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Vocabulary Test: NEW STUDENT: Unit 1 Vocabulary and Byzantine Empire ExamWords:Black Death, Epidemic, Inflation, Longbow, Joan of Arc, Hundreds Year War, Constantinople, Justinian, Justinian's Code, Autocrat, Theodora, Patriarch, Icon, Great Schism
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Vocabulary Test: Contemp Lit 1 - 5Words:Anomaly, Erudite, Contrite, Facetious, Bovine, Placid, Misogynist, Abhor, Talisman, Harangue, Implacable, Bemoan, Coquette, Affinity, Jingoistic , Demure, Impregnable, Precursor, Nefarious, Non Sequitur, Slipshod, Diatribe, Ubiquitous, Pernicious, Sycophant
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Vocabulary Test: Physical Science 2B, TemperaturesWords:Scales for Water, Freezing point of water in Fahrenheit, Freezing point of water in Celsius, Boiling point for water Fahrenheit, Boiling point for water Celsius, Normal body temperature Fahrenheit, Normal body temperature Celsius
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Vocabulary Test: NEW STUDENT: Unit 1 Vocabulary and Byzantine Empire Exam CopyWords:Black Death, Epidemic, Inflation, Longbow, Joan of Arc, Hundreds Year War, Constantinople, Justinian, Justinian's Code, Autocrat, Theodora, Patriarch, Icon, Great Schism
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Vocabulary Test: Employ-ability Vocab2Words:Positive Attitude, Supervisor, Initiative, Personal Well-Being, Positive Image, Self-Confidence, Work Ethic, Personal Responsibility, Reasoning, Diversity, Net Salary, Gross Salary
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Vocabulary Test: El tiempoWords:el granizo , la lluvia, la nube, el rayo, el relámpago, la sombra, el terremoto, el trueno , el tifón , la tormenta
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Vocabulary Test: Employ-ability Vocab3Words:Context, Content, Proactive Behavior, Reactive Behavior, Urgent Tasks, Important goals, Multi-Cultural, Sensitivity, External Customer, Internal Customer, Compensation
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Vocabulary Test: Emperor Words:Ancient , Emperor , Successor , Wealthy, Disappointed , Summon, Advice, Brag, Embarrassed , Despite, Integrity
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Vocabulary Test: Chapter 4: Spain Builds an EmpireWords:Bahama Islands, West Indies, Christopher Columbus, King Ferdinand, Queen Isabella, Amerigo Vespucci, Vasco Núñez de Balboa, Ferdinand Magellan, expedition, colony, Columbian Exchange, Tenochtitlan, New Spain, Mexico City, Cuzco, Lima, Moctezuma, Hernando Cortés, Doña Marina, Francisco Pizarro, Atahualpa, conquistador, ally, conquest, convert, colonist, Hispaniola, Hernando de Soto, Estéban, Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, Francisco Vázquez de Coronado, Juan Ponce de León, Bartolomé de las Casas, society, plantation, encomienda, missionary, mission
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Vocabulary Test: Employment Readiness Training VocabularyWords:resume, personal information, job skills, education and experience, job openings, reference, job postings, application process, employment application form, applicant, interview, salary
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Vocabulary Test: EMPA 1 Words:Independent Variable , Dependent Variable , Constant , Mendeleev , Mass , Matter, Elements , Electrons , Isotope, Atomic Number , Atomic Mass, Ionic Bond, Covalent Bond , Compound , Hypothesis , Biochemistry , Goggles , Eye Wash Station , Periodic Table , Scientific Method
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Vocabulary Test: Contemporary music FrenchWords:to leave a lot to be desired, in play / at stake, cultural habits, recording, enriched, subject area, to have the right to, hard disk, despite, disappearance, in decline, to be awarded, competition, original concept, music videos, to cite, indeed, album, unoriginal, three quarters, tour, to ease, streaming, to feel , rehearsals, to thank, on the increase, to search for, power, integral part, new things, social media, free access, to intergrate oneself, to initiate, fond (of), immediately afterwards, MP3 file, discussion/interview, to disperse, moved emotionally, to take shape, streaming, to unwind, to start big, held back, to constuct an identity, facebook account, mass communication, anger, singer, soundtrack, above all, display, comfortable/at ease, cultural activity, virtuosity/skill, sales, star, to take place, talented, mixing deck, success, recording studio, to stimulate, single, on stage , concert hall, an immense success, cover version of a song, to miss, audience, to provoke, programming, pioneer, slope, lyrics, stage name, notoriety/fame, popular movement, melody, to mix styles, mix, to link, to launch, innovation, tribute, musical tastes, genius, to evolve, to forsee, recording, international scale, to give pleasure, gift/talent, to entertain, to distinguish, gold/platinum record, to have at one's disposal, live, to relax, approach, to define oneself, beginning, to convince, composer, leader, to tackle, threat, billion, digital music, provocative, recognition, rerelease, chorus, reversal, success, significant, to maintain, it is enough to, to be tempted to
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Vocabulary Test: El tiempoWords:la tormenta, el viento, el ciclón, el pronóstico del tiempo, el tiempo gris, hace sol, hace calor, la niebla, la ola de calor, el huracán, la lluvia, la nieve, está nublado, está lloviendo, está tormentoso, está húmedo
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Vocabulary Test: employmentWords:a good salary, friendly colleagues, my own office, long holiday, good boss, job security, flexible working hours, regular working hours, sick pay, on-the-job training
