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Vocabulary Test: My words 12Words:Balustrade, Haberdasher , Feudal , Clergy , Succumbing , Serf , Surreptitious , Reverend , Hypochondriac , Lath
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Vocabulary Test: Greek MythologyWords:Eros, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Hephaestus , Aphrodite, Ares, Dionysus, Hestia, Hades, Poseidon, Hera, Zeus
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Vocabulary Test: Mywords-2Words:Absolve , Abrogate , Abridge , Abreast , Abominate, Abolish , Abjure , Abduct , Abandon , Aback
Test Also Includes: sentences
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Vocabulary Test: MywordsWords:adore, Aggravate, Aggrieve, Affluent, Aftermath, Adhere, Affinity, Advent, Adjourn, Adamant
Test Also Includes: sentences
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Vocabulary Test: astronomy vocabulary quizWords:Moon, star, gas giant, terrestrial, solar system, rotation, revolution, planet, orbit, gravity, axis, telescope, galaxy, asteroid, comet
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Vocabulary Test: En mi cuidad - In my town/cityWords:Donde esta?, al lado de, cerca de, enfrente de, la estacion de tren, el cafe, el restaurante, la escuela, la piscina, la biblioteca, el cine, las tiendas
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Vocabulary Test: mythsWords:tragedy, drama, fable, epics, Delphin, oracle, moun olympus, myths
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Vocabulary Test: ANA tomyWords:plantaris, Extensor digitorum, extensor digitorum longus, piriformus, gracilis, peroneus brevis, teres minor, teres major, Peroneus longus
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Vocabulary Test: exam#3 anatomy & physiologyWords:left upper quadrent [LUQ}, right upper quadrent [RUQ], right lower quadrent {RLQ], left lower quadrent [LLQ], lumbar regions (left and right), hypogastric region, iliac (or inguinal) regions (left and right), umbilical region, epigastrig region, hypochondriac regions (left and right), transverse plane , frontal or coronal plane, suppine, prone, sagittal plane, proximal, distal, superficial, medial, superior, lateral, posterior/dorsal, inferior, anatomical position, anterior/bentral, ventral cavity, dorsal cavity , reproductive system, lymphatic and immune system, integumentary system, urinary system, digestive system, sensory system, nervous system, endocrine system, muscular sustem, cardiovascular system , skeletal system, respiratory system
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Vocabulary Test: My First Free SummerWords:accompanied, activites, connections, documents, reviews, runway, terminal, scheduled, attending, attitude, bliss, demorcracy, escorting , endured, summoned, prospects
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Vocabulary Test: myth 2ndWords:inadvertent , impregnable , heinous , didactic , diffident , credulous , conventional , apocryphal , bestial , agog, alleged , supercilious , tacit , spare , reverence , recreant , rapacious , primal , predatory , perverse , perfidious , infallible , odious , incontrovertible , rive , prevail , exhort , incise , entranced , disparage , edify , depreciate , berate , averted , ad infinitum , ad hoc, insinuation , imbroglio , genealogy, fealty , elite, credence , cause celebre, chutzpah , canker, brevity, cabal , behemoth , vertex, tirade , striation , progenitor, scintilla, palaver, person non grata, offal, nabob, miscreant , mystique , mèlange, malversation
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Vocab Test- BonesWords:Talus, Metatarsal, Tarsal, Femur, Tibia, Fibula, Patella, Ulna, Radius, Metacarpus, Carpus, Phalanges, Clavical, Humerous, Scapula, Sternum, Thorax, Ribs, Zygomatic bones, Cervical vertebrae, Hyoid bone, Mandible, Maxillae, Nasal bone, Lacrimal bone, Ethmoid bone, Sphenoid bone, Frontal bone, Temporal bone, Parietal bone, Cranium, Facial skeleton, Occipital bone, Skull
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy 4 major membranesWords:Function 7 of cutaneous membrane: , Function 5 of cutaneous membrane: , Function 6 of cutaneous membrane: , Function 4 of cutaneous membrane: , Function 2 of cutaneous membrane: , Function 3 of cutaneous membrane: , Body example of cutaneous membrane: , Function 1 of cutaneous membrane: , Synovial joints include..., Tissue type of synovial membranes: , Synovial membrane function: , Synovial membranes secrete a synovial fluid for..., Tissue type of mucous membranes: , Body examples of mucous membranes:, Mucous membrane function: , Mucous membranes contain , Body example of serous membranes: , Serous membranes secrete a watery fluid called..., Tissue type of serous membranes: , Serous membrane function:
