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Vocabulary Test: mythologyWords:dionysus, athena, aeouls, atlas, hades, apollo , aphrodite , poseidon, cebrus, ares , typhon/ typhones, gaia, uranus, persphone, demeter , prometheus, artemis, nyx , hera, eris , charon, hephestus, seiene , oceanus, zeus, nike, kronos , rhea, hermes, medusa
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy and PhysiologyWords:Describe any special features of a section, structures that comprise the coxal bone, cervical vertebrae, Thoracic vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae and sacral, lumbar, sacrum, coccyx, structures that comprise the rib cage, Paired Coxal Bone, structures that comprise the pectoral girdle, synarthrodial joints, diathrodial joints, amphiarthrodial joints, joints, skeletal ligaments, tendons, ligaments, Visceral ligaments, fascia, nervous tissue, cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, striated muscles, smooth muscles in?, smooth muscles are?, muscles, Mast cells, lymphocytes, Macrophages, necrotic, blood, red and white corpuscles, bone, fibrocartilage, hyaline cartilage, adipose, cartilage, epithelial tissue, connective tissue
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Vocabulary Test: Carmyn CWords:paro, parare (verb), luvo, luvare (verb), laudo, laudare (verb), narro, narrare (verb), porto, portare (verb), saluto, salutare (verb), voco, vocare (verb), cesso, cessare (verb), specto, spectare (verb), aqua, aque (noun), fabula, fabulae (noun), filia,filiae (noun), via, viae (noun), iratus-a-um (adj.)
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Vocabulary Test: phlebotomy tech 1Words:JCAHO, FACTS, Delta Check , stirrers/flea, stuff used to clean; santize (safe on skin), Disenfectant, somatic, nerve tissues , superior, lateral, external , NAACLS, CLSI, light blue tube, CAP, OSHA , CLIA, homeostasis , Anterior , anabolism , connective tissues , inferior , posterior, body cavity , physiology , anatomy , pink tube , lavender tube , grey , green
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 2Words:homestasis, set point, positive feedback, negative feedback, homeoasis , brain, control center
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Vocabulary Test: anatomyWords:Anterior Pituitary, AntPituitary, Anterior Pituitary, Anterior Pituitary, Anterior Pituitary, Anterior Pituitary, Anterior Pituitary, Hypothalamus, Hypothalamus, Pineal
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Vocabulary Test: My Side Vocab 1Words:combustible, implements, conquer, whittle, emphatic , tinder, gorge, flint, restless., venison, hemlock
Test Also Includes: synonyms, antonyms, parts of speech, sentences
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy & Physiology IIWords:Respiratory System Function, Nervous System Function, Urinary System Function, Skeletal System Function, Endocrine System Function, Muscular System Function, Digestive System Function, Female Reproductive System Function, Integumentary System Function, Cardiovascular System Function
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy & PhysiologyWords:Male Reproductive System, Nervous System, Integumentary System, Cardiovascular System, Urinary System, Skeletal System, Lymphatic System, Muscular System, Digestive System, Endocrine System, Respiratory System, Female Reproductive System
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Vocabulary Test: anatomyWords:glyco, ar/ary/ic, hemo, penia, oma, ortho, osteo, peri, pathy, odont/dent, trophy, ocul/ophthal, lysis, itis, epi, endo/intra, erythro, algia, ecto, cyte, gastro, a/an, bi, trach, psycho, neuro, lipo, cardio, sub, poly, hypo, hyper, ology, ologist, derma, gram/graph, cranio, al/ac, sclerosis, arthro, y, carcin, ectomy, emia, leuko, mamm/mast, nephro/ren, oto, pheumo/pulm, thorac, ab, ad, dys, gloss/lingua, hepat, myp, arterio, hyper, ism,, ase, cephal, brady, gingiva, cerebro, circum, entero, hydro, inter, costo, hemi, hystero, cyan, cysto, cyto, ecto, append, epi, hemo, osis, pathy, rhin, genesis, sub, peri, ped/pod, megaly, phleb, psuedo, tachy, uria
