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"Anatomy.. Chapt 6 test"

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"goose bumps" or " hair standing on end" is caused by contractio
2 characteristics of skin cancer:
3 characterisics of hair :
3 characteristics of hair follicles:
3 characteristics of malginant melanoma:
3 characteristics of second degree burns are:
3 functions of the skin:
blackheads can result from the blockage of what gland:
blood vessels that supply skin are found in the what layers:
cells that produce the shalf of a hair are :
cutaneous carcinomas are most commonly caused by this exposure
dermis is composed largely of this tissue:
eccrine sweat gland respond primarily to this:
fingernails and footprints are produced by projections into the
hair is formed by cells within what:
keratin is found in this layer of the skin:
melanin is produced by:
melanomas seem most commonly caused by relatively short exposure
only cell layers that undego mitosis (cell division) is:
stratum comeum of the epidermis has cells filled with :
subutaneous layer is located beneath what:
superficial layers of the epidermis is what:
the main function of melanocytes is to protect deeper cells from
third degree burns result in excessive what:
this gland of the skin that begin to function at puberty is what