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carotid canal or foramen
cribiform plate
cribiform plate/horizontal plate of ethmoid bone
crista galli
ethmoid bone
ethmoidal sinuses
external occipital protuberance
foramen magnum
frontal bone
frontal eminences
frontal sinuses
mandibular fossa
mastoid process
occipital bone
occipital condyles
parietal bones
perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone
perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone, septal cartilage, vomer
petrous portion of the temporal bone
sella turcica
sphenoid bone
sphenoidal sinuses
squama/squamous portion
styloid process
superciliary arches
superior nasal conchae and middle nasal conchae
superior nuchal line
supra orbital margin
temporal bones
temporomandibular articulation
zygomatic process of temporal bones