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Vocabulary Test: anatomyWords:sensory receptors, interoceptors, exteroceptors, proprioceptors, transduction, general senses, special senses, receptor specificity, sensation, perception, receptive field, simple receptors, complex receptors, labeled line, sensory coding, tonic, phasic, mechanoreceptors, tactile receptors, baroreceptors, Proprioceptos, muscle spindles, golgi tendon organs, receptors in joint capsules, nociceptors, thermoreceptors, chemoreceptors, dual innervation, autonomic tone, visceral reflexes, RAS, olfaction, olfactory epithelium, lamina propria, gustation, olfactory fully functioning, umami, anterior cavity, posterior cavity, fibrous layer, vascular layer, inner layer, lens, cataracts, visual acuity, emmetropia, myopia, hyperopia, pigment, white light, colorblindness, semicircular canals, vestibule, round window, oval window, auditory ossicles
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Vocabulary Test: Mythology Test #3Words:Pyre, Tunic, Prudent, Unmoored, Oracle, Chastity, Flay, Tactful, Patron, Smithy, Quiver, Lithe, Nymphs, Dismay, Wield
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Vocabulary Test: Mythology Test #4Words:Precocious, Seethe, Drowsing, plaited, ravishing, haughtily, staff, augury, impudence, consorts, swarm, naiad, grotto, primal, radiant
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Vocabulary Test: My WordsWords:Touche, Opportunity, Disposition, Scanty, Gale, Orphic, Preliminary, Encompass, Appropriate, Impound, BBall, Homer, Bag , Plate, Twinkies, Masculine, Patriarch, Declaration , Compromise, Tranquil
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Vocabulary Test: anatomyWords:erythropoiesis, basophilic erythroblasts, polychromatophil erythroblasts, acidophillic erythroblasts, retriculocytes , hematopoesis, erythropoieses, leukopoieses, granulopoieses, lymphopoiesis
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Vocabulary Test: phlebotomyWords:civil monetary, hipaa, false claims, clia, anitkickbak, stark law, risk management, invasive, pts bill of rights, speticemia, autologous donation, quality control, battery, mastectomy, ethics, arterial puncture, capillary puncture, venipuncture , quality assurance, radial artery, OIG, PHI, CBC, Light Blue, red, red/black, Green, Lavender, gray
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Vocabulary Test: Mystery VocabularyWords:crime, mystery, detective (sleuth), hunch, foreshadowing, suspect, motive, evidence (clues), witness, alibi, breakthrough, red herring, deduction
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Vocabulary Test: My testWords:Edward's face , Edward's anus, Edward's brain, Edward's shoelaces , Edward, Poop, Winnie the poo, Teletobies, Power rangers, Barney
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Vocabulary Test: matching for anatomyWords:Esophagus, Lamino Propria, Plicae Circulares, Peristalsis, Pacesetter Cells, Myenteric Plexus, Multi-unit Smooth Muscle Cells, Liver, Segmentation, Bolus, Visceral Smooth Muscle Cells, Plasticity, Sphnicter
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Vocabulary Test: Mythology Vocab List 1Words:aegis, august, austere, beguile, blithe, capricious, chasm, decoy, deluge, fetter, gorge, heifer, laggard, prow, prudent, raiment, rustic, uncouth, ensnare, refuge
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy LabWords:Vastus Lateralis , Vastus Intermedius , Rectus Femoris, Vastus Medialis, Biceps Femoris, Semimembranosus , Semitendinosus , Sartorius
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Vocabulary Test: This Voice In My Heart 1.2Words:sorghum beer, improvise, Hutu, Tutsi, and Twa, cows, Vitalo Dynamique, carrying gallons of water and sprinting up hills, Gilbert's father, antelope, biology, FROBEDU, Mr. Niyonkenguraka, order and routine, Kirundi , Quaker missionaries, radio station
