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Vocabulary Test: 9. Improving Employee Performance Key Terms
Coaching, Corrective feedback, counseling, discipline, feedback, performance review, performance, positive feedback, task-based performance review, trait-based performance review

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Vocabulary Test: Il tempo
piovere, la pioggia, nevicare, la neve, il sole, il vento, la nebbia, la nuvola - le nuvole, C’è il sole, C’è il vento, C’è la nebbia, È nuvoloso, Fa caldo, Fa freddo

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Vocabulary Test: Micah Hemp
shark, cheetah, book, talk , t-rex, cup, wolf, snail, mom, dad

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Vocabulary Test: The Tempest Acts II and III
Woe, Odious, Contentious , Idle, Modesty, Precept, Repose, Conscience, Perdition , Precedent, Incense, Conspiracy , Endure, Detract, Bondage, Cunning, Tyrant, Snare, Upbraid, Upbraid

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Vocabulary Test: Attempt 1
guesswork, gather, dubious, deliberate, contemplate, baffle

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Vocabulary Test: temperature vocab
refrigerant, heat engine, temperature, thermometers, absolute zero, heat, thermal conduction, convection, convection current, radiation, specific heat

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Vocabulary Test: Bacterial growth - Temperature
. Psychrophile , Psychroduric, Mesophile, Thermoduric, Thermophile , 6

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Vocabulary Test: WCC-History Test-Lesson 22-The Rise Of The Roman Empire
Rome, Peninsula, Roman Empire, Gladiators, Punic Wars, Republic, Julius Caesar, Octavian, Cloaca Maxima, Colosseum

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Vocabulary Test: EL TIEMPO - WEATHER
Hace mal tiempo, Hace buen tiempo., Hay tormentas, Hay neblina, Está nublado, Hace sol, Hace calor, Hace frío, Hace fresco, Hace viento, llueve, Está nevando, truena, relampaguea, Está granizando, Llovizna, Está húmedo, Está árido, Verano, Invierno, Otoño, Primavera

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Vocabulary Test: ss the first empires
empire, ally, cultural trait, govern , calvalry, standing army, reform, tribute, currency, stele, assembly, import, export, navigation, cultural diffusion

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Vocabulary Test: Los Pasatiempos
El ajedrez, Las damas, El billar, El boliche, Las cartas, los naipes, Los dardos, El juego de mesa, El tiempo libre, los ratos libres, Aburrirse, El pasatiempo, La televisión, El videojuego, rentgar/alquilar una película, Dar un paseo, Disfrutar de, Entretenerse de, reunirse con, Retar, desafiar, Aficionado de, el fanático, El cine, El circo, El parque de atracciones, La motaña rusa, El árbitro, El entrenador, El tramposo, El campeonato, El torneo, Ganar, perder, empatar, El asiento, El escenario, La obra de teatro, La taquilla, Hacer cola, Los boletos, las entradas

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Vocabulary Test: Perfekt (anfangen-empfehlen)
er unterbrach, er starb, er versprach, er besprach, er sprach, er unternahm, er nahm, er hieß, er half, er fing an, er empfahl

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Vocabulary Test: Unit 3B: African Empires
Animism , Bantu Migration, Caravans, Ghana, Mali, Sundiata, Mansa Musa, Songhai, Swahili

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Vocabulary Test: Verbs (anfangen-empfehlen)
anfangen, heißen, helfen, nehmen, unternehmen, sprechen, versprechen , besprechen, sterben, unterbrechen, empfehlen

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Vocabulary Test: Employability Skills Vocab. Quiz
Employability, Professionalism, Mannerisms, Effective Communication, Ethical Behaviors, Academic Preparation, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Teamwork, Leadership, Time Management, Stress Management

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Vocabulary Test: ALE Unit 3 Employment law
facility, dismissal, terminate, consolidation, respective, backsliding, redundancy, abolition, bargain, refrain from, impede, thereof, relinquish, otherwise, notwithstanding, vocational training, recourse, resort to, hereto, hereinafter, vested interest, trade-off, pull weight, allegation of, malingering, defamation, ascertain, gross misconduct, tension, vent

