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"Fears of Autumn Quiz"

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did hana sail to america without any of her family?
how is hana's living situation different from those of her siste
how might hana's future in america contrast with her possible fu
in what ways do customs of the village life contribute to hana's
is hana disappointed that takeda san doesn't look the way she th
is taro san lonely before hana comes?
name one fact that shows hana's journey was sometimes cold?
what conflicts build in hana's mind during her trip?
what country did hana live in before she came to america?
what did hana recieve from taro before her journey?
what is a tatami?
what is an immigrant?
what time was hna going to arrive at the docking station?
what type of business does taro takeda own?
where did hana sail?
where did hana spend most of her time on the boat?
who is taro takeda?
who was hana going to meet in america?
who was the largest landholder of the village and one of it's la
why would hana be anxious about moving to a big city?