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy vocabWords:urology, toxicology, radiology, psychiatry, podiatry, pharmacology, pediatrics, pathology, otoaryngology, opthalmology, obstetrics, oncology, neurology , nephrology, neonatology, immunology, histology, hematology, gynecology, gerontology, geriatrics, gastroronterology, forensics, endocrinology, dermatology, cytology, cardiology, obstetrics
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Vocabulary Test: This Voice In My Heart 1.1Words:Hutu, Tutsi, Belgians, 1962, Fuku Mountain, male children, grandmother Pauline, surnames, Twa, keeping cows, sorghum, sorghum beer, banana leaf , Catholic and ancestral beliefs, heart
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Vocabulary Test: This Voice In My Heart chapter 2.1 Words:education, Ecole primaire de Rumeza , seven years old, compulsory education, six years, 41 %, Tutsis, Hutus, secondary education -- certificate technicien--, aguri, urusyo, ikanzus, three days, corporal punishment, switch from a tree
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Vocabulary Test: ANATOMYYYYYYYYWords:Body, Canal, condyle, crest, diaphysis, epicondyle, epiphysis, facet, fissure, foramen, fossa, groove, head, line, meatus, neck
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Vocabulary Test: myfinalWords:Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Henry Ford, Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler , Hideki Tojo, Neville Chamberlain, Vladimir Lenin, Winston Churchill, Charles De Gaulle, Leon Trosky, Francis Gary Powers , Dwight D. Eisenhower, Albert Einstein, J. Robert Oppenhiemer, General Douglas MacArthur , General Sergeant John Basilone , Shah Zahedi, General Omar Bradley, General George Patton, Field marshall Bernard Montgomery , Harry S Truman, George C. Marshall, Thomas E. Dewey, Alger Hiss, Julius and Ethel Rosenburg, John Foster Dulles, Mohammed Mossadegh , President Arbenz Guzman, Nikita Khrushchev, John F. Kennedy, Che Guerva, Chiang Kai-Shek, Mao Zedong, Whittaker Chambers, Joseph McCarthy, Richard Nixon, Allen Dulles
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Vocabulary Test: MyRoots1Words:bell-, pac/peas, hosp/host, crimen, prob-/prov-, grav-, finis, levis, ad-/ag-, tractus, sec/sequitur, ambi-, amphi-, ep/epi-, hypo/hyp, vorac-, carn, corre, courre, cata-/cat-/cath-, edaphos, echin-, erice, lute-/luteo, hygeia, hepat-/hepato, -glossia/glossa, muci-/muco-, pter-/ptero-, mycete-/myceto-, idio-, bucca, kausis (causis), erema, erem-/eremo, areni-, silvi-, psamm-, branchi-, corti-, gramin-, limi-, macul-/maculo-/maculi, musci.musci/musco, nidi-, -fugus, palud-, petri-/petr/petro, pratum, radici-, ripa, botry-/botryo, farina, chyl-/chyli/chylo-, chrys-, chryso-, gressus/gradi, cole-, coleo, cutis, dendro/dendr, ergon, erio-, troch-, trocho-, cer-, cero-, celer, skelos, brachy, macr-/macro/makro, nudi-, cauda, allo-, folii/folium, para-, esthesia (aisthesis), semen, nephro/ nephr, salubris, mer-/mero- (greek), mer/mero (ISV/Greek), viridis, verac-/verax, phyl-/phylo-, bursicula, erythr-/erythro-, psychro-, alektryon, -osis, loqui, sebum, pil-/pilo-, helos, cerato/kerato, kerat/kerato, thigmo-, myrmeco-/formica, castrum, thalassa-, pithec-/pitheco, anthropos, hepat-, vitrum, sapr-/sapro-
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Vocabulary Test: Big TestWords:nostalgia, harass, deployed, chivalrous, ironic, bereft, cogent, artifice, adulterate, quintessence, suppress, coercion, extirpate, indomitable, unfeigned, inopportune, uncanny, infallible, unkempt, invulnerable, unpremeditated, ironic, venial, chivalrous, punitive, craven, inopportune, altruistic, tentative, opulent, perpetuate, cursory, deploy, culinary, bequeath, omniscient, accede, ascertain, jeopardize, augment, alienate, brandish, extirpate, reiterate, affiliate
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Vocabulary Test: Cheyenne's vocab testWords:alternate, demolish, energetic, enforce, feat, hearty, mature, observant, primary, resign, strive, verdict