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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy Test #2Words:Angular Size, Meridian (TLS), Angular Measurements , Why do stars rise and set? , Zenith (TLS), Horizon (TLS), The Local Sky, Our view from earth (Texas) , Constellation, The Milky Way Galaxy, Why do the constellations we see depend on the latitude and time, Why do stars rise and set? , Why do the constellations we see depend on latitude and time of
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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy Test #2 part 2Words:Latitude , Longitude , Altitude of the celestial pole=, What does the universe look like from earth? (WHWL?), Why do constellations we see depend of latitude and time of the , Seasons , Axis tilt, Why doesn't distance matter?, Summer solstice , Winter solstice , Equinoxes, Why do we see phases of the moon, Synchronous rotation, Lunar eclipse, Solar eclipse , Why don't we have an eclipse at every new and full moon? , Two conditions must be met to have an eclipse , What was once so mysterious about the movement of planets in our
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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy Test No. 1Words:What is our place in the universe?, Planets , Stars , Local Group Galaxies , Solar (Star) System, Star , How many stars in our solar system?, Planet, Moon (or satellite), Medium and Large Moons , Small Moons , Asteroid, Comet, Nebula "Clouds", Galaxy , Universe, DEFINITION: LIGHT YEAR , How far would you have to walk to reach Alpha Centauri?, How big is the Milky Way Galaxy?, How big is the universe? , What is our place in the universe?, How big is the universe?, How did we come to be? Part 1, How do our lifetimes compare to the age of the universe?, How did we come to be? Part 2, How is Earth moving in our solar system?, Earth orbits the Sun (revolves) once every year...., Is our Sun the center of The Milky Way Galaxy , More detailed study of the Milky Way (spiral galaxy), Hubble discovered that
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Vocabulary Test: chapter 4 anatomyWords:Histology, Epithelial Tissue, Glands, Exocrine Glands, Endocrine Glands, Tight Junctions, Gap Junctions, Avascular, Simple Squamous, Stratified Squamous, Simple Cuboidal, Stratified Cuboidal, Transitional , Simple Columnar, Pseudostratified, Stratified Columnar, Ground Substance, Connective Tissue, Loose Connective Tissue, Areolar Tissue, Adipose Tissue, Reticular Tissue, Dense Regular Connective Tissue, Dense Irregular Connective Tissue, Elastic Tissue, Cartilidge, Osseous Tissue, Skeletal Muscle Tissue, Cardiac MuscleTissue, Smooth Muscle Tissue, Neural Tissue
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Vocabulary Test: Mythological AllusionsWords:Pygmalion, Promethean , Parnassus, Paean, Morphine , Niobe, Mercury/ Hermes, MArtial, Medea, Lethargy, Junoesque, Hector, Helen (of Troy), Furor , Harpy, Halcyon , Cupidity, Erotic, Atlantean, Chimera, Saturnalia, Argus-eyed, Athena/Minerva, Apollo, Aeolian, Sautrnine, Sibyl, Sisypheanian, Stentorian, Stygian, Tantalize, Terpsichorean, Vulcanize
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Vocabulary Test: MYMOMWords:Root, Route, Sail, Sale, Scene, Seen, Seam, Seem, Shoo, Soar, Sore, Stair, Stare, Straight, Strait, Shoe
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Vocabulary Test: Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Vocab Words:meticulously , threadbare , imperiously , disgruntled , transfixed , indicating , engrossed , patronize , wheedle , recoiled , inaudible, deflate , insolently , sauntered , flinch , lingered , lilting , reluctantly , despicable , adamant
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Vocabulary Test: Flocabulary "Yes we Can" QuizWords:recount, literally, access, habitat, domestic, discretion, anxious, adapt, precise, vibrant, abandon, fuse, boycott, civic, dissent
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Words # 9Words:penia, pepsia, pexy, phagia, philia, phobia, phonia, phylaxis, physis, plasia, plasty, plegia, pnea, poiesis, prandial, ptosis, ptysis, rrhage, rrhea, scope, scopy
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Vocabulary Test: Hell WordsWords:hematoma, hematopoiesis, hematuria, hemochromatosis, hemoconcentration, hemolysis, hemostasis, homeostasis, hemoptysis, hemorrhage, hemaphobia, hemophagia, hemophilia, hemapheresis, hemoglobin