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Vocabulary Test: HRSMYFWords:percent, cerious, train , neat and tidy, pay the bills, imagine, manger, headline, grow up , get on someones nerves, decide, factory, crazy about , customer, annoying, ashamed of
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Vocabulary Test: vocab7Words:abominable, beguiled, centrifugal, delegate, embossed, fathomable, geology, hectic, impulsive, kindred, libation, meander, nocturnal, omnipresent, parricide, dilettantism, disparagement, diversity, encroachment, equable, equilibrium, esthetics, extortion, eulogy, honorific
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Vocabulary Test: GREWords:sordid, propitious, obeisance, infringe, inelectable, foppish, churlish, aver, epithet, embroil
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Vocabulary Test: World History Chapter 18Words:Ancien Regime, Estate, Bourgeoisie, Deficit Spending, Louis XVI, Jacques Necker, Estates-General, Cahier, Tennis Court Oath, Bastille, Faction, Marquis de Lafayette, Olympe de Gouges, Marie Antoinette, Emigre, Sans-culotte, Republic, Jacobins, Suffrage, Robespierre, Reign of Terror, Guillotine, Napoleon, Nationalism, Marseilles, Plebiscite, Napoleonic Code, Annex, Continental System, Guerrilla Warfare, Scorched-earth policy, Abdicate, Congress of Vienna, Legitimacy, Concert of Europe
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Vocabulary Test: 5.tēmaWords:komercdarbība, komersants, individuālais komersants, pilnsabiedrība, komandītsabiedrība, kapitālsabiedrība, SIA, AS, komercreģistrs, Bilance, aktīvs, pasīvs, pamatkapitāls, maksātnespēja, sanācija, bankrots, biznesa plāns, pamatlīdzekļi, apgrozāmie līdzekļi, debitori
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Vocabulary Test: vocab 10th 9&10Words:perdify, pompous, profusion, rancor, officious, immaterial, profane, raconteur, perceptive, platitude, lampoon, incongruous, meager, intemperate, imminent, incontrovertible, intractable, lassitude, meandering, opportunist
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Vocabulary Test: mathWords:underestimate, multiple, partial products, overestimate, exponent, base, associative property of multiplication, commutative property of multiplication, zero property of multiplication, Identity property of multiplication, product, factros, expanded form (exponents), exponential motation, squared, standard form, cubed
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Vocabulary Test: vocab2Words:feeble, manliness, admiration, peril, erratic, rabies, mad dog, vehemently, articulate, paralyzed
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Vocabulary Test: Unit 7 VocabularyWords:barrier, calculate, compose, considerable, deputy, industrious, jolt, loot, rejoice, reliable, senseless, shrivel
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Vocabulary Test: Column 2 101 AdjWords:aggressive, moral, sincere, shallow, tolerant, ambitious, optimistic, finicky, independent, reserved, spontaneous, impulsive
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Vocabulary Test: Piagean TheoryWords:Piagetain Approach, Stage 1. Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete Operational, Formal Operational, First name of psychologist
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Vocabulary Test: humanities 7Words:authorize, culprit, dawdle, dissect, expend, fatality, gullible, illicit, immerse, inflammatory, memorandum, pathetic, persevere, prevaricate, quash, relish, reminisce, scour, tribute, writhe
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Vocabulary Test: Ben, BonWords:Benediction, Benefactor, Beneficial, Beneficiary, benefit, Benevolent, Benign, Bon Voyage, Bonafide, bonus
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Vocabulary Test: Science Unit B Ch 3Words:force, gravity, mass, weight, Newton, net force, balanced forces, relative motion, frame of reference, speed, instantaneous speed, speedometer, velocity, acceleration, law, inertia, friction, air resistance
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab 12.00 SBEWords:Benefits, Coaching, Combination compensation plan, Commission, Employee complaint, Flextime, Job Description, Job enlargement, Job enrichment, Job specific evaluation, Job Specification, Management-by-objective evaluation, Mentoring, Performance evaluation, Performance factor evaluation, Piece rate, Salary, Telecommuting, Wage
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Vocabulary Test: Maniac Magee VocabularyWords:bellowing, twanged, pandemonium, scraggly, stupefied, befuddled, converge, frantic, eon, roving, contortion, glum, solitude, rant, propel, cunning, acquaintance, stoic, pungent, languish, filigreed, pommel, robust, bided, peculiar, scowl, ecstatic, goaded, beseech, gabble, exuberance, perilous, ludicrous, prone, reprisal, shenanigans, forlorn
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