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Vocabulary Test: All The Light We Cannot See Week 6
Trachea , Lymph nodes, Primarily , Perimeter , Valor , Technique , Apparent , Preserve , Innumerable , Eccentric , Rapture , Bulwark, Scathing , Mandate, Occupant , Deviate , Epic, Cultivate , Converge , Resplendent

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Vocabulary Test: MH400 3&4
stable, reservoir, shrink, extinction, elementally, emission, dispose of, deplete, contamination, physical, constraint, survive, process, inherent, migration, evolve, feature, generation, adapt, diverse

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Vocabulary Test: Week 4
Narrative, Plot, Point-of-View, Protagonist, Resolution, Effort

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Vocabulary Test: french perfect grammar 4/18
aur- (avoir) , ser- (être), aur- (avoir) , aur- (avoir) , aur- (avoir) , aur- (avoir) , aur- (avoir) , aur- (avoir) , ser- (être), ser- (être), de/des or par, de/des or par, de/des or par, de/des or par, de/des or par, non-reflexive verb?

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Vocabulary Test: R&J vocab1
Against, Alack, And, Anon, Aye, But, E'en, E'er, Haply, Happy, Hence, Hie, Hither, Marry , Whence, Wilt, Withal, Would

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Vocabulary Test: 4/19
blend into, predator, mood, communicate, warn, rival, attract, absorb
Test Also Includes: sentences

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Vocabulary Test: Spanish quiz -food
Breakfast, Pancakes, Waffles, French Toast, Toast, Avocado, Oatmeal, Scrambled Eggs, Sunny side / fried eggs, Hard Boiled Eggs , Potatoes , Cereal, Bacon , Ham, Sausage, Beans, Coffee, Tea, Milk, Fruit, Orange Juice, Apple Juice, Smoothie, Honey, Sugar, Dinner, Beef , Steak, Pork, Chicken, Seafood, Shrimp, Fish, Lobster, Crab, Deep fried, Pan Fried, Baked , Grilled , Roasted, Mashed Potatoes, Green beans, Corn , Carrot, Broccoli , Dessert, Cake, Cupcakes, Ice cream , Pie

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Vocabulary Test: Sadlier-Unit 7, Grade 6
Authorize, Culprit, Dawdle, Dissect, Expend, Fatality, Gullible, Illicit, Immerse, Inflammatory, Memorandum, Pathetic, Persevere, Prevaricate, Quash, Relish, Reminisce, Scour, Testimonial, Writhe
Test Also Includes: parts of speech

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Vocabulary Test: HH C1 FF
spelling , choose, look, greeting , statement, so

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Vocabulary Test: Quiz 1-6
anomalous , aspersion, brusque, cajole, castigate , contrive, demagogue , disabuse , Ennui, fetter, Heinous , Immutable, Megalomania , Sinecure, Surreptitious, Vicarious, nominal , Hackneyed, Assuage, Approbation
Test Also Includes: synonyms, parts of speech, sentences

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Lesson 15
abstract, ally, attentive, appoint, bonus, carefree, courtesy, manufacturer, mistrust, noticable, overthrow, peculiar, phanein, phantom, cellophane, fantasy

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Vocabulary Test: Bridge to Terabithia Chapters 5-9 Vocabulary PracticeB
moping, wail, sodden, squabbling, garbled, vanquished, inclined, shrill, hesitated, blabbed, conspiring, stricken

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab 5 ALL
Citizenship, Continued, Daring, Horrified, Participate, Proposed, Unfairness, Waver, Admit, Barter, Considered, Creation, Humble, Magnificent, Payment, Reluctantly, Energy, Natural, Pollution, Produce, Renewable, Replace, Sources, Traditional

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Vocabulary Test: eyes open 2-3 Copy
-Realise-, -Painting -, -Complicated-, -Close to-, -Explorer -, -Land on-, -Unusual- , -Statue-, -Arrive-, -Journey -, -Successful- , -Fighting -, -Each other - , -Instead of -, -Islanders -, -Move-, -Strange-, -Catch, -Chase-, -Climb-, -Hide-, -Seek-, -Fall over-, -Jump-, -Hop-, -Run away -, -Throw -, -Thief-, -Newspaper article-, -Treasure-, -Pupil -, -Surprised-, -Look for-, -Look after-, -Point at-, -Laugh -, -Phone-, -Rubbish-, -Treasure -, -Shout -, -Immediately- , -Expensive-, -Objects-, -Watch-, -Clock-, -Passenger-, -Rescue-, -Area -, -Confirm- , -Control tower -, -Crash - , -Report -, -Coast guard- , -Emergency-, -Coast-, -Homeless -, -Hit -, -Definitely -, -False alarm-, -Tugboat -, -Mark-, -Tower-, -Step-, -Structure -, -Cans -, -Information-, -Witness- , -Reward-, -Receive -, -Earth-

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Vocabulary Test: eyes open 2-3
Clock, Watch, Objects, Expensive, Immediately , Shout , Treasure , Rubbish, Phone, Laugh , Point at, Look after, Look for , Surprised, Pupil , Treasure, Newspaper article, Thief, Throw , Run away , Hop, Jump, Fall over, Seek, Hide, Climb, Chase, Catch, Strange, Move, Islanders , Instead of , Each other , Fighting , Successful , Journey , Arrive, Statue, Unusual , Land on, Explorer , Close to, Complicated, Painting , Realise, Passenger, Rescue, Area , Confirm , Control tower , Crash , Report , Coast guard , Emergency, Coast, Homeless , Hit , Definitely , False alarm , Tugboat , Mark, Tower, Step, Structure , Cans , Information, Witness , Reward, Receive , Earth:

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Vocabulary Test: Academic Vocab quiz-April 19, 2024 Copy
Presume, Consensus, Logos, Integrity, Protocol, Anecdote, Adamant, Engage, Elaborate, Publish, Foreshadowing, Advocate, Analyze, Explicit, Credibility, Theme, Schema, Comprehend, Causus, Prohibit, Climax, Perspective, Vague, Precede, Connotation, Justify, Collaborate, Rebut, Amateur, Exposition

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Vocabulary Test: Academic Vocab quiz-April 19, 2024
Schema, Theme, Credibility, Explicit, Analyze, Advocate, Foreshadowing, Publish, Elaborate, Engage, Adamant, Anecdote, Protocol, Integrity, Logos, Consensus, Presume, Comprehend, Causus, Prohibit, Climax, Perspective

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Vocabulary Test: Daniel Vocabulary Review
Exile, Besiege, Defile, Submit, Decree, Vision, Cubit, Herald, Idolatry, Humility, Majesty , Cattle/Oxen, Feast/Banquet, Maturity , Empire, Persecute, Rejoice, Signet, Fast/Fasting, Ancient, Devotion

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Vocabulary Test: 30
Pograms , Superfluous, Ration, Piqued, Ingenious, Quarrel, Vile, Rebuke , Lorry, Valiant, Loathe, Preposterous, ARoma, Feat

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Vocabulary Test: the alchemist vocab
eminent, infidel , intuitive, sentinel , prostrate , manifestation, alchemist, incessant, prognostication, capricious
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