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Vocabulary Test: Employability Skill Vocabulary
Stress Management, Time Management, Leadership, teamwork, Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, Academic Preparation, Ethical Behaviors, Employyability, professionalism, Mannerisms, Effective communication

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Vocabulary Test: Employability Vocabulary
Resume`, Application, Reference, Punctuality, Organized, Multitasking, Accuracy, Collaborative, Criticism, Interview, Onboarding, Interpersonal skills, Workplace etiquette, Dependability, Government Documentation, Nepotism , Entry level, Hourly, Salary, Availability, Benefits

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Vocabulary Test: Les passe-temps
Je joue au foot, Je fais du vélo, Je joue aux échecs, Je joue aux jeux vidéo, Je regarde la télé, J'écoute de la musique, Je cuisine, Je joue de la guitare, Je fais du skate, Je crée un blog

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Vocabulary Test: Byzantine Empire
Sufis, Quran, Omar Khayyam, mosque, Muslim, caravan, nomads, Muhammad, schism, Justinian, Constantinople, caliph, Mecca, Constantine, Justinian's Code

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Vocabulary Test: psych ap-intelligence vocab
intelligence tests, mental age, the standford-binet, intelligence quotient, intelligence, factor analysis, general intelligence, savant syndrome, emotional intelligence, creativity, aptitude tests, achievement tests, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale(WAIS), standardization, the normal curve, reliability, validity, content validity, criterion, predictive validity, mental retardation, down syndrome, stereotype threat, convergent thinking, crystallized intelligence, deviation IQ scores, Divergent thinking, Eugenics, Fluid intelligence, Personality Tests, Psychological test, Reaction range, test norms, test-retest reliability

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Vocabulary Test: Raisin-ActTwoSceneOne
coquettishly, arrogant, eccentric, oppressive, cliche, sarcastically, plaintively, menacingly

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Vocabulary Test: The Secret School - Week 1
Wardrobe, Discipline, Etched, Portly, Miserly, Suppressed, Commence, Inconvenient

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Vocabulary Test: Mischief Night
mischief, eerie, feign, flicker, shawl, unhinge, nearly, struggle, creep, scurry

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Unit 7
arid, compatible, deplore, fraught, incontrovertible, loqacious, microcosm, ornate, petulant, quip, scoff, tantalize, urbane, volatile, wanton

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Vocabulary Test: bluelevelunit2
assuage, brandish, cynical, demoralize, despair, dignify, engulf, ennoble, grotesque, impede, inert, magnificent, menace, minimize, misconception, overtake, profound, sheepishly, spendor, staid

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Vocabulary Test: english
1st point of view, 2nd point of view, 3rd point of view limited, 3rd point of view omniscient, english, pre AP

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Vocabulary Test: Nicole
Adherence, Aptitude, Enhance, Palpable, Transgression, Wheedle, Chastisement, Conviction, Infraction, Petulantly, Tabulated, Remorse, Bewildered

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Vocabulary Test: Chanda's Secret-Vocabulary Test # 1
shebeen, lapel, beveled, shroud, gangrene, acacia tree, canopy, hyena, courting, pummeled

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Vocabulary Test: facing the giants
tuck, elusive, kidding, joke, transfer, doomsday, irreplaceable, slack, scrubbed, fond

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Vocabulary Test: Westward Movement
Western Movement process, what group came to the west first, soddy, what west symbolizes, what did Homestead act DO, what was discovered in california, what group came to west second, president responsible for Louisianna Purchase, Reasons people traveled West, Did more or less than 50 percent homesteaders actually obtain de, Boomtowns, Homestead Act requirements, Accomplishments of Homesteaders, what group came to west last, Dangers faced by Homesteaders, Who was not allowed to take advantage of Homestead Act program., What contributed to West being viewed as place of opportunity, f, When homesteaders started their trip., Richard Sears, What Homestead Act provided opportunity for., Results (effects) of Homestead Act, The key to building cities in Great Plains, Where wood came from, Union Pacific Railroad problems, Did homesteaders ride in their wagons, Ted "Crazy" Judah and Grenville Dodge, Ethnic group played important role in building Transcontinental , Pioneers' name for Great Plains, Ghost Dance, Reason Black Hills were important to Sioux, Words to describe a cowboy, Cause of Battle of Little Big Horn, European view of 1942, Indian view of 1942, Results of completion of Transcontinental Railroad, What forever changed Indian's way of life and weakened their cul, Batttle that ended armed conflict between Sioux and U.S., Reservation Policy, Victorious in Battle of Little Big Horn, What provided most of essentials of Sioux life, What came first Dawes Act or Ghost Dance, Reasons open range ended, Where Transcontinental Railroad ended, Essential parts of Sioux culture, Cowtown common names, Pacific Railroad problems in building Transcontinental Railroad, Major event in cowboy's life, Ways people traveled before completion of Transcontinental Railr, Reasons Americans were victorious in Indian Wars, Dangers in cattle drives

