Vocabulary Tests Available for:
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benito mussolini
adolf hitler
albert einstein
alger hiss
allen dulles
calvin coolidge
charles de gaulle
che guerva
chiang kai-shek
dwight d. eisenhower
field marshall bernard montgomery
francis gary powers
franklin d. roosevelt
general douglas macarthur
general george patton
general omar bradley
general sergeant john basilone
george c. marshall
harry s truman
henry ford
herbert hoover
hideki tojo
j. robert oppenhiemer
john f. kennedy
john foster dulles
joseph mccarthy
joseph stalin
julius and ethel rosenburg
leon trosky
mao zedong
mohammed mossadegh
neville chamberlain
nikita khrushchev
president arbenz guzman
richard nixon
shah zahedi
thomas e. dewey
vladimir lenin
whittaker chambers
winston churchill