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Vocabulary Test: Early American Culture and Rise of EmpiresWords:Four Corners, Inuit, mesa, Mesa Verde, drought, Nampeyo, Mound Builders, ceremony, Anasazi, Inuit, Valley of Mexico, tribute, empire, slavery, Aztecs, pyramid, Maya/Mayans, specialize, surplus, civilization
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Vocabulary Test: unemploymentWords:increase, positiverelationship, discountrate, sticky, flexible, federalfundsrate, SRPC, rightward, perfectcompetition, ceterisparibus, taxcut, crowdingout, unemploymentrate, unemployed, Demand, redundant, Labormarket, wage, Firm, Jobseeker, Investment, Joblessness, Workforce, real, nominal, mpc
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Vocabulary Test: L'emploiWords:un emploi jeune, la semaine des 35 heures, l'ANPE (agence nationale pour l'emploi), le SMIC, intérimaire, de courte durée, la réinsertion, toucher le chômage, le chômage, le chômeur, le licenciement, embaucher, licencier, augumenter, l'augmentation, diminuer, être en hausse, être en baisse, la baisse, les chiffres du chômage, le demandeur d'emploi, faire un stage, à mi-temps/à temps partiel, le métier, la profession libérale, chômer, renvoyer, virer, le job, la diminution, supprimer, l'emploi, au chômage, la création d'emplois, les personnel, les effectifs, à plein temps, de moyenne durée, de longue durée, baisser
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Vocabulary Test: Christianity in the Roman EmpireWords:Christianity, Four Gospels, New Testament, Twelve Apostles, parables, Sermon on the Mount, Jesus, The Messiah, Pontius Pilate, the resurrection, The Last Supper, Gentiles, Paul, missionary, Judiaism, epistles, Old Testament, catacombs, Constantine, Peter, St. Peter's Basilica, Pope
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Vocabulary Test: Employment LawWords:Fringe Benefits, Union, Social Security, Collective Bargaining, Strikes, Picketing, Unfair Labor Practices, Economic Strike, Unfair Labor Practice Strikes, NLRB, OSHA, Employment-at-will, Severance Pay
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Vocabulary Test: Neuroscience and EmpathyWords:Quest, Delusions, Empirical, Cunning, Outright, Malicious, Betrayal, Deception, Spot, In a Vacuum, Impact, Revelation, Display, Transmit, Skeptical, Validated, Affective, Simulations, Conduct, Orchestrate, Hailed, Empathy, Foolproof, Promptly, Pretending, Conscience, Astounding
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Vocabulary Test: Eastern Hemp.Words:Infer, Evaluate, Formulate, Describe, Support, Summarize, Compare, Predict, Convey, Effective, Perceive, Portray, Explicity, Embedded, Contrast , Trace, Analyze
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Vocabulary Test: unemployment2Words:cyclicalunemployment, fulltimeemployment, frictionalunemployment, structuralunemployment, deriveddemand, Labormarket, institutionalized, eightpercent, three, ninetytwopercent, twentyfive, labor
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Vocabulary Test: Disciplines - EmpiresWords:Martin Lynn, 'between Britain and the wider world', No, 'where possible, formal imperialism where necessary', Financiers, Stephen Howe, large, composite, multi-ethnic/national, conquest , 'overlapped or ignored', cultural domain and ecozone, universal ideology, kings, difference, different people differently, Descriptive, associated claim to political sovereignty or "ownership"', Gallagher and Robinson
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Vocabulary Test: Emperors Words: Julius Cesar , Augustus , Trajan , Diocletian , Constantine , The emperors
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Vocabulary Test: GEN18 - Portuguese EmpireWords:Arguim, Elmina, Rewarding nobles, piracy, trade, new dynasty of Aviz, reconquist, NO, Carreira da India, Malabar Coast, Carreira, Estado, Cartazes, Ormuz, Vijayanagar, calicoes, spices , Christians, spices, Zamorin of Calicut, Donatory-captaincy, Goa, Malacca, Merchant network, multiracial harmony, Camara , Italian navigation, Arab astrolabe, Chinese compass, Caravel, 5,000, 10,000, 1545-1563, missionary action, 1580-1640, Renovatio imperii, No, Guns, Pepper, spices, Goa, Bahia, Goa, 1620s-1640s, 1591, 1536, 1550s, 1560s , Padroado regio, Confraternities, 'the will to integrate colonised peoples into the Catholic Churc, servico de Deus , 'Nothing more than beasts who are led by their sentiments alone', Million, 1494, 'Enclave Empire', 1560, 1564, 1612-1615, Eighteenth century, 1650s, 'We should give up in Asia as much we need to', Year and a half, 1565, 1660s, Dos Guimaraes Sa, Padroado Regio, Military orders, Inquisition, Confraternities, 60 percent, Seventeenth, Francisco Bethencourt, Silver mines of Potosi, bandeirantes in Brazil, 1807, 1/5, 1/20, 75,000, 20,000, 1654, 3100, 2800, 3000, 3800, Brazilwood, Sugar, Gold and diamonds, 1622, 1595, 1641, 1658, 1511, 1520s , 1617, 1510, 3000, 'Had there been more of the world, they would have discovered it, 1 million, 1543, 1488, 1498, 1500, 1415, 1434
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Vocabulary Test: temporary testWords:Absolution, Creditable, Ensconce, Hasten, Laceration, Obdurate, Plausible, Reprieve, Tawdry, Blatant, Blasphemy, replete, engender, hamper
