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Vocabulary Test: Mythology 245
Artemis, Hermes, Ares, Hephaestus, Hestia, Apollo, Aphrodite, Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hades, Athena

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Vocabulary Test: My words 14
inextricably , contempt , whickered , yoke , inflammation , meticulous, innovative , institution , atypical , epilepsy

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Vocabulary Test: Phlebotomy
Au, APPT, -al, aur, Ca, ARD, alges, ASAP, bi, Al, C & S, bio, ALT, BC, angi/o, Ag, auto Trans Autologous Transfusion, Ag/Ab, Av, ASO

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy
what supplies blood to the heart?, what does the left ventricle do, what does the left atrium do?, what does the right ventricle do?, what does the right atrium do?, membranous lining of the chambers and valves of the heart, the middle muscular layer of heart tissue, outer layer of the pericardium , outermost layer of the heart tissue, the lubricant for the membrane of the heart, the cavity in the chest that holds the heart and pericardial flu, the protective covering of the heart, what is a hollow, cone shaped, muscular pump?, what concentration of various ions slows down & speeds up heart , what controls heart rate?, what is the "dupp"?, what is the "lubb"?, what does a heart beat sound like through a stethoscope?, what means when the heart chamber is at rest?, what means that the heart chamber is at work?, where does the heart lay in the body?, what is normal heart size?, what are the 4 chambers of the heart?, blood vessels make up two circuits:, what makes up the cardiovascular system, when a person doesnt have enough RBC or hemoglobin in the blood , a ballooned, weakend arterial wall, hardening of fatty plaque deposits with the arteries, abnormal heart rhythm, inflammation of the heart, inflammation of the innermost lining of the heart, inflammation of the muscular layer of the heart, inflammation of the pericardium, slowly developing condition in which the heart weakens over time, characterized by the narrowing of the coronary arteries, high blood pressure, when bone marrow produces a large # of WBC that are not normal, abnormal heart sounds, damage to cardiac muscle b/c of a lack of blood supply, aka hear, when abnormal hemoglobin causes RBCs to change to sickle shape, inherted form of anemia w/ defective hemoglobin chain causing mi, twisted, dilated veins that are usually seen in the legs, heart pain, panic attacks, sore muscles, & broken ribs are all c, myocardial infarction, angina, pericarditis, and coronary spasms, the route the blood takes from the heart through the body and ba, the route that blood takes from the heart to the lungs & back to, where do all veins except those returning to the heart drain?, blood pressure is determined by ?, what is a normal resting blood pressure?, what is the force the blood exerts against the inner walls of th

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Vocabulary Test: exam#3 anatomy & physiology
left upper quadrent [LUQ}, right upper quadrent [RUQ], right lower quadrent {RLQ], left lower quadrent [LLQ], lumbar regions (left and right), hypogastric region, iliac (or inguinal) regions (left and right), umbilical region, epigastrig region, hypochondriac regions (left and right), transverse plane , frontal or coronal plane, suppine, prone, sagittal plane, proximal, distal, superficial, medial, superior, lateral, posterior/dorsal, inferior, anatomical position, anterior/bentral, ventral cavity, dorsal cavity , reproductive system, lymphatic and immune system, integumentary system, urinary system, digestive system, sensory system, nervous system, endocrine system, muscular sustem, cardiovascular system , skeletal system, respiratory system

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Vocabulary Test: myths
tragedy, drama, fable, epics, Delphin, oracle, moun olympus, myths

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Vocabulary Test: ANA tomy
plantaris, Extensor digitorum, extensor digitorum longus, piriformus, gracilis, peroneus brevis, teres minor, teres major, Peroneus longus

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Vocabulary Test: Phlebotomy 2
ANA, b.i.d, As, Agg, an, bp, -ary, AK, arthro, BS, brady, AST, a.m, AFP, bronch, C, AIDS, ante, -algia, anti

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Vocabulary Test: Short Test-Myths & Legends
desecrate, gluttony, indignant, famine, frivolous, enchanted, fragment, nonchalant, subject, desolate, predicate, illustrious, hearsay, reign, grisly, plot, symbol, inferno, decrepit, distraught, setting, legend, myth

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Vocabulary Test: tomythtsibsanekomibfsvcas,lmvadyjhetrf
on edge , run the gauntlet , inarticulate , go to one's head, foreboding , disgruntled , bewildered , apprehension , animation , anticipate, vague , retreat , poise , onslaught , let off steam , invoice , intuition , halfheartedly , confirmed, advisability

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Vocabulary Test: Which my little pony character are you
What do you do to animals?, What would you have as a pet, Who do you think you'll be?, How much do you care about your image?, What is your favorite color?, Whats your favorite subject

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Vocabulary Test: Deuteronomy
Moses teaches on Criminal Law - The Reasons for the Death Penalt, Moses teaches on Criminal Law - Legal Testimony & Perjury, The great responsibility ( 6-8) - To pass on the faith to the ne, The great responsibility ( 3-5 ) - To pass the faith on to the n, The great responsibility ( the first two) - To pass the faith , Title DT., Moses speaks to the new generation about, Background, Date and chronology, Key Word, Authorship, main content in DT.