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Vocabulary Test: chap 6Words:language, culture, standard language, dialects, isogloss, mutual intelligibility, dialect chain, language family, subfamilies, sound shift, Proto-Indo-European (language), backward reconstruction, extinct Language, Deep reconstruction, nostratic, language divergence, language convergence, renfrew hypothesis, conquest theory, dispersal hypothesis, romance language, Germanic language, Slavic language, lingua franca, pigdin language, creole language, monolingual states, multilingual states, official language, global language, place, toponym
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Vocabulary Test: Freckle Juice Vocabulary Chapters 1 & 2Words:freckles, warts, inspected, thought, wondering, recipe, allowance, aisle, combination, balance, pretended
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Vocabulary Test: Love ruby LavenderWords:scrabbled, audition, plastered, scenery, outraged, scribbled, coaxing, glowered, latch, ridget, muffled
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Vocabulary Test: vocab testWords:indolently, espoused, desiccated, phantasmal badlands, endemic idiocy, unalloyed, surfeit
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Vocabulary Test: CredWords:accreditation, creditor, credential, creed, credible, credit, credulous, discredit, incredible, incredulous
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Vocabulary Test: Great wall Vocab QuizWords:Craftsman, Domain, Durable, Dynasty, Excluding, Extravagance, Laborors, Massive, Nomadic, Steppe, Terrain
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Vocabulary Test: Fears of Autumn QuizWords:Who is Taro Takeda?, How is Hana's living situation different from those of her siste, What is a tatami?, How might Hana's future in America contrast with her possible fu, Why would Hana be anxious about moving to a big city?, In what ways do customs of the village life contribute to Hana's, What type of business does Taro Takeda own?, What is an immigrant?, Where did Hana spend most of her time on the boat?, Did Hana sail to America without any of her family?, What did Hana recieve from Taro before her journey?, Where did Hana sail?, What time was Hna going to arrive at the docking station?, Is Hana disappointed that Takeda San doesn't look the way she th, Who was Hana going to meet in America?, What conflicts build in Hana's mind during her trip?, Is Taro San lonely before Hana comes?, Name one fact that shows Hana's journey was sometimes cold?, What country did Hana live in before she came to America?, Who was the largest landholder of the village and one of it's la
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Vocabulary Test: Unit 6Words:epigram, epigraph, choreography, graffiti, graphic, lithograph, topography, eclectic, lexicon, analogy, apologist, epilogue, logo, logistics, eulogy
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Vocabulary Test: vocabWords:feigned, levity, colossal, supercilious, fractiousness, wan, languidly, infinitesimal, complacency, extemporizing, ether, prodigality, vacuous, florid, corpulent, implored, vinous, asunder, jaunty, punctilious, somnambulatory, benediction, reproach, laudable, meretricious, elude, receded, ceaselessly
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Vocabulary Test: forcemWords:slightly, sharply, skyrocket, rise, raise, go up, go down, fall, drop, plummet, slight, dramatic, witness, strike, fear, walk out, date of birth, birthday, unemployment, developing, developed, emerging, strokes, highest, lowest, peak, saxophone, guitar, piano, record, to record, to break out, to take off, blaze, podcast, drummer, venues, solo, conductor, tape, recorder, reward, wallet, honesty, vet, will, spinster, flew, flight, retire
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Vocabulary Test: call it courage vocab quizWords:impending, churn, indifference, scorn, stout, gratitude, oppress, solitary, savage, luminous, apprehension, cauterize, famish, forbid, inevitable
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