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a ballooned, weakend arterial wall
abnormal heart rhythm
abnormal heart sounds
blood pressure is determined by ?
blood vessels make up two circuits:
characterized by the narrowing of the coronary arteries
damage to cardiac muscle b/c of a lack of blood supply, aka hear
hardening of fatty plaque deposits with the arteries
heart pain, panic attacks, sore muscles, & broken ribs are all c
high blood pressure
inflammation of the heart
inflammation of the innermost lining of the heart
inflammation of the muscular layer of the heart
inflammation of the pericardium
inherted form of anemia w/ defective hemoglobin chain causing mi
membranous lining of the chambers and valves of the heart
myocardial infarction, angina, pericarditis, and coronary spasms
outer layer of the pericardium
outermost layer of the heart tissue
slowly developing condition in which the heart weakens over time
the cavity in the chest that holds the heart and pericardial flu
the lubricant for the membrane of the heart
the middle muscular layer of heart tissue
the protective covering of the heart
the route that blood takes from the heart to the lungs & back to
the route the blood takes from the heart through the body and ba
twisted, dilated veins that are usually seen in the legs
what are the 4 chambers of the heart?
what concentration of various ions slows down & speeds up heart
what controls heart rate?
what does a heart beat sound like through a stethoscope?
what does the left atrium do?
what does the left ventricle do
what does the right atrium do?
what does the right ventricle do?
what is a hollow, cone shaped, muscular pump?
what is a normal resting blood pressure?
what is normal heart size?
what is the "dupp"?
what is the "lubb"?
what is the force the blood exerts against the inner walls of th
what makes up the cardiovascular system
what means that the heart chamber is at work?
what means when the heart chamber is at rest?
what supplies blood to the heart?
when a person doesnt have enough rbc or hemoglobin in the blood
when abnormal hemoglobin causes rbcs to change to sickle shape
when bone marrow produces a large # of wbc that are not normal
where do all veins except those returning to the heart drain?
where does the heart lay in the body?