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Vocabulary Test: Norse Mythology
berserker, sif, Norse mythology, Tyr, Odin, Loki, Thor

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Vocabulary Test: Emmy
venture, uncanny, supplement, strew, segment, refuge, presumption, instantaneous, incite, illiteracy, enchant, devour, calamity, blunder, absolute

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy cat 1
Levator scapulae ventralis , Spinodeltoid , Long head of triceps , Lateral head of triceps , Cleidomastoid , Spinotrapezius , Biceps brachii , External oblique , Rectus abdominis, Acromiotrapezius

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Vocabulary Test: T29-P389-miniscule-mythical
motley, mortify, motif, mortal, morose, moribund, mores, mordant, morbid, moratorium, moot, monumental, monotheism, monologue, monolithic, monograph, monitor, monetary, monastic, monarchy, momentous, molten, molt, mollify, molest, mogul, modulate, modish, modicum, mock, mobile, mnemonic, mitigate, missive, misogynist, misogamy, misnomer, misgiving , misdemeanor, miscreant, misconstrue, mischance, miscegenation, misapprehension, misanthrope, mirth, mire, mirage, minutiae, minute, miniscule, mottled, mountebank, muddle, mulct, mull, multifarious, mundane, munificent, murky, muse, muster, musty, mute, mutilate, mutinous, muzzle, myopic, myriad, myrmidon, mythical

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Vocabulary Test: My First Free Summer
accompanied, activites, connections, documents, reviews, runway, terminal, scheduled, attending, attitude, bliss, demorcracy, escorting , endured, summoned, prospects

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Vocabulary Test: jimmy
word 6, word 3, word 4, word 5, word 1, word 2

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Vocabulary Test: Greek Mythology
Eros, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Hephaestus , Aphrodite, Ares, Dionysus, Hestia, Hades, Poseidon, Hera, Zeus

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Vocabulary Test: Mywords-2
Absolve , Abrogate , Abridge , Abreast , Abominate, Abolish , Abjure , Abduct , Abandon , Aback
Test Also Includes: sentences

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Vocabulary Test: stats
Rhode Idland, South Dakota, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virgin Island, Vermont, Virginina, Washingtion, Wisconsin, West Virginia, Wyoming

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Vocabulary Test: Unit 7
affable, ineffable, dictatorial, diction, dictum, ditty, edict, indict, indite, interdiction, jurisdiction, malediction, valediction, gloss, polyglot

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Vocabulary Test: Night of the Pufflings Vocabulary
uninhabited, burrows, venture, stranded, nestles, instinctively

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Lesson 13-18
Autocratic, Autonomy, Caste, Despot, Feudal, Hegemony, Oligarchy, Sovereign, Totalitarian, Usurp, Diligence, Fastidious, Finicky, Imprudent, Judicious, Meticulous, Slovenly, Trepidation, Unmindful, Belie, Bellicose, Belligerence, Blithe, Besmirch, Biased, Bibliophile, Bereave, Bizarre, Bland, Minutia, Condemn, Culpable, Exonerate:, Extort, Incorrigible, Malfeasance, Misdemeanor, Purloin, Ruffian, Unscrupulous, August, Condescend, Deference, Grovel, Lackey, Celestial, Predominate, Subjugation, Slavish, Supercilious, Sycophant, Bog, Bombastic, Boorish, Bucolic, Bumptious, Buffoon, Cabal, Cacophonous, Cadaverous, Callous, Flagrant, Conspicuously, Furtive, Expressive, Latent, Pathology, Ostensible, Salient, Sequester, Subterfuge, Unobtrusively, Vaunt, Adroit, Blasé, Cliché, Clientele, Entrepreneur, Forte, Gauche, Naïve, Nonchalant, Rendezvous, Calumniate, Candid, Cantankerous, Captious, Castigate, Chauvinist, Chicanery

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Vocabulary Test: R180 Workshop 5
calculate, compensate, moderate, priority, strategy, management, credible, compulsive, impulse, ignorance

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Vocabulary Test: 175-225
sate, defray, impovershed, opinionated, sheepish, approbation, jaded, meritorious, licit, illicit, anterior, guise, entomb, enrage, repose, insular, pertinacity, discomfited, resplendent, lieu, divisive, abhor, inestimable, eclectic, indefatigable, remonstrate, beget, recuse, inveterate, dogmatic, redress, transient, diminutive, dilapidated, auspicious, expounding, antipodal, nepotism, compendious, reprobate, bromidic, arcane, redress, tome, disabuse, droll, irrefragable, stoic, humdrum, query