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab 7
video, visage, visitation, visible, visualize, vision, vista, evident, provident, supervise

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Vocabulary Test: The Pit and The Pendulum Vocabulary Test
Cognizant, Monstrosity, Eloquent, Delirious, Grotesque, Conjured, Interminable, Accdentuation, Imperceptible, Ponders, Lucid, Tumultuous, Insuperable, Prostrate, Potent, Lethargy, Proximity, Averted

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Vocabulary Test: Spanish colors
amarillo, verde, rojo, rosado, azul, cafe`, negro, blanco, anaranjado, Buenos dias, Buenas tardes, Buenas noches, mam, maestra, tia, abuela, senora, senor, senorita, tio

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Vocabulary Test: unit 3 words 11-20
marauder, obesity, pauper, pilfer, rift, semblance, surmount, terminate, trite, usurp

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Vocabulary Test: Ancient Egypt and Kush
cataracts, delta, Menses, pharaoh, dynasty, Old Kingdom, New Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, sphinxes, nobles, trade routes, Queen Hatshepsut, Ramses the Great, Soldiers, Scribes, Artisans, Farmers, Slaves, contracts, hieroglyphics, papyrus, obelisk

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Vocabulary Test: HIGH PRIORITY VOCAB 3
abjure, adobe, alacrity, amenable, antitheses, ascetic, aspersion, altruism, audacious, augment, bode, cajole, captious, carte blanche, censure, chimerical, circumspect, clandestine, complement, concede, condone, corporeal, covet, cupidity, defunct, deploy, efface, eleemosynary, elucidate, enervate, equanimity, equivocal, ergo, erudite, exacerbate, exculpate, exonerate, expiate, espouse, expunge, expurgate, facsimile, fallacy, fatuity, fatuous, fortuitous, franchise, frieze, germane, grisly, gaunt, hiatus, hone, hostel, hypothesis, illicit, impede, impervious, impudent, impute, inane, incendiary, inebriated, inexorable, inherent, inimical, innuendo, juxtapose, laconic, latent, legacy, malign, mitigate, moot, mulct, nemesis, obsequious, ombudsman, omnibus, palate, paradox, paragon, paraphernalia, peremptory, perfunctory, protocol, prurient, quixotic, recalcitrant, recuse, reflect, reprobate, requisite, reticent, sagacious, scienter, scintilla, sedulous, sentient, seriatim, sine die, sinecure, solace, spoilation, stifle, subterfuge, sully, surrogate, syllogism, tacit, taut, tedium, temerity, tenuous, transitory, usurp, voracious, wane, wanton, winsome, salient, homogenenous, indigent, raze, inordinate, exorbitant, pique, histronics, dilatory, incontrovertible, discrete, abode, amity, antithesis, querulous, chicanery, secede, reticent, recalcitrant, erudite, reprobate, veracity, aspersion, impute, tenuous, cogent, innocuous, vacillate, progeny, engender

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Vocabulary Test: Guys from Space
Breathe, dream, planet, scary, space, spaceship, heroes, plastic, switches

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Vocabulary Test: Level D Unit 7
adieu, advent, apex, assimilate, bogus, exorbitant, interim, inundate, malign, meander, metropolis, momentous, obstreperous, pensive, perilous, shoddy, sprightly, surly, tirade, vagrant

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Vocabulary Test: lessons 7 and 8
bumptious, subservient, rudiment, gibe, repartee, consonant, satiate, sanction, vivacious, cite, comely, miscreant, pretentious, erroneous, decadence, stereotype, ostentatious, flaunt, hypercritical, irascible
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