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"Astronomy Test chapter 8"

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a main difference between asteroids and comets is that asteroids
a meteorite is
a planets whose composition resembles that of our sun is
according to keplers third law, there is a relationship between
accourding to kepler's 2nd law, comets (which have eccentric orb
all the planets (without exception)
distances to the planets are measured today by the use of
during the process of differentiation
halleys comet was given that name because edmond halley was
in an ellipse, the ration of the distance between the foci and t
in composition and density, the asteroids resemble:
in light of modern solar system theory, why do the orbits of the
in ptolemys system the planets orbit the earth and not the sun,
mercurs most unusual orbital feature, as compared to the other p
one of the key reasons professional astronomers today are intere
our best evidence and theoretical calculations indicate that the
the 17th century astronomer who kept a roughly 20 year continuou
the chemistry of the terrestrial planets does not include a lot
the comet that broke into more than 20 pieces and then collided
the densest planet in the solar system is
the difference between a meteroid and an asteroid is the objects
the dwarf planet whose orbit actually brings it inside the orbit
the first asteroid confirmed to have a satelite (moon) is
the great astronomer of ancient times who summarized and improve
the large reservoir of comet nuclei far beyond pluto, from which
the largest moon in the solar system is
the nasa orbiter that ultimately landed on the surface of the as
the one asteroid on which one of our spacecraft has actually tou
the period of the moons rotation on its axis is
the plane in which almost all planets orbit the sun is called th
the planet that takes the longest time to rotate
the planet that takes the shortest time to rotate is
the renaissance astronomer who wrote the pioneering book that su
the scientist who first devised the experimental tests to demons
the seven days of the week are named after
the small bodies in the solar system composed mainly of ices (fr
the small rocky and metallic bodies (most of which orbit between
the two asteroids from which close up images and data have been
what is the defining property of the trojan asteroids?
what is true about solar system densities?
what time of day (roughly) will a new moon rise?
what type of asteroids are located in the middle region of the a
what was the largest asteroid first discovered
when a comet like comet hale-bopp comes closest to the sun in it
when a planet in its orbit is closer to the sun, it
when a planet temporarily moves westward in the sky over the cou
when chemists say that a planets outer regions are reduced, they
which characteristic listed below describes the jovian planets?
which of the characteristics below describes the terrestrial pla
which of the following chatacteristics do all fout terrestrial p
which of the following choices lists the four planets from small
which of the following is not a correct way that jovian (giant)
which of these bodies has the lowest density
which planet has its equatorial plane (another word, its axis of
which two planets do rotate in a retrograde direction
why does the moon show phrases in the course of a month?