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Vocabulary Test: Swine Breeds
yorkshire, berkshire, chester white, duroc, hampsire, spots

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Vocabulary Test: Health Careers
Dys-, -ectomy, Hyper-, Hypo-, Iso-, -itis, Noct(o), Oso(o), Phago-, -plasty, carcin(o)-, chlor(o)-, -cide: -cidal, -cyte;cyto-, neo-, nucle(o)-, -oma, onc(o), -some, hydro-, -lysis, -phillic, poly-, Aqua-, Chromo-, Endo-, Ex- or exo, Erythro-, Leuko-, Morpho-, Super-, -logy, Bio-, Macro-, Ocu;Oculo-, Patho-, Trans, CBC, RR, TLC, post, Rx, Dx, qid, tid, q3hr, prn, Ob, r, sob, per, CPR, wt, ECG/EKG, po, c/o, ht, bm, RN, CNA, IV, fx, cc, amb, ICU, ng, aseptic, dorsal, ventral, septic, posterior, anterior, Excretion, Secretion, thoracic

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Vocabulary Test: Term 2 -- Vocab Test #6
adulation, bristle, decoy, erratic, histrionic, laud, obstreperous, portend, retraction, titter

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Vocabulary Test: Hatchet Vocabulary
Cessna, turbulance, horde, altitude, viciously, murky, pulverize, crude, imbed, exasperation, reposition, intervals, persistent, bluff, shaft, corrosive, stabilize, intact, stymie, butane

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Vocabulary Test: War Horse Vocabulary
inexorably, contemplate, brigadiers, no man's land, consternation, barbarous, resonant, kinship, euphoric, inexplicable, tetanus, cauterized

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Vocabulary Test: Jean-Luc
Acute, Hearken, Cunning, Hearty, Stealthy, crevice, refrain, vex, dismember, fancy, vehement, trifle, gesticulate, dissemble, pestilence, precipitous, harbor, wrest, acquiesce, scourge, detest, marauder, pinion, strewn, exasperated, retort, plight, condolence, interloper, endeavor, languor, lull, a

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Vocabulary Test: Units 5-8 syn and ant
antique, baggage, digest, establish, eternal, haste, humid, lash, oppose, pioneer, sensible, worthy, blossom, collide, constant, content, distract, drought, foul, noble, policy, quiver, slight, tidy, accurate, alert, ancestor, disaster, elementary, envy, epidemic, feeble, penetrate, romp, staple, survive, awkward, clatter, gallant, lukewarm, plentiful, ration, reserve, scholar, smolder, trudge, volunteer, weary

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Vocabulary Test: Music
Measure, Sharp, Alto(A), Tenor(T), Bass(B), Soprano(S), Dynamics, Mezzo Piano: mp, Piano: p, Mezzo Forte: mf, Forte: f, Flat, Time Signature, Key Signature, Repeat Sign, Bar Lines, Staff, Grand Staff, Treble Clef/G Clef, Bass Clef/F Clef

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Vocabulary Test: Symphony of Whales
anxiously, bay, blizzards, channel, chipped, melody, supplies, surrounded, symphony

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Vocabulary Test: Prayer Vocabulary
rosary, prayer, Bethlehem, Jesus, Jewish, Fatima, bible, Mary, chapel, secrets, gift, joyful mysteries, sorrowful mysteries, glorious mysteries, luminous mysteries, joseph, star, Nazareth, manger, Christmas, Mary, thorns, crucifixion, tomb, resurrection, Easter, Baptism, transfiguration, Eucharist, garden, I am what you say I am, King of the Jews, Angel, Queen of Heaven and Earth, Jordan, assumption, Gold, Frankincense, Myrrh, presentation

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Vocabulary Test: Where the Red Fern Grows
festered, registered, eaves, radiant, Ozarks, destination, calloused, quavering, kennels

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Vocabulary Test: nippsfourteen
narrative, nocturnal, obsolete, obsess, pacify, paltry, quell, query, infer, inference

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Vocabulary Test: Boss of the Plains
adventurers, determined, frontier, gear, opportunity, pioneers, settlers, tanned, wrangler

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Vocabulary Test: reasoning, shape,importance, modesty, vanity
deduce, dilemma, dogmatic, eclectic, fallacious, fallible, heterodox, hypothetical, illusion, indubitable, orthodox, paradoxical, plausible, preposterous, rational, rationalize, sophistry, specious, speculate, tenable, amorphous, concave, contour, distort, malleable, rotund, sinuous, symmetrical, symmetry, grave, nugatory, paltry, paramount, relevant, coy, demure, diffident, modest, modesty, staid, brazen, egoism, ostentatious, overweening, pert, vain, vainglorious, vanity, good, luck
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