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Vocabulary Test: Unit 8 wk 2
interlocking, magnitude, pressure, collide, boundaries, bands, gapes, trembling, suspected, hurled, engineers , scrambles, resist, debris, vault, frequently

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Vocabulary Test: May 2024
quagmire, primitive, plume, naive, meager, labor, idle, gallant, fare, eloquent, doldrums, deposit, corridor, contemplate, bias, banish, reality, recruitment, scroll, solitude
Test Also Includes: synonyms, sentences

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Unit 10
whimsical, accord, vitality, barter, vex, curt, veritable, devise, upbraid, dexterous, trepidation, engross, transition, entail, scoff, ferret, rue, habituate, personable, impending

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Vocabulary Test: Middle School Schule
Sie hat, sie braucht, ein Heft, es gibt, froh, der Lehrer, die Schüler, sagen, schreiben , Wie heißt du?, Ich komme aus, sie heißt, wohnen, möchten, finden, fragen, die Eltern, denken, aber , nicht, kein(e)

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Vocabulary Test: KAI
shrugged, offered, growled, tucked, stubborn, grumpy, arrive, joking

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Vocabulary Test: Unit 10
adept, chide, erroneous, exploit, impair , languid, render, despicable , skeptical , slipshod

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Vocabulary Test: Middle School Freizeit
er spielt, er will Fußball spielen, Das Wetter ist schlecht, Das ist langweilig, you should, heute, Gastfamilie, wieder, Die Sonne scheint, Ich wusste nicht, dass, Weißt du...?, Er ruft an, Was machst du?, antworten, Es ist sonnig und warm, er isst , essen, du bist, Tennisplatz, Tennis macht Spaß, immer

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Test list 34
admonish, collide, edible, illustrate, legible, omnipresent, possession, proverb, unique, vicinity

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary list 33
epistle, league, marathon, mascot, officiate, participate, possession, qualify, rival, scrimmage

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary week 32
anthem, capital, capitol, century, edible, poise, prominent, proverb, testimony, unique

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Vocabulary Test: Terms in SLA
Parameters , Heritage speakers, Age effects, Action Research , Target language , Focus on Form (FONF), Features , Specificity , Genericity, Feature strength , Inflectional morphology , Teachability Hypothesis , Free morpheme , Implicit knowledge , Default forms, Finite verb , Negative evidence , Subjunctive mood, Acculturation Model, Connectionism, contrastive analysis, Corrective feedback, Cross-linguistic influence

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Vocabulary Test: Wordwise 4000 - Lesson 1
benefit, complete, develop, dismay, patriot, project, recommend, remark, represent, sufficient

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Vocabulary Test: L&G X Unit 17 Voc Test
PUT, impute, dispute, disreputable, NOTA, connotation, denotation, annotate, RATIO, irrational, rationale, rationalize, SCI, conscientious, unconscionable, prescient

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Vocabulary Test: Evolution and Classification Vocabulary
Evolution, Adaptation, Natural Selection, Speciation, Abiogenesis, Biogenesis, Endosymbiotic Theory, Stabilizing Selection, Directional Selection, Disruptive Selection, Geographic Isolation, Reproductive Isolation, Punctuated Equilibrium, Gradualism, Streptococcus, Co-Evolution, Divergent Evolution, Convergent Evolution, Virus, Active Immunity, Passive Immunity, Vaccine, Homologous Structures, Vestigal Structures, Biochemical Evidence, Binomial Nomenclature, Classification, Dichotomous Key, Cladogram, Phylogeny Tree

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Vocabulary Test: 4th grade week 32
ascension, indicate, representation, latitude, perilous, disclose, repose

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Vocabulary Test: The Crucible Act 1
abomination, conjure, deference, innate, manifest, prodigious, vindictive, quail, contentious , subsist

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Vocabulary Test: Final Vocabulary BTJ
旅客, 安全, 安全带, 终于, 做生意, 名片, 行李, 护照, 签证, 申报单, 入关, 健康卡, 要不然, 打的, 发展, 现代化, 违禁品, 酒店, 宾馆, 档次, 押金, 证件, 门卡, 贵重物品, 服务台, 密码, 信用卡, 开户, 营业员, 活期账户, 利息, 自动, 申请, 电汇, 办理, 汇率, 兑换, 存款, 外汇, 商务, 当地, 预备, 进出口, 贸易, 总裁, 董事, 议程, 财务, 合作, 翻译, 记录, 参考, 接风, 特地, 贵宾, 其实, 筷子, 餐具, 招待, 习惯

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary 7-9
Friend, Brave, Relaxed, Gracious, Scream, Freezing

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Vocabulary Test: PPW8D3
Glib, Homogeneous, Malleable, Legerdemain, Trend, Stagnant, Fatal, Passé, Procrastinate, Facet, Foist, Stigmatize, Capitulate, Audacity, Tantalize, Retort, Reticent, Tacit, Chicanery, Docile

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Vocabulary Test: Ecosystems/Food Chains/Food Webs
consumer, decomposer, ecosystem, producer, carnivore, food chain, herbivore, omnivore, predator, prey
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