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Vocabulary Test: Drama 2
Major contributions of Renaissance theatre, commedia dell' arte, characteristics of commedia style, chariot and pole system, inventor of chariot and pole system, three critics from italian renaissance, critic that misinterpreted poetics, Sabbattini contribution, majority of performers in italian renaissance, focus of italian renaissance theatre, introduction of pit, box and gallery seating, resemblement of teatro olmpico, innovation in teatro farnase, point of attck in elizabethan dramatists, charateristics of plays in elizabethan, characteristics of public theatre, characteristics of private theatre, seating arrangement in public theatre, seating arrangement in private theatre, source of lighting in private theatre, maintainment of purity of genre, play by christopher marlowe, Two comedies by shakespeare, two tragedies by shakespeare, james burbage, richard burbage, inigo jones, characteristics of the comedy of humor, playwright associated with coh, monarch that banned presentation of religious drama, state official that enforced the abnning, result of banning religious drama, birth and death of shakespeare, the theatre built by, two elizabethan public theatre, two elizabethan private theatre, leading actor in shakespeare company, edward alleyn associated with, successor to elizabeth I, court masques under which king, three university wits, playwright that launched an attack on shakespeare as "an up, major concern of stuart masques, court masques showed influence of which country, derivative of thomas kyd's work, characteristics of christopher marlowe's play, functions of elizabethan tiring house, four personality types in comedy of humours, humor's associated with personality types, discovery space, two theories of location/ design of discovery space, the heavens, three directions the theatre took, characteristics of John Webster's plays, genre associated with Beaumont and Fletcher, interregnum, restoration begins with, characteristics of comedy of humour, two leading writers of english restoration, time female producers appear, first actress, edward kynaston, seating during the english restoration, actor that banned people from sitting on the stage, Thomas kyd's work, ?, ?, ?

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Vocabulary Test: unit 5
alliteration, literal, literate, obliterate, ascribe, circumscribe, conscription, proscribe, subscribe, transcribe, acronym, onomatopoeia, pseudonym, ignominious, nomenclature

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Vocabulary Test: Spanish vocab- pg 4
adivinar, apagar, asustar, atreverse (a), averiguar, convertirse (en), deprimirse, disfrazarse, encender, enterrarse, enterarse, evitar, fijar, quejarse, retar, superar, temer, el/la adivino/a, el alma, la bruja, la calavera, el desengaño, el/la difunto/a, el engaño, el espejo, el fantasma, el/la ladrón/a, la máscara, el más allá, el mito, el papel, la pena, la pesadilla, el presentimiento, el relato, la sombra, el susto, embrujado/escondido, malévolo, penado

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Vocabulary Test: ch.11 vocab
allele, dominant, genetic engineering, genetics, genotype, heredity, heterozygous, homozygous, hybird, incomplete dominance, phenotype, polygentic inheritance, punnett square, recessive, sex-linked gene

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Vocabulary Test: Cullimore Unit 14
diminutive, hue, issue, plunder, recede, salutation, speculate, transparent, vault, verdent

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Vocabulary Test: Cullimore Unit 15
adamant, crag, defunct, inquest, pensive, profound, protract, sacrilege, sediment, verdict

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Test 7
frivolous, taciturn, infamous, redundant, authoritarian, exhaustive, profuse, expedient, fastidious, prosaic, philanthropy, languid, astute, authentic, brevity, relevant, incoherent, mitigate, reprehensible, augment, cynical, decorum, demagogue, demure, deprecate, destitute, diffident, dilemma, dilettante, disparity

