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Vocabulary Test: World History
Knossos, Shrines, Frescoes, Trojan War, Straits, Homer, Polis, Acropolis, Citizens, Monarchy, Aristocracy, Oligarchy, Phalanx, Sparta, Athens, Democracy, Tyrants, Legislature, Alliance, Pericles, Direct Democracy, Stipend, Jury, Ostracism, Philosopher, Logic, Rhetoric, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Parthenon, Tragedies, Comedies, Herodotus, Alexander the Great, Philip II, Assassination, Assimilated, Alexandria, Pythagoras, Heliocentric, Archimedes, Hippocrates

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab #1
Sophomore, Tenacity, Haughty, Frivolous, Clamor, Ominous, Chastise, Agile

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Vocabulary Test: g2
core, mantle, magma, crust, continent, plate techtonics, earthquake, fault, weathering, erosion, continental shelf, trench, groundwater, aquifer, water cycle, evaporation, condensation, precipitation, collection

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Vocabulary Test: Level D Unit 1
admonish, breach, brigand, circumspect, commandeer, cumbersome, deadlock, debris, diffuse, dilemma, efface, muddle, opinionated, perennial, predispose, relinquish, salvage, spasmodic, spurious, unbridled

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Vocabulary Test: Zlateh the Goat
exuded, trace, penetrate, bound, conclusion, rapidly

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Vocabulary Test: A Wrinkle in Time
Avid, Dilapidated, Dubiously, Inadvertently, Serenity, Subdued, Tesseract, Axis, Elliptic, Ineffable, Virtue, Aberration, Precipitously, Resilience, Annihilate, Emanate, Grimace, Implored, Loftily, Omnipotent, Translucent, Acute, Appallingly, Permeating, Prodigious

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Vocabulary Test: Geography Matching
continent, latitude, grid map, ocean, southern hemisphere, globe, northern hemisphere, longitude, landform map, locator, volcano, equator, valley, plateau, political map, western hemisphere, desert, prime meridian, scale, eastern hemisphere

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Vocabulary Test: Widemon Unit 3
adversary, alienate, artifice, coerce, craven, culinary, delete, demise, exhilerate, fallow, harass, inclement, muse, negligible, perpetuate, precedent, punitive, redress, sojourn, urbane

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Vocabulary Test: Literary Terms
Allusion, Flashback, Irony, Narrator, Personification, Setting, Symbol, Climax, Genre, Metaphor, Refrain, Sonnet, Theme, Foreshadowing, Imagery, Mood, Parody, Satire, Subplot, Tone, Onomatopoeia

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Vocabulary Test: Beowulf Vocabulary Quiz
Epic Hero, Epic, Resolute, Vehemently, Infallible, Furled, Lavish, Assail, Extolled

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Vocabulary Test: intuition
approbation, simulate, meritorious, assuage, epitome, lurid, coalition, intercede, decadence, elicit, innuendo, hiatus, petulant, meritorious, jaded

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Vocabulary Test: Harry Potter Quiz (Easy)
Harry, potter, ron, hermione, wizard, hogwarts

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Vocabulary Test: Gujarati Words- Colors
red, yellow, orange, green, blue, purple, pink, brown, black, white

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Vocabulary Test: Vaocabulary Test
rashly, accident, rare, exists, peak, regretted, tourists, base, dusk, nervous, mass, blaze, tales, edge, scientist, basement, worry, excitedly, flooding, extreme, midnight, horizon, carried

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Vocabulary Test: HBSEIII
Dopamine, Serotonin, . Pathway, Neurotransmitters, Basal Ganglia, Neurons, Hypothalamus, Hippocampus, Amygdala, Limbic System, Frontal Cortex, Disorientation, Thought Insertion, Thought Broadcasting, Persecutory, of Reference, of being controlled, Grandiose, Eromanic, Delusion, Visual, Tactile, Olfactory, Gustatory, Auditory, Hallucination, Compulsions, Obsessions, Magical Thinking, Incoherence, Illusions, Irritable, Expansive, Euthymic, Elevated, Dysphoric, Mood, Restricted, Labile, Flat, Blunted, Affect, Mutism, Flight of Ideas, Perseveration, Circumstantiality, Blocking, Pressured Speech, Tic, Agitation, Axis V, Axis IV, Axis III, Axis II, Axis I, Syndrome, In Full Remission, In Partial Remission, Mild, Moderate, Severe, ICD, NOS, Provisional, Principal Diagnosis, Mental Disorder (as defined by DSM

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Vocabulary Test: Chapter 4b
aerobic, anaerobic, glycolysis, cellular fermentation, alcoholic fermentation, lactic acid fermentation, metabolism, codon, messenger RNA, transfer RNA, anticodon, exon, intron, anabolism

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Vocabulary Test: sat4
spawn, beauteous, sardonic, extroverted, proliferation, remedy, gregarious, ostentatious, eccentric, pernicious, vapid, flippant, scintillating, maxim, contrivance, inane, abetment, pendantry, sycophantic, amend, adulation, extirpation, commiseration, enervate, espousal

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Vocabulary Test: sat5
lampoon, obfuscate, vituperate, staunch, laud, fidelity, eloquence, deride, versatile, edify, evocative, cathartic, eclectic, deliberate, erroneous, invasive, munificence, caustic, protracted, austerity, consternation, fiscal, insinuate, sacrosanct, psedonym

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Vocabulary Test: ashton
Government, democracy, constitution, republic, representitive, philosophy, legislature, revolution

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Vocabulary Test: Phineas Gage Vocab Test II
puss, cells, tissue, swelling, dressing, granite, tamping iron, blasting, accident, eyewitness, frontal lobe, dendrites
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