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Vocabulary Test: I need my monster
Complain, Ominous, Quiver, Appear, Inspect, Disappoint

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Vocabulary Test: Out of My Mind Chapter 7-8
reailty, assortment, unraveled, shrieked, flailed, shuddering, ducking, whiff, scurried, scolded

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Root Word Quiz #5
diure, dors, duc, dura, dys, ec,ex, ectop, edem, ef, ejac, diuretic, dorsal, duct, durable, dyslexia, exocrine,eczema, ectopic, edema, efferent, ejaculate

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Vocabulary Test: Myth
picture graph, key, bar graph, key detail, recount, fable, central message, scale, myth, data

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Vocabulary Test: Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry chpts 4-5
aloof, feined, glint, malevolent, falter(ed), emphatic, engross(ed), vague(ly), subdue, interjected, proprietor, mercantile

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Vocabulary Test: taxonomy vocab quiz
obedience, cladogram, dichotomous key, hierarchy, taxonomy, binomial nomenclature

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 1Organells
Nuclear envelope, Cromatin, Cytosol, Mitochondria, Ribosomes, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Lysosmes, Peroxisomes, Cytoskeleton, Ceotrioles

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Vocabulary Test: Out of My Mind Chapter 9-10
pale, imitation, bulging, wavered, bundle of joy, routines, smeared, obsession, endures, insulted

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Vocabulary Test: Phlebotomy Review Questions
a-, an, ar-, aniso, anti, bi-, brady-, cyan, dys-, endo-, intra-, epi-, erythr-, extra-, hetero-, homo-,homeo-, hyper-, hypo-, inter-, iso-, macro-, mal-, micro-, mono-, neo-, poly-, post-, pre-, per-, semi-, tachy-, tri-

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Vocabulary Test: My day- 7th grade
eat breakfast, early, do homework, come home, lunch, ends, get up, late, meet friends, ride a bike, starts, take the bus

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Vocabulary Test: The Story of My Life
Confound, Grope, Institution, Reveal, Sentiment, Text structure

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Vocabulary Test: My Favorite Sonic Ships :3
Shaspio, Shadamy, Sonamy, Siladow, Shadilver, Knucadow, Sonadow, Shadic, Sonails, Rouadow

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Vocabulary Test: Saturday Academy
Doughnut, Inexpensive, Ingredient, Invention, Pastry, Recipe, Bistro, Covet, Culinary, Reservation, Dawn, Investor

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Vocabulary Test: Focus Terms-In My Opinion
adamant, assertive, repudiate, retract, didactic, dogmatic, doctrinaire

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Vocabulary Test: Out of my mind-Chapters 8-13
statistically, paparazzi, hazmat, inclusion, mainstreaming, ecology, evasively

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Vocabulary Test: Mycenaeans
greyhounds, helen, hilltops, megaron, mycenaeans, Olives, tenants, trojan horse, trojan war

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Vocabulary Test: My Sidewalks on Reading Street Unit 2, Week 3
fail, invention, puzzle, solution, solve, Friday

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Vocabulary Test: Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry chapters 1-3 vocabulary
temerity, corduroy, admonish(ed), .trudge(d), ornate, dense, loitering, tantrum, resiliency, meticulous(ly), raucous, pensive(ly), knell, lynched, flirting, exasperation
Test Also Includes: parts of speech, sentences

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Vocabulary Test: Grey's Anatomy Seasons 1 and 2 Quiz
Dr. Izzy Stevens, Dr. Merideth Grey, Dr. Miranda Bailey, Cristina Yang , Dr. George O'Malley, Dr. Alex Karev, Dr. Derek Shepherd

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Vocabulary Test: Empower unit 2
goal, change one's mind, challenge (n), calm, Earth (planet), earth, water, fire, air, in control, leader, make a decision, negative (adj), pay attention, personality, plan (n), quality (n), toward, artist, coach, computer technician, newsboy, orthopedist, underwater photographer, belong to, full-time job, complain, stuck, traffic jam, solve, should, has to, have to, had to, must
Test Also Includes: parts of speech, sentences

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Vocabulary Test: french
attenidre, autant que, le civisme, la complicite, la concurrance, la contrainte, la culpabilite, denouncer, devoiler, en tout lieu, entre autres, expres, a la fois, l'incertitude, insidieux, le jeu de mots, le mode de pensee, non seulement, mais aussi, ou en serait on, plusiers, le pouvoir d'achat, prendre du poids, quant a, rempli, resoudre, tandis que, le trouble alimentaire, la verite, la puissance, la volonte

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Vocabulary Test: lesson8vocabulary
acrimonious, bovine, consternation, corpulent, disavow, dispassionate, dissension, expurgate, dissipate, gauntlet, hypothetical, ignoble, impugn, intemperate, odium, perfidy, relegate, squeamish, subservient, suscepitible

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Vocabulary Test: mrlincoln
Reticent, repose, omens, crusade, defy, gawky, melancholy, listless, paramount, animation, Why Lincoln mysterious?, Why stiff and formal in photos?, First objective in Civil War?, Main goal at end of Civil War?

