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"euro 2"

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act of uniformity
babington plot
battle of lepanto
battle of lutzen
battle of mordlingen
bohemian diet
bohemian phase
bourbon family
cant base violence on religiou beliefs
catherine gets with guise and plans to assasinate....
danish phase
defestation of prague
don jaun
duke of alba
duke of alba
dutch revolt
edict of nantes
edict of restitution
english victory
fire ships
guise family
gustavas adolphus
henry of nauvarre
mary i
massacre of st.barthamathews
netherlands revolt against....
peace of beaulieu
peace of st.germain
perpetual edick
philip ii
proclaimed king of france by henry iii on his death bed
reasons for constant warfare in europe are....
regin of terror
sea beggers
spanish ardmada
spanish fury
st.bartholemews day massacre
summer storms
the compremise
turns into henry iv
union of brussels
vassey-duke of guise
wallenstein is............so he is ...........
who is sweden being finaced by?
who was philip married to?