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Vocabulary Test: Amy Stinnett Words:Predecir, Prolongar, Mudarse, Lograr, Inventar, Hacerse, Graduarse, Disenar, Enterarse, Desempenar un cargo, Descubrir, Desaparecer, Dedicarse a , Curar, Comunicarse, Averiguar, Aumentar, Maduro, Ahorrar, Emprendedor, Cuidadoso, Eficiente, Capaz, Ambicioso, Traductor, Redactor, Programador, Peluquero, Juez, Jefe, Ingeniero, La mujer de negocios, El hombre de negocios, Las finanzas, La empresa, Disenador, Cocinero, Contador, El abogado, El arquitecto, El banquero, El cientifico
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Vocabulary Test: astronomy ch. 10-11 part 2Words:what would be the mass of a main-sequence star that has a lumino, Where are the most massive stars to be found in the main sequenc, A typical white dwarf has a surface temperature about four times, What is a white star?, Compared with a star in the middle of the hertzsprung-russell di, What id a dwarf star?, Compared with a star in the middle of the hertzsprung-russell di, what are the two physical parameters of stars that are plotted i, If you compare two stars the one with the blank must have a grea, Which of the following four spectral classification signifies th, The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram is a plot of?, The chemical makeup of the Sun's surface can be determined by?, Which of the following spectral classification letters signifies, Why is there a limited range of stellar surface temperature arou, For balmer series lines to show up strongly in absorption in ste, An astronomer is measuring the brightness of a particular star t, Luminosity is measured in?, The luminosity of a star is?, The statement that the apparent magnitude of a variable star has, A star of apparent magnitude +1 appears blank than a star of app, The motion that is used to chnage the position of the observer i, Stellar parallax appears because ?, Apparent magnitude is a measure of star's ?, what is a parallax?, How far away is the nearest star beyond the sun?
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Vocabulary Test: EconomyWords:ربح، أرباح, عائد، عائدات, صدّر، يصدّر، التصدير, استورد، يستورد، الإستيراد, رأسمال, أفلس، يفلس، الإفلاس, بند، بنود, سهم, قرض, البنك الدولي
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Vocabulary Test: Mystery Vocabulary Words:mystery, suspect, clue, detective, alibi, victim, evidence, sleuth, witness, redherring, Crime
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Vocabulary Test: HereewithhuowautiprohsjiduyokkedweirdortheewassosmerhongijmyteerWords:Pell-mell, Virility, Palmated , Palpitant , Infinitesimal, Musing, Incarnate, Commingled , Excrescence, Asunder , Usurp , Stealthily, Recurrent, Shrouded, Pertinacity, Paroxysms , Impelled , Obliterated, Carnivorous, Cessation
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Vocabulary Test: Mythology 3Words:squander, dilate, metamorphose, atrocious, ominous, illustrious, allay, antiquity, emit, ambrosial, repose, flay, incense, voracious, venerable, culprit, imprecate, panoply, marauder, labyrinth
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Vocabulary Test: astronomy ch. 10-11Words:Coronal holes are thought to be the source of?, The solar wind almost entirely ionized gas, Which of the following events is NOT a consequence of a coronal , Where on the sun do solar flares occur?, What is a prominence on the sun?, What is a filament on the sun?, An arching column of gas suspended over a sunspot group is calle, What causes plages?, A solar plage is a ?, which of the following pheomena is NOT a characteristic of a pea, One method that has been used successfully in recent times to in, What measurements first showed the 5-minutes oscillations of the, What causes sunspots?, What is the cause of the sunspot cycle on the sun?, Which recently discovered fact about the sun might have some bea, What is helioseismology?, Two pairs of associated sunspots appear on the visible disk of t, The differential rotation of the Sun causes the magnetic fields , The major that distinguishes a sunspot from other regions on the, What is a typical magnetic field inside a sunspot?, The equatorial regions of the Sun are seen to rotate with an app, Which one of the following statements about sunspots is NOT true, What is plasma?, How would you describe the Sun's rotation?, What is the temperature of the solar corona?, Why is the solar corona so much hotter than the photosphere?, What is solar wind?, The bright X-rays image obtained of the solar corona when the Su, What is the structure of a typical large sunspot?, Sunspots appear dark because?, The umbra of a sunspot is about 1500 k cooler than the surroundi, The average sunspot group on the solar surface will last for abo, The rotation of the Sun is?, The heilosphere is the?, Sunspots