stem cells, Newborn hemolytic disease, Older neutrophils, Oxygen binds to it, Person with type A antibodies, Person with type A, B antibodies, Phagocytic argranular leukocytes, Phagocytic location of RBCs, RhoGAM, Plasmin, Platelet adhesion, Produced by the kidney, Prostaglandin that activates platelets, RBCs, Reticulocytes, Super Nitric Oxide, Type O, Rh –, Thrombin, Thrombopoietin, T-lymphocytes, Universal recipient, Vitamin K, Warafin, Voltage gated K+ channel, Ventricular depolarization, Stimulate atria to contract, Sinoatrial node, Pressure > 80 mmHg, Pressure required to open semilunar valves, Bicuspid, Between right atrium and ventricle, Between left atrium and aorta, Atrial depolarization, Great saphenous, Resting pulse rate, ACE inhibitors, Source of left common carotid blood, Starting capillary hydrostatic pressure, Systematic vascular resistance, Starling’s Law of capillaries, Aldosterone, Increased venous return, Epinephrine increase, Parasympathetic effector, Umbilical artery, Valves, Tunica media, Tunica interna, Baroreceptors, Monitor changes in blood pressure, Reduced venous return, Metarterioles, Blood reservoir, Pressure reservoir, Brachiocephalic trunk, Hypovolemic shock, Blood colloid osmotic pressure, Arterioles, Anastomosis, Arteries, Greatest cross-sectional area, Coronary sinus, Coronary blood source, Connects muscle fibers, Chordae tendineae, Cardiac tamponade, Cardiac output, Frank-Sterling Law, Force of contraction, Fibrous skeleton, Fills right atrium, Folds in endocardial region, Depression in atrial septum, Myocardial ischemia, Mediastinum, Lupp-dupp, Heart lining, Myocardium, Norepinephrine, Parasympathetic effect, Pericardial cavity, Prevents AV valve inversion, Sarcoplasmic reticulum, Semilunar valve
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Vocabulary Test: self-contradictory1Words:也 , 在桌子上 , 卖 , 在市场上 , 上 , 市场 , 在 , 有个人, 楚国, 星, 自相矛盾, 星期, 时, 战, 国, 时期 , 战国, 矛, 盾, 相, 自
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Vocabulary Test: Chufa book1 L3.1 Self-study vocabulary Vocabtest P103Words:父母, 父亲, 母亲, 爷爷, 奶奶, 祖母, 祖父, 外祖母, 外祖父, 姥姥, 姥爷, 外婆, 外公, 哥哥, 姐姐, 妹妹, 弟弟, 兄弟姐妹, 工程师, 电脑工程师, 建筑师, 设计师, 教师, 教授, 经理, 大夫, 医生, 护士, 退休, 属相, 鼠, 牛, 虎, 兔, 龙, 蛇, 马, 羊, 猴, 鸡, 狗, 猪
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 1 of 9Words:signs of cushings syndrome, addisons , adrenal cortex releases, islets of langerhans produces what hormones, thye in the pancreas help break down, exocrine makes, endocrine has two types of cells, alpha cells make, beta make , which endocrine cell is more abundant, beta and alpha cells are what, what happens in the liver, what happens with low levels of glucose, what does glucogen do, what does insulin do, glucagon targets what, glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis, genesis means, lysis means, process of insulin, imbalance of insulin- diabetes mellitus, what happens when someone cannot get glucose in cells, glucoseuria , 3 signs of diabetes, polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, other signs of diabetes, Cushings
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 2 of 8Words:what pulls fluid in is , what pulls fluid out is , blood supply to the brain comes from , external coratid gives blood supply to , internal coratid gives blood supply to , circle of willis, short term control of bp, short term control means, neural, hormones, long term control means, long term control includes, chemo receptors, baro receptors, 3 things that could increase or decrease resistance, of those three tings which one would play a role, if you increase vessel diameter what happens to resistance, what are your resistance vessels, why are arterioles considered resistance vessels, what happens to blood flow further from the heart
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy3Words:nasal bones, Maxillary bone, maxillary sinus (antrums of highmore), alveolar process, Palatine process of the maxillae, zygomatic bone or malar bone, temporal process of the zygomatic bone, mandible, body, rami/ramus, angle, condylar process, coronoid process, mandibular notch, lacrimal bones, palatine bones, horizontal plate of the palatine bone, maxillary bone and palatine bone, inferior nasal conchae, vomer, Superior portion, perp. plate of eth. bone; infe. portion vomer;, Frontal; ethmoid; maxillary; sphenoid, frontal;ethmoid;maxillary;sphenoid;palatine;lacrimal;zygomatic, hyoid
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 2 of 7Words:contain a lot of elastic tissue, hae precapillary sphincters, single layer of simple squamous cells, tick tunica media, vasodilation and vasoconstriction, vessels located close to the heart, vessels closest to capillaries , capillaries , delivering material, have valves, blood leaving cappilaries enter these vessels, always contain all three tunica layers, 3 things help propel blood back to the heart, how to increase blood pressure, baro receptors are located in the , decrease blood pressure, areas of large cross section is the , hydrostatic pressure, albumin does what, pulls fluid out is
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Vocabulary Test: "My Favorite Teacher" VocabularyWords:journalism, fundamental, transcribe, comport, articulate, harangue, admonition, relevant, globalization, portfolio