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Vocabulary Test: El tiempoWords:el año pasado, el año proximo, la semana pasada, la semana que viene, ayer, anoche, el fin de semana, cada mes, una vez a la semana, a menudo, por la tarde, por la mañana, por la noche, el mes pasado, siempre, ahora, todos los dias, a veces, anteayer, hace cuantos años
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Vocabulary Test: Quiz 2 WWWords:torrid, ubiquitous, traverse, zenith, deduce, array, alacrity, encumber, fraught, haphazard, sustenance, laggard, ingenious, incontrovertible, inexplicable
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Vocabulary Test: The War with Grandpa VocabularyWords:intensity, solemn, shooed, mope, peppy, fanatic, declaration, meander, dispute, feud, tide
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Words Test #2Words:cata, centi, chromo, circum, peri, co, com, con, cor, cyan, de, di, dia, dif, diplo, dis, dys, ec, ecto, exo, edem, endo, intra, epi, contra, erythr
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Vocabulary Test: LESSON 6Words:antiquated, arable, ascendancy, atrophy, clandestine, conciliate, cursory, derision, enmity, extricate, forbearance, frivolous, garrulous, impetuous, industrious, infamous, insolence, levity, oblivion, paradoxical, perjury, rancor, sycophant, vacillating, vivid
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Vocabulary Test: euro 2Words:defestation of prague, bohemian diet, Spain, Dutch Revolt, regin of terror, battle of lepanto, spanish ardmada, who was philip married to?, english victory, france, Guise family, Bourbon family, St.Bartholemews day massacre, Act of uniformity, Mary I, Politique, Puritans, Babington Plot, Duke of Alba, Summer storms, Fire ships, Philip II, Don Jaun, Netherlands revolt against...., Granvelle, the compremise, Duke of Alba, sea beggers, Spanish Fury, Perpetual Edick, Union of Brussels, reasons for constant warfare in Europe are...., Vassey-duke of guise, Peace of St.Germain, Catherine gets with guise and plans to assasinate...., Massacre of st.barthamathews, Cant base violence on religiou beliefs, Peace of Beaulieu, Henry of Nauvarre, proclaimed king of France by henry III on his death bed, turns into henry IV, edict of Nantes, Bohemian Phase, Danish Phase, Ferdinand, Edict of restitution, wallenstein he is ..........., gustavas Adolphus, who is sweden being finaced by?, battle of Lutzen, battle of Mordlingen, Wittstock, christendom
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Vocabulary Test: BBC-ObeseWords:Obese, Portal, Poltroon, Mete, Maritime, Portend, Obtrude, Predatory, Mongul, Prattle, Quaff, Quell, Quail, Quietude, Jetsman, Pedestrain, Personify, Inundate, Incessant, Pinion
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Vocabulary Test: abc-obeseWords:obese, portal, poltroon, mete, maritime, portend, obtrude, predatory, mogul, prattle, quaff, quell, quail, quietude, jetsam, pedestrian, personify, inundate, incessant, pinion
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Vocabulary Test: #21 Word Within the WordWords:equivocate, superfluous, bilateral, unilateral, circumspect, commensurate, malevolence, neophyte, misanthropist, bellicose, anthropomorphic, captious, neologism, malediction, incredulous, omniscient, monomania, specious, excoriate, prototype, xenophobia, benediction, amorphous, preponderance, magnanimous
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Vocabulary Test: controlsystemstest1Words:The symbol -| |- represents?, A discrete input module?, Another way to define ON/OFF?, The address 1:2/2 identifies?, Which character of 00:1/3 represents the File number?, What is a Source field device used for?, What designation would Date file I1 represent?, The most common method of PLC programming is to use?, Which mode is not used to download files?, Which mode is used to download files?, What is Pelles C?, In what order does Pelles C operate?, What is Opto-isolation used for?, Identify the Program Scan steps?, Within the register, where is the MSB located?, Within the register, where is the LSB located?, Which part of the PROG scan takes the longest?, What is considered the most common PLC language and is the indus, What makes the diagram resemble a ladder?, What are the two tyes of files broken down within memory?, Where is the program located?, Contacts in series are what kind of logic gate?, Contacts in parallel are what kind of logic gate?, Each rung of a ladder logic instruction must end in what kind of, What keeps the Coil energized?, What must always be at the end of a rung?, What does the letters PLC mean?
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Vocabulary Test: Unit 2 Lesson 1Words:apparition, illusion, niche, oblivion, pessimist, phobia, plummet, recluse, residue, scapegoat, trepidation, veneer
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Vocabulary Test: LukeWords:barrage, bigot, designate, diversity, engima, gloat, global, illusion, infuriate, motivate, pacifist, queue, restrict, sage, slake, terrain, vocation, vow, waylay, wither
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Vocabulary Test: Sept 7, 2011Words:ability, avoid, bashful, brief, compete, consider, delightful, honor, reflex, remark
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Vocabulary Test: Medical terminology roots 2Words:arthr/o, cerebr/o, encephal/o, col/o, derm/o, dermat/o, enter/o, gastr/o, hepat/o, myel/o, myo, muscul/o, ophthalm/o, ocul/o, or/o, stomat/o, oste/o, pneum/o, pneumon/o, thorac/o, ven/o, phleb/o
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Chapter 2Words:archaeologist, atlatl, pemmican, culture, ceremonial center, dialect, clan, matrilineal, consensus, conjurer, immunity, expedition, colony, lost colony
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Vocabulary Test: Bud, Not Buddy Vocabulary Test 2Words:glum, guarantee, judgemental, knickers, locomotive, matrimonial, orphanage, puny, slew, ventriloquist
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