are?, Astronomers have compared the relative abundances of different i, The spectrum of the solar corona reveals emission lines that ori, To what does the symbol Fe XIV refer?, What is the source of the X-rays emitted by the solar corona?, Spicules on the solar surface are?, Where is the coolest region in the sun, What is surprising about the atmopshere of the sun?, Compared with photosphere, the solar chromosphere is?, Where would you expect to find spicules?, Where is the chromosphere on the Sun?, The granular appearance of the surface of the sun is evidence of, The granulation observed on the photoshere of the sun appears to, The gas motions within granules on the solar surface are?, What is the Sun's Photosphere?, What is the explanation for the bright cells photospheric gases
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Vocabulary Test: astronomy ch.10-11#3Words:Which of the following statements about the rate of stellar evol, The stars that last longest are the stars, The definition of a main-sequence star is a star, The stars in an open cluster are useful for studying the early s, Which of the following facts referring to stars in a cluster is , What is difference between an extrasolar planet and a sub brown , What is difference to prevent stars from being larger than a few, What is believed to prevent stars from being larger than a few , A brown dwarf is a?, What is believed to be the maximum mass a star can have?, The T tauri phase of a protostar is characterized by, In which region of the hertzsprung-russell diagram does a newly , A main-sequence star can be no smaller than 0.08 solar mass. Th, What point defines the end of the pre-main sequence phase of a s, Accretion of matter in an interstellar cloud leads to?, What is a protostar called in the stage after it has finished ac, What is believed to be the most important factor determining whe, Protostars are?, The source of a protostar's heat is, Where are protostars most likely to form?, At what stage in its life does a star pass through the protostar, What is a prostar?, Long-exposure color photograph of the night sky often show regio, What is the utlimate fate of an open star cluster?, new stars are formed form, How does the temperature of an interstellar cloud affect its abi, Which of following mechanisms is thought be ineffective and inef, Which if the following mechanisms is NOT considered to be a way , How is gas distributed in interstellar space?, Evidence of massive amounts of hydrogen gas surrounding some sta, The mass of a particular giant molecular cloud in interstellar s, what is the characteristic color of a reflection nebula?, What is typical mass of giant molecular cloud?, Which of the following molecules is likely to be most common in , Which of the following molecules found in contains nitrogen atom
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Vocabulary Test: My Brother Sam #3&4Words:turmoil, moor, retaliate, plundered, recalcitrance, compunction, siege, desertion, badgered, vanguard, musket, slog, sedition, grimaced, almanac, depreciate, squall, wince, liable, forage
Test Also Includes: sentences
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Vocabulary Test: Bloom's TaxonomyWords:dust bowl, credit, overproduction, buying on margin, franklin roosevelt, black tuesday, laissez- faire, civilian conservation crops, public works administration , brank run, federal deposit insurance corporation , roaring twenties , harlem renaissance, womens suffrage, jackie robinson, the great migration
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Vocabulary Test: My brother MartinWords:indignity, segregation, prank, nourishing, preferred , rap, recall, injustice, shielding, encounter, confront, numerous, capture
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Vocabulary Test: mysteryWords:whodunit, witness , suspect, thriller , red herring, sleuth , stool pigeon, private eye, locked-room mystery, hard-boiled mystery, forensic science, felony, evidence, embezzlement, deduction, cozy mystery, cat burglar, alibi
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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy VocabularyWords:energy, telescope, crescent moon, gravity, waning, quarter moon, tide, waxing, water cycle, full moon, new moon, heat, phase, reflect, Southern Hemisphern, light, Northern Hemisphere, crater , revolve, moon, shadow, atmosphere, horizon, orbit, astronomer, axis, planet, rotate, solar system, fossil fuel, star
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Vocabulary Test: Science chapter 1 astronamy 5thgradeWords:space station, space shuttle, space probe, satellite, rocket, refracting telescope , reflecting telescope , radio telescope, project mercury the m in mga, project gemini the g in mga, project apallo the a in mga, orbit, Observatory, Electromagnetic Spectrum
