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Vocabulary Test: anatomy human body introWords:lympathic system, proximal, distal, organism, organ system, nutrients, oxygen, temperature, water, atm pressure, atoms, cells, tissues, organ, abdominal, brachial, muscular system, nervous system, endocrine system, integumentary system, skeletal system, respiratory system, orbital, calcaneal, popliteal, vertebral, orbital cavities, buccal, axillary, tarsal, cephalic, mediastinum, sural, scapular, acromial, carpal, hypochondriac , epigastric, umbilical, lumbar, hypogastric region, iliac, urinary system, reproductive system, homeostasis, ct scans, x-rays, MRIs, ultrasound, positive feedback, negative feedback, diesease, stimulus, receptor, control center, effector, anatomical position, deep (internal), deltoid, middle ear cavities, nasal cavaties, oral cavity, pelvic cavity, supine, prone, abdominal cavity, thoracic cavity, superior, spinal cavity, transverse, cranial/ cephalic, inferior/ cuadal, superficial, frontal, sagital, ventral/ anterior, gluteal, femoral, umbilical, thoracic, sternal, pubic, pelvic, dorsal/ posterior, patellar, oral, lateral, nasal, mental, inguinal, intermediate, digital, antebrachial, antecubical, cervical, frontal, physiology, anatomy, macroscopic/ gross anatomy, microscopic anatomy, digestive system, cardiovascular system, fibular, lumbar, cranial cavity, olecranal, occipital, sacral, crural, coxal, boundaries, movement, responsiveness, digestive, metabolism, excretion, reproduction, growth
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Vocabulary Test: Where are my friendsWords:这, 哪里, 在, 朋友, 我, 七, 六, 二, 四, 三, 一, 五
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Root Word Quiz #7Words:fossa, gamete, ferrous, flatulate, follicle, fascia, flagella, foramen, fontanel, extrinsic, gam, folli, foss, flat, fasci, ferr, flagell, foram, extrins, fontan
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Vocabulary Test: Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry chpts 4-5 Words:aloof, feined, glint, malevolent, falter(ed), emphatic, engross(ed), vague(ly), subdue, interjected, proprietor, mercantile
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Vocabulary Test: MythWords:picture graph, key, bar graph, key detail, recount, fable, central message, scale, myth, data
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Vocabulary Test: I PassatempiWords:suonare la chitarra, camminare, cucinare, giocare a carte, giocare a tennis, nuotare, ascoltare musica, guardare la televisione, leggere, ballare, organizzare una festa, cantare, visitare i nonni
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Vocabulary Test: self 10/28 mixedWords:plight, abstruse, abominate, Ça ne fait rien., Je n'ai aucune idée., Tenez/Tiens, Bien sûr., Pouvez-vous m'aider? / Tu peux m'aider?, Je suis désolè(e), Jag är ___ år (gammal), Mitt namn är ...., Välkommen, Varsågod, Ingen orsak, Snälla
Test Also Includes: synonyms, parts of speech
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Vocabulary Test: self 10/29 mixedWords:Vi ses senare/snart, Jag saknar dig, le sous-sol, l'arbre, le râteau, indiscriminate, acclivity, accentuate
Test Also Includes: synonyms, parts of speech
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Vocabulary Test: self 10/27 mixedWords:le grenier, Hej då. / Adjö, la penderie, le couloir, Abate, Abash, Abase, ingratiate, Je vous en prie., Bienvenue., A plus tard., Bonsoir., De rien., God kväll., God Morgon.
