accomplishments of homesteaders
batttle that ended armed conflict between sioux and u.s.
cause of battle of little big horn
cowtown common names
dangers faced by homesteaders
dangers in cattle drives
did homesteaders ride in their wagons
did more or less than 50 percent homesteaders actually obtain de
essential parts of sioux culture
ethnic group played important role in building transcontinental
european view of 1942
ghost dance
homestead act requirements
indian view of 1942
major event in cowboy's life
pacific railroad problems in building transcontinental railroad
pioneers' name for great plains
president responsible for louisianna purchase
reason black hills were important to sioux
reasons americans were victorious in indian wars
reasons open range ended
reasons people traveled west
reservation policy
results (effects) of homestead act
results of completion of transcontinental railroad
richard sears
ted "crazy" judah and grenville dodge
the key to building cities in great plains
union pacific railroad problems
victorious in battle of little big horn
ways people traveled before completion of transcontinental railr
western movement process
what came first dawes act or ghost dance
what contributed to west being viewed as place of opportunity, f
what did homestead act do
what forever changed indian's way of life and weakened their cul
what group came to the west first
what group came to west last
what group came to west second
what homestead act provided opportunity for.
what provided most of essentials of sioux life
what was discovered in california
what west symbolizes
when homesteaders started their trip.
where transcontinental railroad ended
where wood came from
who was not allowed to take advantage of homestead act program.
words to describe a cowboy