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"astronomy ch.10-11#3"

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a brown dwarf is a?
a main-sequence star can be no smaller than 0.08 solar mass. th
accretion of matter in an interstellar cloud leads to?
at what stage in its life does a star pass through the protostar
evidence of massive amounts of hydrogen gas surrounding some sta
how does the temperature of an interstellar cloud affect its abi
how is gas distributed in interstellar space?
in which region of the hertzsprung-russell diagram does a newly
long-exposure color photograph of the night sky often show regio
new stars are formed form
protostars are?
the definition of a main-sequence star is a star
the mass of a particular giant molecular cloud in interstellar s
the source of a protostar's heat is
the stars in an open cluster are useful for studying the early s
the stars that last longest are the stars
the t tauri phase of a protostar is characterized by
what is a prostar?
what is a protostar called in the stage after it has finished ac
what is believed to be the maximum mass a star can have?
what is believed to be the most important factor determining whe
what is believed to prevent stars from being larger than a few
what is difference between an extrasolar planet and a sub brown
what is difference to prevent stars from being larger than a few
what is the characteristic color of a reflection nebula?
what is the utlimate fate of an open star cluster?
what is typical mass of giant molecular cloud?
what point defines the end of the pre-main sequence phase of a s
where are protostars most likely to form?
which if the following mechanisms is not considered to be a way
which of following mechanisms is thought be ineffective and inef
which of the following facts referring to stars in a cluster is
which of the following molecules found in contains nitrogen atom
which of the following molecules is likely to be most common in
which of the following statements about the rate of stellar evol