Test Also Includes: synonyms, parts of speech, sentences
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Vocabulary Test: fasdfasWords:Abominate, accolade, acrimonious, ambrosial, aplomb, bellicose, bizarre, cajole, charlatan, consternation
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Vocabulary Test: multimediaWords:Animation, Audio Clip, Background , Camcorder, CD-ROM, Compact Disk (CD), Computer Gernerated Effects, Digitize, DPI, Hypertext, MIDI, Morphing, Multimedia, Pixel, Scanner, Stattionary, Text Box, Video Clip, Virtual Reality, Button
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Vocabulary Test: tkmWords:umbrage, contemporary, prerogative, indulge, ambidextrous, tact, inconspicuous, propensity, acquiescence, futility, venue, preoccupy, apoplectic, devoid, diffuse, subtle, melancholy, curtness, rudiments, altercation, ecclesiastical, expunge, browbeat, predicament
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Vocabulary Test: reading12Words:ambition, gleaming, flourished, artifact, ancestors, cautious, youth, immigrant, prosper, settler
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Vocabulary Test: 6thgradeWords:arrogant, boycott, campaign, ceremony, custody, degrade, detain, extend, integrate, segregate, supreme, triumph, vacate, verdict, violate
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Vocabulary Test: unit1Words:adage, bonanza, churlish, citadel, collaborate, decree, discordant, evolve, excerpt, grope, hover, jostle, laggard, plaudits, preclude, revert, rubble, servile, vigil, wrangle
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Vocabulary Test: tkm20-31Words:corroborative, relent, furtive, impertinence, notoriety, detachment, tacit, circumstantial, conception, profound, temerity, rouse, replenish, hypocrite, remorse, unmitigated, cynical, recluse, analogy, poise
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Vocabulary Test: vocabulary5-6Words:invariably, proximity, affiliate, rejuvenate, portly, encumber, unprecedented, exalted, pompous, plausible, insipid, painstaking, deteriorate, lament, compassion, discern, repress, loathe, composure, atrocious
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Vocabulary Test: sierawski1Words:cogitation, abstract, conjecture, purport, crux, relevant, pertinent, apposite, ergo, predicate, verity, dogmatic, anomaly, specious, induction, refute, entity, stoicism
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Vocabulary Test: testbWords:con- or co-, dis-, pre-, super-, -chron-, -mono-, -soph-, -able, -ation, -ible, -ive, -ous
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Vocabulary Test: spellingWords:preapprove, precaution, precede, predict, prefix, prejudge, prepay, pretest, prevent, preview
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Vocabulary Test: vocabunit1Words:Clarify, Agitate, Accelerate, Wrath, Rustic, Radiant, Omen, Lurk, Err, Corpulent, Concise, Bizarre, Acclimate, Digress, Evoke
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Vocabulary Test: 601chapter23Words:amicus curiae, arson, barrister, embezzle, extradition, habeas corpus, immaterial, incarcerate, indeterminate, larceny, litigious, miscreant, perpetrator, plagiarism, probation
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Vocabulary Test: frenchWords:boy, girl, f. friend, m. friend, student, brother, sister, school, middle school, to be
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Vocabulary Test: aphumangeovocabWords:Age distribution, Carry capacity, Cohort, Demographic equation, Demographic momentum, Demographic regions, Demographic transition model, Dependency ratio, Diffusion of fertility control, Disease diffusion, Doubling time, Ecumene, Epidemiological transition model, Gendered space, Infant mortality rate, J-curve, Maladaption, Malthus, Thomas, Mortality, Natality, Neo-malthusian, Overpopulation, Population densities, Arithmatic density, Physiological density, Agricultural density, Population distributions, Population explosion, Population projection, Population pyramid, Rate of natural increase , S-curve, Sex ratio, Standard of living, Sustainability, Underpopulation, Zero population growth
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Vocabulary Test: vocabularylesson2Words:epicure, quixotic, semantics, denotation, vernacular, jargon, pidgin, idiom, argot, archaic, sisyphean, connotation, pyrrhic victory, nemesis, jovial, galvanize, standard, saturnine, atlas, solecism
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Vocabulary Test: b3Words:goad , drone, downright, culminate, brood, animated, indulge, ingredient, literate, loom, luster, miscellaneous, oration, peevish, seethe, singe, unique, upright, verify, yearn
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