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Vocabulary Test: Greek/Latin Roots List 3 and 4Words:Anthropos, Clino/cline, Dominus, Holos, Medius, Occido/cide, Plenus, Punctum, Solus, Tractum, Via, Ars, Cognito, Duco, Jungo, Missio, Pathos, Positum, Rego, Sonus, Usus
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Vocabulary Test: Spanish 1 Test 11Words:Tener hambre, La cuenta, Sopa, Fumar, Oler, Costar, Bebidas, Ensalada mixta, Mesero, Almorzar, Frijoles Refritos, Batidos, Catorce, Gustos, Los camarones, Fresas, Cebolla, Comida, Lechuga, Papas, Puerco, Cenar, Ver, Desayunar, Nada más
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Vocabulary Test: vocab 14 and 15Words:adverse, averse, ingenious, ingenuous, persecute, prosecute, quorum, quota, respectfully, respectively, abdicate, absolve, catharsis, countermand, impunity, recant, recoup, renounce, rescind, waive
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Vocabulary Test: vocabular workshop level b unit 1Words:adjacent, alight, barren, disrupt, dynasty, foretaste, germinate, humdrum, hurtle, insinuate, interminable, interrogate, recompense, renovate, resume, sullen, trickle, trivial, truce, vicious
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Vocabulary Test: Spanish 2 Test 26-28Words:entrevista, ofrecer, elegidos, talla, tener éxito, enviar, carta, enojado, recien casado, barco, la playa, viajar, piscina, misericordia, todo, asegurar, engañar, cartero, correo, nube, ventas, desafío, pesar, algo, por poco
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Vocabulary Test: wwiseWords:audacious, confiscate, conscientous, depict, embark, inkling, lackadaiscal, mutiny, pilfer, profusion, prudent, rankle, rebuke, serene, slovenly
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Vocabulary Test: VocabularyWords:debut, stubborn, permission, hauling, mournful, towered, triumph, discouraged, toured, border
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Vocabulary Test: Chapter 4Words:delegated powers, expressed powers, implied powers, elastic clause, inherent powers, reserved powers, supremacy clause, concurrent powers, enabling act, extradite, civil law, interstate compacts, states' rights position, nationalists position, income tax, preemption, sunset law, sunshine laws, bureaucracy
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Vocabulary Test: Test4Words:Preapprove, Precaution, Precede, Predict, Prejudge, Prepay, Pretest, Prevent, Preview, Postdate, Postgraduate, Posthumous, Postindustrial, Postmark, Postmeridian, Postmortem, Postpone, Postproduction, Postscript, Prefix
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Vocabulary Test: Test1Words:Reprehensible, Sentinel, Subversive, Maxim, Malignant, Taciturn, Shriking, intimate, Conciliatory, Cryptic
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Vocabulary Test: Biochemistry VocabWords:macromolecule, monomer, polymer, dehydration synthesis, hydrolysis, monosaccharide, disaccharide, polysaccharide, starch, glycogen, lipid, fat, triglyceride, saturated fat, unsaturated fat, phospholipid, protein, amino acid, polypeptide, peptide bond, enzyme, nucleic acid, soluble, insoluble
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Vocabulary Test: Rose for EmilyWords:Remit, Mote, Gilt, Pallid, Hue, Temerity, Teeming, Diffident, Deprecation, Tableaux, Cabal, Impervious, Acrid, Thwart, August, Cuckold, Cupolas, Spires, Aldermen, Crayons, Lime, Spraddled, Noblesse, Oblige, Jalousies, Bier, Sibilant, Valance
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Vocabulary Test: CalebWords:conspicuous, eliminations, sarcasm, deliberately, conceited, grudgingly
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Vocabulary Test: CHAP 10-1 VOCABULARY QUIZWords:democracy, republic, consul, Julius Caesar, Classical, polis, emperor, Octavius/Caesar Augustus, Sparta/Athens, Pax Romana, Constantine, Constantinople, Socrates, Alexander the Great, Rome
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