The word IMMENSE
BEST COMPLETES which sentence below?
Mens means measurable; IM means not
  1. The fish I caught was so _____ that I couldn't carry it back home, so you'll just have to believe me when I say that it was huge.
  2. We poked a wasps nest with a stick, which was a big mistake, because the wasps got mad and started chasing us and we had to _____.
  3. I have heard of a(n) _____ cowboy but I don't understand how someone could be a cowboy in the city because you can't ride horses only cabs.
  4. She thought the party was going to be a _____ because at 7:00 nobody showed up but then people started to arrive and the party was a success.
  5. The bully was _____ to violence so we hated him until we found out that his father beat him and put him in the hospital.
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