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Vocabulary Test: PLCEndTest
What do PLC¡¯s replace?, The phases of a PLC program scan, in correct order, are?, What part of a PLC program scan takes the longest?, Which internal timer looks for issues?, When is the device connected?, What type of programming is most commonly preferred?, What is the purpose of PLC configuration?, What is the level of converting light back into an electrical si, Status indication is useful for?, In correct order, what does each number of this address identify, What type of memory is read/write memory?, What is NOT a function of a Programming Device?, What does the memory map identify?, What is at the end of each rung?, What is the purpose of Latching?, What kind of command is OTL or OTU?, What does branching provide?, A proximity switch does not require ______ to detect the presenc, What are some types of proximity switches?, What type of temperature sensor produces a DC Voltage?, What type of device converts mechanical into electrical energy?, TON indicates?, RTO indicates?, TOF indicates?, When is a manual reset needed?, The DONE output bit of a counter is energized when?, Counts up?, What are the typical time bases a timer can be programmed?, Subroutines are used for?, Allows for tweeking the I/O manually?, Data Compare instructions include?, What does LIM refer to?, How do LIM instructions work?, Not to use a limit but to use greater to or equal to?, In an input module, what kind of device converts a PLC device?, Most widely used?, What role does a PLC do in a Closed Loop control system?, Masking only passes?, Difference between two?, Sequencers are used for?, What are protective enclosures used for?, Which is a malfunction due to Noise functions?, Constant Voltage Transformers are used to?, What are some causes an output blowing a fuze?, Status indicators include?, Which is not a status indicator?, Connects the shield to ground to one end?

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Vocabulary Test: ASSIGNMENT 3 - BUSINESS BOOK (1)
Part-time job, State-employment office, Full-time job, Work-study program, income, estimate, studio, townhouse, Unfurnished apartment, afford, Average, Cost of living, Weekly rent, Base pay, Federal Income Tax, Social Security Tax, Disability Tax, Take Home Pay, debt, Charge Account, Manage Money, Life Insurance, Health Insurance, Monthly income, Percentages, expenses, Full-time job, budget, Part-time job

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Vocabulary Test: Diana
admirable, automatic, devotion, distant, dreary, exhaust, kindle, predict, separation, stunt

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Vocabulary Test: Dina
admirable, automatic, devotion, distant, dreary, exhaust, kindle, predict, separation, stunt

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Vocabulary Test: Wuthering Heights Chapter 6
evincing, degradation, negligent, contrived, hearken, catechized, abominable, fiend, execrations, vengeance, magistrate, stronghold, culpable, recommenced, expostulating

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Vocabulary Test: Fall2011col240
Abstract, academic, access, acknowledgement, adult, affect, alternative, analysis, anticipate, appendices, appendix, appropriate, approach, assistance, areas, aspect, beneficial, author, available, brief, bulk, category, chapter, chemical, cite

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Vocabulary Test: summit 2a
ambitious, breath-taking, matchless, give notice, take the plunge, in vain, reputation, innumerable, monument, accompany

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Vocabulary Test: Dancing Rainbows
imitating, elder, respect, ancestor, honor, pueblo, Tewa, plaza, horno, kivas

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Vocabulary Test: vocab lessons 7 and 8
broach, charlatan, erudite, etymology, extol, gratuitous, immutable, predispose, truism, venerate, absolve, antipathy, antipodes, indigent, infringe, nettle, ostensible, retroactive, specious, subjugate

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Vocabulary Test: vocabulary
abnegation, copious, eulogy, euphony, extraneous, mundane, poignant, progeny, sonorous, tenure, ascribe, elegy, engender, hackneyed, homily, humdrum, idiosyncrasy, inconsequential, introvert, paragon

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Vocabulary Test: Norse Mythology
Who Wrote Younger Edda?, Which of Ymir's body parts was used to make the heavens?, Other than Yggdrasil, what was created from ash trees?, Which of Ymir's body parts was used to protect the humans?, How does Signy's husband die?, Compared to Olympus, is Asgard more happy or sad, What does Norse Wisdom show that is uncommon for most of the Nor, Which well do the gods go to to pass judgement?, Before the worlds were created, what was the only thing in the w, What is the ultimate reward for a Norseman

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Vocabulary Test: MsSmithVocab5
acquisitive, arrogate, belabor, carping, coherent, congeal, encomium, eschew, excoriation, germane, insatiable, intransigent, invidious, largesse, ramify, reconnaissance, substantiate, talisman, temporize, tenable

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab. Unit 6
accomplish, apparent, capacity, civilian, conceal, duplicate, keen, provoke, spurt, undoing, vast, withdraw
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