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Vocabulary Test: La Mujer ContemporaneaWords:a tiempo parcial, anticuado, el aprendiz, arriesgar, el asalariado, el avance, la baja maternal, la carrera, la clase obrera, compaginar, la compania, comprensivo, condescendiente, contrar con, contratar, criticar, cuidar de, dar a luz a , dar rabia, el derecho, desconsolado, embarazada, el embarazado, el emprendedor, la empresa, enamorarse de, enfadarse, enhorabuena, entender, equiparar, equitativo, el estado, el exito, facilitar, felicitar, el feminismo, futurista, el feminismo, futurista, la huelga, la igualdad, inadmisible, inaguantable, inapropiado, el jefe, la jubilacion, la lactancia, llorar , el machismo, matinal, moralizar, el parado, el paro, partidiario, el personal, el poder, el progreso, el puesto, quejarse, el salario, el sirviente, subestimar, el sueldo, sumiso, el taller, el techo de cristal, el tercio, el titulo, tolerante, tomar en serio, unirse, la ventaja
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Vocabulary Test: Employ TestWords:Situational, Parliamentary , Net income, Tax, Resume, Motion, Organization, Initiative, Debate, Budget, Agenda, Adjourn, Supporting, Laissez-faire, Directing, Democratic, Delegating, Coaching, By Example , Autocratic
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Vocabulary Test: profligate 30Words:demure, importunate, ineluctable, pejorative, pique, precipitous, preclude, propitious, vitiate, wont, alacrity, compendious, disabuse, disparate, dissembled, droll, erranr, laconic, louche, sanguineous, bourgeois, broach, cavalier, cerukean, chagrin, compunctious, covet, paradoxical, profligate, senescence
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Vocabulary Test: Chapter 4 Greece And Iran Guided ReadingWords:Cyrus, Darius 1, satrap, Persepolis, Zoroastrianism, polis, hoplite, tyrant, democracy, sacrifice, Herodotus, Pericles, Persian Wars, trireme, Socrates, Peloponnesian War, Alexander, Hellenistic Age, Ptolemies, Alexandria
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary List #2Words:Ostentatious, Reiterate, Permeate, Emaciate, Inevitable, Modicum, Lackadaisical, Inept, Fabricate, Debilitate, Rescind, Reciprocate, Animosity, Discord, Eradicate, Remorse, Arrogant, Allude, Docile, Felonious
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Vocabulary Test: Cahokia MoundsWords:archeology, artifact, bastion, borrow pit, charnel house, conical, cultivation, mississippians, granary house, flintknapping, equinox
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Vocabulary Test: zaftig 30Words:abjure, guile, obstreperous, mendacious, mercurial, propitiate, demise, phlegmatic, sententious, succor, coalesce, coruscate, zaftig, delineate, indemnify, degenerate, chicanery, extrapolate, extant, uncanny, venue, obsequious, cynosure, heinous, consternation, forlorn, gormandize, eclectic, plebian, plenary
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Vocabulary Test: Fig Pudding Vocab TestWords:whoop, advantages, wool, swerved, enormous, horrified, ordinary, antonym, imitate, irregular, pediatrics, stollen, meekly, hesitated, infection
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Vocabulary Test: WW Terms 9-22Words:Date, Body, Inside Address, Salutation, Closing, Signature Block, Status Bar, Thesaurus, Flush Left, Standard Toolbar, Formatting Toolbar, SHOW/HIDE Button, Nonprinting Characters, Office Assistant, WD08, OWD08, Insertion Point, Business Letter, Memo, Title Line, Signature Line, Full Block Letter, Menu Bar, Default
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Vocabulary Test: Workshop 1Words:aspire, circumstance, drastic, significant, urgent, anguish, devoted, intent, intense, effective
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Vocabulary Test: Ballet VocabularyWords:Turn-Out, Demi-Plie, Grande Plie, Releve, Battement Tendu, Grande Battement, Battement Degage, Saute, Reverence, Working Leg, Supporting Leg, Port de Bras, En Croix, Jete, Chasse, Assemble, Coupe, Pas de Bourre, Echappe, Passe
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Vocabulary Test: Unit Two QuizWords:enunciate, renounce, pronouncement, invoke, provocative, revoke, ineffable, infantile, affable, edict, indict, dictum
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Vocabulary Test: 60 hellionsWords:abjure, alacrity, bourgeois, broach, cavalier, cerulean, chagrin, chivcanery, coalesce, compendious, compunctious, consternation, coruscate, covet, cynosure, degenerate, delineate, demise, demure, disabuse, disparate, dissembled, droll, eclectic, errant, extant, extrapolate, forlorn, gormandize, guile, heinous, importunate, indemnify, ineluctable, laconic, louche, mendacious, mercurial, obsequious, obstreperous, paradoxical, pejorative, phlegmatic, pique, plebian, plenary, precipitous, preclude, profligate, propitiate, propitious, sanguineous, senescense, sententious, succor, uncanny, venue, vitiate, wont, zaftig
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Vocabulary Test: SpecWords:Circumspect, Inspect, Perspective, Introspection, Respect, Retrospective, Spectacle, Spectacles, Spectator, Speculate
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Vocabulary Test: Me and Uncle RomieWords:barbecue, collage, flicked, glorious, skyscrapers, strutting, swarms, barbecue, collage, flicked, glorious, skyscrapers, strutting, swarms, barbecue, collage, flicked, glorious, skyscrapers, strutting, swarms, barbecue, collage, flicked, glorious
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Vocabulary Test: fitzgeraldWords:shatter, sends me over the edge, sonic, banned, prompted, jolt, nagging, a posse, retaliatory, vigilantes, goes off, 911, mutilated, tow away, vibrations
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Vocabulary Test: 6th Grade Homonyms 1Words:when, win, accept, except, a lot, allot, writing, written, right, write, which, witch
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