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Vocabulary Test: AstronomyWords:nebula, black hole, Nova, N F, M O, Moon, Comet, sOLAR SYSTEM, Galaxy, Star, Planet, Telescope, aSTRONOMER, Space exploration, Space craft, Satellite
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Vocabulary Test: i love my wordsWords:venerate, oblique, wanton, veer, maim, invalidate, minimize, legendary, congested, banter, frugal, avowed, bountiful, detriment, incognito, gingerly, glut, enterprising, durable, antics
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Vocabulary Test: AmyWords:undergird, enormity, mitigate, rectitudinous, corrigendum, comprise
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Vocabulary Test: My words 10Words:Terse , Translucent , Tactic , Swarm , Abut, Subside , Stamina, Specimen , Somber , Sociable
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Vocabulary Test: mytestWords:Ideal, Marketing , Site , Wary , Query , Savvy, Cite, Cynical, Entice
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary - Part 3 "The Enemy"Words:evade, haggard, futile, debilitating, undermining, mesmerizing, retrospect, ominous, scrutinizing, garrote, distainful, spile, divulge, equaidistant, vexed, articulated, detoxify, conjure, precarious, obsolete
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Vocabulary Test: My words 8Words:Ignominy , Opprobrium, Ligature , Diffidence , Quarreling , Torpid , Vassalage , bilious , equilibrium , Predominated
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Vocabulary Test: My words 5Words:jut, kindle, jostle, jargon, jabber, impending, imperious, illuminate, ignite, headway
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Vocabulary Test: World Geography Economy VocabWords:Multinational Enterprise, Traditional Economies, Sustainable Development, Subsistence Agriculture, Socialist Economic, Privatization, Outsourcing, Mixed Economy, Mercantilism, Landlocked, Interdependence, Industrial Revolution, Infrastructure, Human Development Index (HDI), Gross National Product (GNP), Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Green Revolution, Globalization, Free Enterprise, Economics, Cottage Industries, Command Economic System, Commodity, Commercial Industries, Commercial Agriculture
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Vocabulary Test: Miroi Eng 5 Unit 3 My Best Friend's Dad 02Words:piglet (noun), spongy (adjective), compilation (noun), greedy guts (phrase), scoff (verb), mock (verb), reinforce (verb), musty (adjective), access panel (noun), subway (noun), Cadbury Flake (phrase), sheepish (adjective), wanker (noun), estate (noun), maze (noun), low-rise blocks (noun), raid (verb), stale (adjective), relish (verb), prospect (noun), try it on (phrase), in jest (phrase), muffled (adjective), mofo (phrase), headlock (noun), slag (noun)
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Vocabulary Test: Miroi Eng 5 Unit 3 My Best Friend's Dad 01Words:pram (noun), leotard (noun), Dutty Bwoi (phrase), temper (verb), give someone the once over (phrase), caution (verb), shove (verb), talk it up (phrase), start on each other (phrase), bloke (noun), lager (noun), overdo (verb), beforehand (adverb), wicked (adjective), cloud over (phrase), harassed (adjective), erupt (verb), dry wipe board (noun), buzzing (adjective), Boxing Day (noun), motivate my ass (phrase), fligths (noun), hijab (noun, caste (noun), lads (noun)
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Vocabulary Test: Land of my childhood vocabularyWords:edge, stain, bitter, sharp, rub, stiff, sigh, chew, beg, wipe, spit, laughter, boiled, bribed, enviously, raise, suffering, afford, rush, bow, reach, wild, excitement, congratulate, anxiety
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Vocabulary Test: My TestWords:demise, alienate, precedent, warily, unkempt, guise, scrutinize, nostalgia, benevolent, amicable
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Vocabulary Test: Tommy's TestWords:Delete, Precedent, Artifice , Craven, Sojourn, Punitive, Adversary, Coerce, Inclement, Redress
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Vocabulary Test: My babysitters a monster quizWords:did you like the book and why , did sarah ever turn into a zomon, what genres is the book, what is the lesson, did wolfbloods and vampires becomes friends at the end , what happened at the end of the story , define who the story was mostly about, what tv show was in it for the least amount of time, what tv show was it mostly about, what stories were in the crossover
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Vocabulary Test: 13Words:affable, arduous, beset, conjecture, curtail, denizen, fastidious, felicity, hackneyed, fiddlesticks, infinitesimal, malaise, noxious, panacea, sanguine
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Vocabulary Test: ttWords:Cosmic, Cat Diaries: Secret Writings Of The MEOW Society, We The Children, 26 Fairmount Avenue, The Original Adventures of Hank The Cowdog, The Fabled Fifth Graders Of Aesop Elementary School
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Vocabulary Test: Test 1Words:barbaric, savage, bland, exuberant, florid, genial, progressiveness, untrammeled, assert, emanate, idealism, impartial, incorruptible, inevitable, rhapsody, dire, doleful, guidance, merit, procure