Test Also Includes: synonyms, antonyms, parts of speech, sentences
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 1 of 13Words:CO2 loading in tissues, EPO- erthroproiten, anemia, sickle cell anemia, pernicious anemia, polycythemia, % of leukocytes, platelets are, homeostasis blood, start with what to make RBCs, diapedesis, ameboid motion, chemotaxis, leukemia, leukopenia, WBC , eosinophils, basophils, agranulocytes, monocytes become
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Vocabulary Test: self-contradictory2Words:它 , 刺破 , 被, 能, 都, 东西, 用 , 无论 , 无, 锐利 , 坚硬, 又, 对, 对大家说 , 拿, 拿着 , 刺 , 破
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Vocabulary Test: Chufa book1 L3.3 Self-study vocabulary Vocabtest P122Words:生气, 坏脾气, 急脾气, 有耐心, 粗鲁, 有礼貌, 外向, 大气, 乐观, 马虎, 认真, 被动, 主动, 冷淡, 友好, 买, 生日, 负责任, 有原则, 一样, 将来, 那样, 这样, 大方, 热情, 应该, 重要, 更, 好脾气, 内向, 希望, 悲观, 小气, 积极, 问, 男孩子, 女孩子, 但是, 性格, 长相, 既...又..., 家人, 亲切, 给, 消极, 礼物
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Vocabulary Test: icon-parl-sentWords:iconoclast, opaque, pandemic, paragon, paradigm, latent, heirarchy, idolatry, lambasted, ostensible, palliate, pacifistic, malice, nemesis, nocturnal, lackadaisically, incontravertible, lampooned, hamper, influx, languid, idyllic, hiatus, inured, palpable, indolence, palisade, impaired, intrepid, parley
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Vocabulary Test: food/alimentaciónWords:feeding, lunch, roast, drink, canteen, cafe, have dinner, cook, eat, have breakfast, defrost, stew, gluttony, boil, lunchtime, cookbook, afternoon tea, nutrition, peel, lay the table, make lunch, stir, serve, soup, to be thirsty
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Vocabulary Test: Unit 8 Level BWords:Abnormal, Capsize, Catastrophe, Decrease, Disputatious, Eject, Flourish, Incentive, Insubordinate, Legible, Nub, Onslaught, Ordain, Outstrip, Pervade, Prudent, Quench, Remnant, Simultaneous, Swerve
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Vocabulary Test: apat-vil-sentWords:apathy, clamor, efficacious, effrontery, emaciated, enmity, fatuously, glean, hellions, malingering, meticulously, parsimonious, benign, penury, pernicious, praxis, philanderer, sallow, serpentine, stupified, surreal, timorous, vacillating, vilified, frenetic
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Vocabulary Test: Meet the LenapeWords:Ice age, Beringia, Natural resource, migrate, algonquin, original people, peaceful, longhouse, wigwam, slash and burn, the three sisters, saber-tooth tiger, bering strait, nomads, woolly mammoth
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab TestWords:barren, disrupt, dynasty, hurtle, germinate, adjacent, trickle, interminable, renovate, interrogate, alight, foretaste, vicious, sullen, truce, insinuate, recompense, resume, humdrum, trivial
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Vocabulary Test: matchingWords:opaque, paramount, prattle, rebut, reprimand, servitude, stagnant, succumb, morose, exodus, facilitate, catalyst, accomplice, annihilate, arbitrary, brazen, incorrigible, latent, militant
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Vocabulary Test: History TestWords:Great Awakening, Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, Enlightenment, John Locke, Proclamation of 1763, Declaratory Act 1765, Quartering Act 1765, Townshend Acts 1767, Committess of Correspondence, The Sons of Liberty, The Grench and Indian War, Albany Plan of Union, Battle of Quebec, Treaty of Paris, Treaty of Paris of 1783, Proclaimation of 1763, Second Continental Congress, Continental Army, Benedict Arnold, Thomas Jefferson, Lord Cornwallis, Guerrillas, Pacifist, Battle of Yorktown, Pontiac's Rebellion, Republicanism, Elizabeth Freeman, Richard Allen, Parliment, Edmund Andros, Glorious Revolution, Salutary neglect, John Petere Zenger, spare, spare, spare, spare, spare, spare
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Vocabulary Test: vocab 17Words:extrovert, extract, exorbitant, exuberance, expediency, exult, extricate, extraneous, expatriate, expanse
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Vocabulary Test: Frankenstein Vocabulary Chapters 1 and 2Words:ardent, countenance, dauntless, harrowing, irrevocably, mariner, perserverance, benevolent, commiserate, consolation, discern, fiend, hideous, omen
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Vocabulary Test: Hamlet Vocab QuizWords:countenance, conjectures, pestilant, rapier, abatements, circumvent, indentures, conveyances, abhor, requiem, churlish, carous, swoon, unbat, solicit
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Vocabulary Test: vocab 19 and 20Words:purport, demeanor, syndicate, abash, guise, allure, auspicious, immemorial, deference, integral, contraband, politic, inane, proxy, bureaucracy, arbitrary, transient, premeditated, browbeat, scapegoat
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Vocabulary Test: Flipping Fantastic: Section 2 The School PlayWords:tradition, adventure, drama, perform, ramp, awkward, embarrassed, packed, brilliant, measly, accept, proud, wonderful, confidence, audience, stutter, handicap, nervous
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