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Vocabulary Test: Greek & Roman Mythology Q2Words:apace, precocious, indignant, infuriate, pestilence, chimera, rapacious, formidable, vociferous, dowry, adroit, torpid, tenacious, caparison, lurk, libation, inextricable, ruminate, Nectarous, Contumacious
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Vocabulary Test: myne a testWords:price competition, indirect competition, non-price competition, product usage, marketing intelligence, geographic segmentation, market share, benefits delivery, direct competition, market segment, market potential, psychographics, product usage, Geographic , demographics
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Vocabulary Test: Army and WarWords:un militaire, un simple soldat, un militaire de carrière, un soldat, un parachutiste, un homme de troupe, les soldats, la troupe
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Vocabulary Test: frenchWords:je suis, tu es, il est, elle est, nous sommes, vous etes, ils sont, elles sont
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Vocabulary Test: EllieMWords:ambivalent, ambiguous, proliferate, sanctimonious, autonomy, precipitous, elusive, repudiate, imbue, pervasive, reckoning, palliate, subterfuge, didactic, bromide, austere, pragmatic, dearth, paucity, myopic, prosaic, ardor, torpid, lucid, pulchritude, mendacious, dubious, insipid, esoteric, tacit, dogged, banal, pugnacious, nefarious, tenet, vapid, reclusive, precarious, acrimonious, paradox, respite, laconic, audacious, bellicose, astute, assiduous, assuage, noxious, itinerant, salutary, despondent, abashed, inundated, supplant, mellifluous, obstinate, discerning, obfuscate, objective, immutable, propensity, diffident, loquacious, cacophony, avuncular, salient, impudent, tenuous, felicitous, intransigence, desecration, galvanize, lionize, vilify, accosted, relinquish, effrontery, litigiousness, instigate, pedant, arbitrary, machinations, circumspect
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Vocabulary Test: Weather Vocabulary QuizWords:Air mass, Weather, Climate, Farenheit, Celsius, Temperature, Warm Front, Cold Front, Condensation, Evaportation, Preciptation, High Pressure, Low Pressure, Water Cycle, Wind, Clouds
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Vocabulary Test: frenchWords:je suis, tu es, il est, elle est, nous sommes, vous etes, ils sont, elles sont, jai, tu as, elle a, il a, nous avons, vous avez, ils ont, elles ont
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Vocabulary Test: STARR VOCABWords:Aesthetic effects, Anecdote, Archetype, Bandwagon appeal, Caricature, Coherent argument, Digital media, Docudrama, Epigraph, Etymology
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab 12/19Words:circumspect, arbitrary, machinations, pedant, instigate, litigiousness, effrontery, relinquish, accosted, vilify, lionize, galvanize, desecration, intransigence, felicitous
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Vocabulary Test: math vocabularyWords:show all totals, show new group above, show new group below, odd, even, estimate, addend, sum, hundreds, ones, quick tens, quick hundreds, decade numbers, word name, tens
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Vocabulary Test: Drafting IIWords:Anchor bolt, Blocking, Bridging, Double Joist, Floor Joist, Footing, Foundation Wall, Girder, Header, Joist, Joist Hanger, Post, Crawl space, Drain Tile, Finished Floor, Floor Joist, Insulation, Sole plate, Stud, Sub-floor
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Vocabulary Test: Psychology Vocab 1-90(Kira's)Words:A-B-A Design, Absolute Threshold, Acute Stress, Ageism, Aggression, Algorithm, Altruism, Anorexia Nervosa, Anxiety, Attachement, Attention, Automatic Processes, Behavior, Belief-Bias Effect, Body Image, Child-Directed Speech, Chronological Age, Circadian Rhythem, Biological perpsective, Chunking
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Vocabulary Test: TobaccoWords:tobacco, nicotine, addictive, tar, cilia, carbon monoxide, bidi, chew, emphysema, cigar
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Vocabulary Test: adasaddadadsWords:alexander hamilton, james madison, daniel shays, articles of confederation, legislatve branch, judicial branch, executive branch, constitution, democracy, republic, shays rebellion, constitutional convection
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Vocabulary Test: adsadasdWords:amendment, veto, great compromise, house of representatives, senate, house of representatives, habeas corpus, federalist papers, civil liberties, patriot act, 3/5 compromise, federal government, state government, checks and balances, electoral college, virginia plan, radify, bill of rights
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