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab week 5-8Words:Strategy, Survey, Alternative, circumstance, comment, compensate, component, consent, considerable, constant, convene, coordinate, restrict, secure, seek, select
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Vocabulary Test: James & Giant Peach Ch 10-17Words:withering, repulsive, chaos, famished, hysterics, lurch, reclining, scornful, gossamer, insidiously, suspended, dilemma, ambled, jostling, colossal, coiled, slither, serenely, primly, venomous
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Vocabulary Test: Group I and IIWords:abate, abjure, blandishment, boor, cardinal, deliberate, equivocation, feckless, imperturbability, meretricious, augury, boycott, glib, incise, moralistic, ostracism, penchant, rarefy, repine, stipulate
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Vocabulary Test: Lesson 46-50Words:thrash, predator, keen, taut, extinct, leisurely, aroused, scavengers, foliage, prance, resume, unison, scramble, alert, secluded, gash, slither, mammal, grazing, herd
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Vocabulary Test: unit 10Words:acquiesce, allure, askew, blithe, contentious, covet, crestfallen, disheveled, exponent, garrulous, insuperable, lamentable, misnomer, profess, respite, retribution, sinuous, sonorous, vanguard, wastrel
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Vocabulary Test: chapter 3 u.s. history (book)Words:economy, export, frontier, barter, import, common, Political rights, jury, mercantilism, Regulate, tax
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Vocabulary Test: Trig QuizWords:angle of depression, cosine, hypotenuse, resultant, sine, angle of elevation, identity, measurement, proportion, tangent, congruent, inverse tangent, opposite, Pythagorean, vector
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Vocabulary Test: VOCAB #1Words:Lincoln-Douglas Debate, Factual, Policy, Value, Ought, Signposting, Premise, Criteria, Affirmative, Constructive, Cross-examination, Rebuttal, Renowned, Sancity, Covert, Affluent, Surrogacy, Evasive, Dire, Debate
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Vocabulary Test: WTRFG Unit 2Words:interrupt, interrupt, interrupt, interrupt, interrupt, interrupt, interrupt, interrupt, interrupt, interrupt, interrupt, interrupt, interrupt, interrupt, interrupt, interrupt, interrupt, interrupt, interrupt, interrupt
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Vocabulary Test: nippsfifteenWords:regress, resolve, skeptical, sojourn, terminal, travesty, utopia, upshot, versatile, veer
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Vocabulary Test: ddddWords:D00D, yourghey, imghey, everyonesghey, 2012 yay, implayingahornyinstrument
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Vocabulary Test: journalism1Words:byline, editor, edition, editorial, exclusive, feature, headline, layout, lead, masthead
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Vocabulary Test: obese-sentWords:obese, portal, poltroon, mete, maritime, portend, obtrusive, predatory, mogul, prattle, quaff, quell, quail, quietude, jetsam, pedestrian, personify, inundate, incessant, pinion
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Vocabulary Test: Spanish 2 La NaturalezaWords:el sol, la luna, las estrellas, las nubes, el cielo, el arcoiris, la mata, el arbol, la palma, la grama, el cesped, las hojas, la rama, la piedra, la cascada, el rio, el lago, la montana, el desierto, el bosque, la jungle, la selva tropical, la planta, la tierra, el mundo, la granja, el campo, el espacio, el viento, la brisa, la tormenta, el volcan, la lluvia, la nieve, el mar, el oceano, el palo, el polvo, la tele de arana, el hielo, la cueva, el terremoto, la puesta del sol, las semillas, amanacer, madrugar, anochecer, crecer, brillar, llover, sembrar
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Vocabulary Test: ssatWords:rife, slander, dearth, existential, deleterious, ultimate, penchant, synopsis, soothsayer, terse, trite, discrete, diverse, strenuous, ominous, travesty, conciliatory, complicit, envious, fey
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Vocabulary Test: US Gov IntroWords:Political Socialization, Political culture, Formal Institution, Pluralism, Neo liberal, Southern Democrat, Blue dog democrat, resident alien, Jus soli, Plank, Country, democracy, Communism, oligarchy, authoritartianism, Aristicracy, Political efficacy, Public policy, policymaking institutions, Hyperpluralism, neo-con, Dixie-crat, alien, enemy combatant, Jus sanguinis, nation, city-state, republic, capitalism, fascism, constitutional monarch, liberty, political ideology, politcical participation, linkage institutions, class or elite theory, social conservative, new england liberal, citizen, refugee, platform, state, gop, monarchy, junta, totalitarianism, plutocracy, legitimacy
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Vocabulary Test: VocabularioWords:campesino, surco, costal, madrugada, cerciorarse, procurar, peregrina, capataz, decepcionado
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