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Vocabulary Test: 18-28
signum, portare, bete noire, cadaverous, carte blanche, esoteric, forte, impasse, incongruous, docile, Miscegenation, Moribund, nebulous, recrimination, repercussions, scurrilous, soporific, catholic, Chauvinistic, defeatist, dilettante, epicurean, parsimonious, philistine, profligate, stoic, uxorious, coupe de grace, de trop, double-entendre, en rapport, esprit de corps, par excellence, qui vive, potpurri, faux pas, savoir-faire, anticlimax, analogy, ambiguity, cliche, epigram, euphamism, redundancy, non sequitur, persiflage, simile, ana, ambi

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Vocabulary Test: week1
recycle, reuse, repair, reduce, conserve, green

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Vocabulary Test: hotwords3
arrogant, braggart, complacent, contemptuous, disdainful, egotistical, haughty, insolent, narcissistic, ostentatious, presumptuous, pretentious, supercilious, swagger

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Vocabulary Test: lin
abbreviate, abstinence, adulation, adversity, aesthetic, amicable, anachronistic, antagonist, arid, assiduous, asylum, benevolent, camaraderie, censure, circuitous, clairvoyant, collaborate, compassion, compromise, condescending, conformist, congregation, convergence, deleterious, demagogue, diligent, digression, diligent, discredit, disdain, divergent, empathy, emulate, enervating, enhance, ephemeral, evanescent, exasperation, exemplary, extenuating

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Vocabulary Test: lin
florid, fortuitous, frugal, hackneyed, haughty, hedonist, hypothesis, impetuous, impute, incompatible, inconsequential, inevitable, integrity, intrepid, intuitive, jubilation, lobbyist, longevity, mundane, nonchalant, novice, opulent, orator, ostentatious, parched, perfidious, precocious, pretentious, procrastinate, prosaic, prosperity, provocative, prudent, querulous, rancorous, reclusive, reconciliation, renovation, resilient, restrained

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Vocabulary Test: lin
reverence, sagacity, scrutinize, spontaneity, spurious, submissive, substantiate, subtle, superficial, superfluous, suppress, surreptitious, tactful, tenacious, transient, venerable, vindicate, wary, resilient, restrained

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Vocabulary Test: lin
abjure, abrogate, blandish, cacophony, cajole, decry, defile, deleterious, ebullient, effrontery, fallacious, fastidious, hackneyed, iconoclast, ignominious, impassive, imperious, laconic, maelstrom, magnanimous, nadir, nascent, obdurate, obfuscate, palliate, pallid, panacea, paragon, pariah, parsimony, rancor, rebuke, sacrosanct, sagacity, salient, tacit, taciturn, ubiquitous, vacillate, wanton

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Vocabulary Test: lin
acerbic, acrimony, blandish, boon, calumny, capricious, deleterious, demure, effulgent, egregious, fastidious, garrulous, hapless, impervious, impertinent, laconic, languid, magnanimous , malediction, nascent, obfuscate, oblique, panacea, paragon, quagmire, querulous, pariah, parsimony, protean, prurient, rebuke, recalcitrant, salient, sanctimonious, tantamount, temerity, tenuous, ubiquitous, umbrage, vacuous

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Vocabulary Test: lin
acumen, adumbrate, brusque, clemency, cogent, deprecate, deride, desecrate, enervate, ephemeral, fatuous, fecund, harangue, impetuous, impinge, implacable, impudent, largess, malevolent, manifold, puerile, pugnacious, pulchritude, punctilious, rectitude, replete, sanguine, scurrilous, servile, serendipity, timorous, torpid, unctuous, vapid, variegated, venerate, veracity, wanton, verdant, zenith

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Vocabulary Test: lin
alacrity, anathema, buffet, concomitant, conflagration, desiccated, diaphanous, eschew, evanescent, evince, feral, fetid, inchoate, incontrovertible, idefatigable, ineffable, jubilant, latent, maudlin, mawkish, obsequious, obstreperous, prescient, primeval, probity, proclivity, promulgate, propensity, reprobate, reprove, solicitous, solipsistic, somnolent, spurious, staid, tractable, vex, vicarious, winsome, vicissitude

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Vocabulary Test: lin
antipathy, approbation, contrite, conundrum, diffident, discursive, dissemble, exculpate, execrable, inexorable, ingenuous, inimical, legerdemain, mendacious, mercurial, modicum, obtuse, odious, propitious, prosaic, proscribe, perspicacity, pertinacious, petulance, pithy, platitude, repudiate, rescind, stolid, stupefy, transient, transmute, undulate, vilify, viscous, wistful, solipsistic, reprobate, puerile, maudlin

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Vocabulary Test: lin
arrogate, ascetic, burnish, credulity, exigent, expunge, expiate, florid, grandiloquence, iniquity, insidious, intransigent, licentious, morass, multifarious, nefarious, officious, quixotic, plethora, polemic, portent, precocious, pathos, paucity, pejorative, restive, ribald, surfeit, surmise, trenchant, truculent, upbraid, vitriolic, wizened, zephyr, hedonist, ostentatious, perfidious, fortuitous, superfluous

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Vocabulary Test: lin
aspersion, assiduous, buttress, cupidity, cursory, dither, extant, extol, fractious, hegemony, gregarious, inure, invective, inveterate, juxtaposition, limpid, munificence, myriad, neophyte, opulent, ostensible, pellucid, penurious, perfidious, perfunctory, pernicious, rife, ruse, surreptitious, sycophant, turgid, turpitude, usurp, vituperate, ignominious, inimical, legerdemain, obstreperous, polemic, restive

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Vocabulary Test: mostdangerousgame
affable, amenity, condone, deplorable, disarming, elude, imperative, stamina, tangible, zealous

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Vocabulary Test: vocabularylist2
civilization, Aztecs, Mayas, Olmecs, Mississippi Mound Builders, Columbus, Balboa, Pizzaro, DeSoto, mountains, plains, gulf, canyon, harbor, barter

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Vocabulary Test: lesson3
amalgam, antediluvian, apothecary, ascetic, beneficent, charlatan, denizen, doyen, flora, imbibe, nostrum, obviate, perennial, putative, savant

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Vocabulary Test: satvocab1
abandoned, blueprint, canvas, compassion, condemn, debate, defend, elect, endurance, generosity, hedonism, illusory, lubricate, manual, narrate, obey, perplex, restrain, satisfactory, universal
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